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Performance Appreciation – Key Concept 5. Planning and managing personal performance improvement . Key Feature 1:. The importance of planning for improvement of the ‘whole performance’ by setting short, medium and long term goals, for example : Planning blocks of time
Performance Appreciation – Key Concept 5 Planning and managing personal performance improvement
Key Feature 1: • The importance of planning for improvement of the ‘whole performance’ by setting short, medium and long term goals, for example: • Planning blocks of time • Consideration for training • Preparation for competition
Goal Setting… SMART GOALS • SMART Goals • Specific (pin point an exact feature) • Measurable (can be assessed) • Attainable (possible in the given time) • Realistic (realistic to your ability) • Time Bound (set a date!)
Short, Medium, Long term Goals… • Use these to FOCUS YOUR TRAINING PROGRAMME • Badminton Examples: • Short term goals? (day/week) • Getting side on to use chase step to the back of the court. • Focus on getting short serve low over the net • Medium term goals? (1-2 months) • Improve my stamina through continuous training • Increase distance of my overhead clear through identifying weaknesses of my shot through P.A.R • Long term goals? (a year/ season) • To beat all the other players in the class at least once through the year • To develop strength in arms through gym work in the gym to put more power on my shots
Long term goals… • Long term goal setting is important to provide a focus point and a purpose for performance improvement. In setting this goal it is best to consider a Performance goal rather than an Outcome goal. • For example, in my badminton match my goal is to achieve 90% accuracy with my clears and drop shots. This is possible for me to achieve. • If my long term goal was to win the badminton match (outcome goal) then I might not achieve this if my opponent was significantly better than me. I might play a very effective match but leave disappointed because I did not achieve my goal.
Short term goals… • To achieve the long term goal, short term goals are necessary. They provide stepping stones which are manageable on a day to day basis and provide motivation and confidence during the performance improvement programme. Having these short term targets to work towards in each session develops a challenge and self discipline into the training. For example, in my first session my short term target was to achieve 80% accuracy on drop shots and clears in a repetition drill.
10 minute task: • In pairs write down a SMART: • A) short term goal (achieve in a training session/ week) • B) long term goal (achieve in a year/season) • Swap your answers with another pair. • Give them a mark out of 5 for each… is it: • Specific? • Measureable? • Achievable? • Realistic? • Time based?
Types of Goals • Outcome goals • A goal that depends on the result or outcome of a match/competition. • For example, a runner could be set the goal of finishing in the top 10 of a marathon race. • Such goals are only partly under the control of any one individual and are partly dependent on others, including team mates, opponents, and officials. • Performance Goals • A goal that is concerned with a level of performance rather than focused on the outcome or result. • These goals are focused on the development of qualities. • These goals are largely within the control of the individual and are rarely influenced by others.
Outcome Goals • long term outcome goals can often be dreams about achieving the pinnacle in their sport, such as winning Olympic Gold. These goals can be a great source of inspiration. • Medium/short term outcome goals include winning a tournament, achieving a ranking, being selected etc. • Outcome goals are largely uncontrollable, depending not only on yourself, but also on the performance of others – dangerous for morale/ confidence.
Performance Goals • Performance goals are concerned with reaching a certain standard of performance • Examples could be clearing the shuttle more accurately in practise to set zones (tramlines) and increasing your jump height by 10cm for a smash • Performance Goals are largely within your control therefore less risk to morale
10 minute task: • In groups of 4 come up with a short term performance goalfor a badminton player at the… • Preparation stage of learning (beginner) • Practise stage of learning (novice) • Automatic stage of learning (experienced/talented) • This goal should still be a SMART GOAL!!
Preparing for Competition… • Before a competition you may set yourself particular goals to achieve • should be SMART Goals • should focus more on PERFORMANCE goals rather than OUTCOME goals. • Should relate to goals you have already identified in your development e.g. get 80% of your short serves to land within 1 foot of service line.
Key Feature 2: • The importance of planning for improvement of the ‘whole performance’ through an integrated training approach which reflects work covered in all analysis areas. For example a combination of some of the following: • physical aspects (preparation of the body) • technical aspects (skills and techniques) • personal aspects (motivation, personal goals) • special aspects (achieving peak performance) • mental aspects (rehearsal, imagery/visualisation) • strategic/compositional planning (structures, strategies and composition).
