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Motive. Repeated rhythmic and/or melodic pattern, a short idea. Rhythmic Motive. Repeated rhythmic pattern, Pitch is not preserved. Sequence. Restatement of motive in same voice or part, at different pitch. 1. 2. 3. Minor 3 rd. Minor 3 rd. Rules.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Motive Repeated rhythmic and/or melodic pattern, a short idea

  2. Rhythmic Motive Repeated rhythmic pattern, Pitch is not preserved

  3. Sequence Restatement of motive in same voice or part, at different pitch. 1 2 3 Minor 3rd Minor 3rd Rules 1. At least 2 segments (usually 3 or 4) 2. Only one direction – continues up or continues down. 3. Segments begin at same interval distance.

  4. Real Sequence Repeated rhythmic pattern, Pitch is not preserved P1 m2 M3 P1 m2 M3 Tonal Sequence Transposition not exact, Uses diatonic tones from key m2 M2 M2 m2

  5. Modified Sequence Sequence segment is decorated or embellished. False Sequence Repeats part of original, then uses a sequence

  6. Phrase Musical thought ending in a cadence Phrase Member Phrase Phrase Member Phrase

  7. Phrase Members

  8. Period Two adjacent phrases. Rules 1. Second phrase ends with strong cadence 2. First phrase ends with a weaker cadence 3. Two phrases form a question-answer (antecedent-consequence) relationship

  9. Parallel Period Two phrases begin similarly. Contrasting Period Not the same melodic content.

  10. Three Phrase Period Third phrase must end with a stronger cadence than the other 2. Four Phrase Period (Double period) Fourth phrase must end with a stronger cadence than the other 3.

  11. Repeated Phrases Not period because not dependent.

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