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MS. TAYLOR’SPARENT INFORMATION NIGHTAugust 25, 2009 *Please feel free to sign-up for volunteering. Clip boards are located on the front table. Then take a moment to explore the things on your child’s desk and feel free to write her or him a little letter of encouragement! They will love to find it tomorrow!
OUR CLASS LIST • Anna Jesus • Cathy Vanessa • Joseph Saige • Hannah Thomas • Jacob Carly • Spencer Kylie • Iliyah Alex • Gaby Quinton • Ella
OUR RULES We have agreed upon the following rules in order to maintain peace in our classroom: • We will be respectful and kind to one another in all we say and do. • We will be responsible for ourselves and our belongings. • We will work hard in all we do and give our personal best. • We will be considerate of others and be helpful to those in need!
OUR DISCIPLINE PLAN • Students will “sign-up” for unacceptable behavior and missing homework. • A reward will be given to those students who sign up four times or less throughout a school week.
Consequences • First Rule Broken – Name taken…A warning • Second rule Broken - Loss of 5 minutes of recess • Third Rule Broken – Loss of entire Encore • Fourth Rule Broken – Phone call to parent • Fifth Rule Broken – Principal Conference
Consequences Cont… I will also communicate home to you when three or more sign-ups occur throughout the course of the day.
Great Escape • Great Escape is a reward program all fourth grade classes participate in. • If students have four or less sign-ups, they are able to participate in “Great Escape”. • “Great Escape” is a fun educational activity planned by one of the 4th grade teachers each Friday.
OUR SCHEDULE • “A” Days: Computer/International Language (I.L.) • “B” Days: Art-Make sure you have sent in an art shirt! • “C” Days: PE/Music-Students need to wear tennis shoes! • “D” Days: I.L. Library-Students need to be sure to bring library books to school! • “E” Days: PE/Music-Again, tennis shoes a MUST!
Expectations • Students will write in their planner Monday through Friday. • Parents should check and sign planners each night. • The planners help keep track of assignments, tests and special events. • Planners are also a great way for us to communicate. • Take-Home folders are sent home everyday so please check them daily for graded schoolwork, notices, or important reminders. • A newsletter will be available most Mondays with information about the upcoming week. • Homework also goes home in the homework folder. The folder will go home on Mondays and the folder MUST be turned in by Friday with the week’s assignments completed. • Students should have around 40 minutes of homework a night. This includes work not completed at school and independent reading.
WHAT WILL MY CHILD BE LEARNING THIS YEAR? • Writing • Writer’s Workshop • Six Traits of Writing • Report writing for various subjects • District Writing Assessment
Math • Basic Multiplication Facts (it is essential these are practiced at home) I will be giving timed multiplication tests to keep track of students who have mastered their facts. Periodically a “mastered fact” sheet will come home in their take-home folder. Check there often to keep track of their progress! • Long Division, Geometry, Statistics, Problem Solving, Fractions and Algebra • Instructional Focus • State Math Assessment
Science • Scientific Method • Rocks and Minerals • Living Environments • Human Body • Electricity and Magnets • State Science Assessment
Social Studies • Map Skills • Daily Oral Geography • Regions of the United States • State reports • States and Capitals
Reading • Class Library • Silent reading • Chapter Books • Harcourt Textbook • Read Aloud • Guided Reading • Instructional Focus • State Reading Assessment
Spelling • 25 words per week (big difference from last year) • Challenge spelling list • Pretest Monday • Posttest Friday • Students are accountable for spelling in their daily work.
REMINDERS Attendance/Tardies School begins at 8:20. If they arrive earlier than 8:15 they are sent to the gym where teacher supervision is provided. If they arrive after 8:20 they are considered tardy and must check in at the office. If your child is to miss school for any reason please call the school and let the office know. If we do not receive a call from you confirming your child’s absence, then the nurse will contact your home. In the event that your child will be gone for several days, let me know so that I can plan assignments that can be completed at your convenience.
REMINDERS Snacks Children are welcome to bring snacks as long as they are healthy Money In the event that your child must bring money, make sure that it is in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, teacher’s name and reason for sending the money Recess Unless weather prevents us, we will be going outside for recess daily. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather.
WHAT ABOUT BIRTHDAYS? Birthdays are special and we will honor them. Please advise me if your child will be bringing treats at least one day prior. Parties and treats will take place at the end of the day. Please do not distribute party invitations in class unless all students are invited!
WHAT ABOUT SPECIAL Activities? We are lucky to have room mothers who assist in the planning of parties and special activities. This year our room mother is:
CAN I COME VOLUNTEER? I absolutely LOVE the idea of parent volunteers!!! I think that when we all share our talents, everyone benefits!! In the room you will find information about volunteering. Please fill the information out and leave with me tonight!
HOW CAN WE CONTACT YOU? Simple! 780-7710 (School) ataylorwg@olatheschools.com Website address: teachers.olatheschools.com/ataylorwg/