Integrated Training Approach • An integrated training approach is required to develop your whole performance • Focus is to develop more than one quality at the same time through the same training programme • How could you do this in badminton?
Integrated Development Approach • "In badminton I performed exercises that developed my agility and overhead clear at the same time. This involved drills where I practiced the technique of the overhead clear using repetition drills where I had to move to take feeds from alternate sides of the court. I then conducted a practice where I had to move to the back of the court to play the shot and then return to the T displaying quick and fluent footwork and transitions and also practise my overhead clear”
Integrated Development Plan • 4 week development programme that aims to develop the whole performance • Develop a combination of physical, technical, personal and special qualities • Gradually progress through stages of learning • Need to have methods of practises appropriate to each stage • Each practise should develop both (e.g. overhead clear and agility) qualities to ensure it is integrated • Still room in development plan to work on strengths to ensure whole performance is maintained.
Development Programme for Overhead Clear and Agility • Shadow Practise • no shuttle – copy partner on other side of net. • Lunge at the front or chase to the back and overhead action completed. • No pressure/not timed • Repetition Drill • Overhead clear with partner focus on keeping rally going • back to base after each shot to work on agility from middle of the court to the back • Increased Pressure Practise • Court movement to touch coloured cones around court • Partner shouts colour, back to base after each cone. • At any point partner can shout “clear” and play shuttle high to back of the court • player is ready to play an overhead clear and partner records results of where shuttle lands score /10.
Development Programme for Overhead Clear and Agility • Conditioned Game (half court)– Each point begins High Serve> Overhead Clear>overhead clear> drop shot… finish the point. • Guaranteed to use overhead clear in every point • Use of drop shot will require agility to get form the back of the court to the front quickly • Conditioned Game (full court) • Same condition as above. • Development to full court • More pressure to put overhead further to the back of the court • Agility not only front>back but also side>side.
Key Feature 3: • The importance of personal monitoring, reviewing and evaluating progress to inform development needs, for example goals should: • be specific to focus attention • be recorded for feedback • be recorded for evaluation purposes • have a date for completion
Reasons for Monitoring and Reviewing… • To make ongoing changes to skill action • To inform when to make changes / adaptations to practice • To develop motivation for continued development • To assess effectiveness of practice programme • To assess if goals have been achieved • To give information about the next steps for development.
Purpose of Monitoring and Reviewing… • To provide continual feedback on your performance • This feedback can be: • Internal e.g. how did the shot feel/ how did the shot sound? • External e.g. written/verbal/ visual
Qualitative and Quantitative nature of Feedback… • Qualitative feelings or comments about your performance provide feedback that helps you to understand the control, accuracy, precision, fluency of your performance egKnowledge of Performance • Quantitative data provides feedback information, usually in the form of statistical data, that is used to provide an objective and base measurement of performance egKnowledge of Results • It is usually quantitative data that identifies weakness but qualitative data that is used in a diagnostic (analysis) way to correct.
Evaluate Progress… • Evaluation is carried out at the beginning and end of a piece of work • Can be used as a comparison to check for progress (O.S/ Video/K.O.R/K.O.P) • Gives feedback on how well the development programme has worked • Identifies future development needs
Need to consider… • HOW you evaluate: • Methods of evaluation and why these methods are effective. • WHY you evaluate: • Justify/give reasons for why you evaluate your performance…
Example Question • Higher Question… 2011 Q1(d) • Why is it important to evaluate your overall performance following your programme of work? Describe how this evaluation was carried out. (6 marks) • Explain why – 3 marks (motivation/feedback/progression/if programme is working…) • Describe how – 3 marks (video/diary/recorded K.O.R/K.O.P/ O.S at start and end) • Int 2 Question…2011 Q2 (e) • Explain how you would evaluate your performance after you have completed your training programme. (4 marks) • Explain means to describe and then justify • Give methods to explain how you evaluated your performance • Methods you used ONCE YOU COMPLETED … • Video for comparison/track recorded K.O.R/K.O.P and check progress/ complete another O.S to compare with first.