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Digital citizenship and piracy and cyberbullying

Digital citizenship and piracy and cyberbullying. By jennamae levy. What is cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is when some one online is bullying some one else. And here is some information about it.

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Digital citizenship and piracy and cyberbullying

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Digital citizenship and piracy and cyberbullying By jennamae levy

  2. What is cyberbullying • Cyberbullying is when some one online is bullying some one else. And here is some information about it. • People send text messages or messages they get on there phones and computers. And the ones who say the mean things don’t see how the others feel and that is why they keep doing it.

  3. How to help If your online and you see it happening how do you help? • You can help by telling the people who are being mean to stop bullying or report the bully. And how to help with cyberbullying? Tell some one and ask for help.

  4. What is piracy • Piracy is when some one steals some thing offline and then copy's it. Some of the things they steal are: Music, TV shows, movies and Images. And they take all this stuff with out permission.

  5. How to help • S.O.P.A. means stop online piracy act try's to stop online piracy from happening and here is some sites that use piracy: the pirate bay, torrent hub. • And some whys to help are: not to go on these sites and don’t download things that are on those websites.

  6. Thank you • Google Images, • http://money.cnn.com/2012/01/17/technology/sopa_explained/ • http://www.stopbullying.gov/cyberbullying/what-is-it/

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