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Chapter 3 – Weather & Climate

World Climate Regions. Chapter 3 – Weather & Climate. 1. Tropical Humid 2. Tropical Wet & Dry 3. Arid (Desert) 4. Semiarid 5. Mediterranean 6. Marine West Coast. 7. Humid Subtropical 8. Humid Continental 9. Subarctic 10. Tundra 11. Ice Cap 12. Highland (Alpine).

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Chapter 3 – Weather & Climate

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  1. World Climate Regions Chapter 3 – Weather & Climate

  2. 1. Tropical Humid 2. Tropical Wet & Dry 3. Arid (Desert) 4. Semiarid 5. Mediterranean 6. Marine West Coast 7. Humid Subtropical 8. Humid Continental 9. Subarctic 10. Tundra 11. Ice Cap 12. Highland (Alpine) World Climate Regions

  3. Tropical Humid • Little variation in temperature over the year. • It is always hot with a daily average temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit. • Rains on a daily basis and yearly average rainfall is usually more than 80 inches. • Found in Central and South America, as well as Africa ,South Asia (India), Southeast Asia and Indonesia . • Associated with Rainforests and Jungles. • Found along the Equator or areas close to the Equator. • http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/rainforest.htm

  4. Tropical Wet & Dry • This sub region has a rainy season in the summer and a dry season in winter. • Temperatures are cooler in the dry season. • Yearly rainfall is less than a Tropical Humid Climate. • Tropical Wet & Dry climates are found next to tropical humid climates in Africa, South & Central America, and parts of Asia. • The Savannah of Africa is a prime example. http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/savanna.htm

  5. ARID(DESERT) • Deserts are categorized by the amount annual rainfall received. • Deserts receive less than 10 inches of rainfall per year. • Hot deserts (Sahara) have low humidity and high temperatures during the day. At night the temperature falls because the dry air cannot hold heat well. http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/desert.htm

  6. Semiarid • This sub-region does not receive much precipitation at all – Usually about 16 inches per year. • Summers are hot and winters are mild to cold. • This climate is located in the interior of continents, or in a zone around deserts. • Much of the American west falls into this climate type.

  7. Mediterranean • Primarily found surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. • Summers are dry and hot while winters are cool and rainy. • Supports a dense human population and rich agricultural activity. • Many of the first great human civilizations thrived in this climate. http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/med_chaparral.htm

  8. Marine West Coast • Located close to the oceans and is frequently cloudy, foggy, and damp. • Warm ocean waters off the coast moderates and keeps temperatures relatively constant throughout the year. • Precipitation is evenly distributed throughout the year. • Rains a lot throughout the year. • Seattle, WA (Pacific Northwest) • London, England

  9. Humid Subtropical • Long periods of heat and humidity characterize this climate region. • These areas are found on the east coast of continents and are often subject to hurricanes in late summer and autumn. • Winters are mild to cool, depending on latitude. • Very suitable for raising crops, (rice). • Philadelphia, PA & South Jersey

  10. HumidContinental • This climate region experiences a variety in temperature and precipitation. • Mostly found in mid-latitude (40’s to 50 degrees) interiors of northern hemisphere continents. • These regions also experience four distinct seasons. • NEPA is located in this climate region. • Deciduous Forests thrive in this climate. http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/deciduous_forest.htm

  11. SUBARCTIC • Evergreen forests called “TAIGA” cover the lands in this climate region. • Huge temperature variations occur between summer and winter. • Summers are short and cool while the winters are long & extremely cold. • Temperatures at freezing or below last five to eight months of the year. • Boreal Forest http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/taiga.htm

  12. TUNDRA • Tundra is the flat, treeless lands forming a ring around the Arctic Ocean. • Almost exclusively located in the northern hemisphere • Very little rainfall – less than 15 inches/year. • Permanently frozen subsoil called “Permafrost” • Summer only lasts a few weeks with temperatures around 40 degrees Fahrenheit. http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/tundra.htm

  13. Ice Cap • Snow, ice, and permanently freezing temperatures characterize this region. • So cold it rarely snows. • This region is sometimes referred to as a Polar Desert because it receives less than 10 inches of precipitation per year. • Coldest temperature = -128.6o F (Vostok, Antarctica) • Found only on the continent of Antarctica

  14. HIGHLANDS(Alpine) Highland climates vary depending upon four factors: 1. Latitude 2. Elevation (Altitude) 3. Topography 4. Continental Location http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/alpine.htm

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