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Smithsonian Collections & Archives Program: Digital Returns and Source Communities

Explore the vast cultural, archaeological, and historical collections of the Smithsonian, with over 370,000 cultural artifacts, 2.3 million archaeological specimens, and much more. Discover collaborative projects, indigenous knowledge, and community narratives.

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Smithsonian Collections & Archives Program: Digital Returns and Source Communities

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Smithsonian Collections & Archives Program:Digital Returns and Source Communities

  2. Anthropology Collections@370,000 cultural artifacts2.3 million archaeological specimens10,000 cubic feet of manuscripts750,000 photographs8,000 sound recordingsvarious native art and cartographic materials8M feet of film2,000 hours of video

  3. Coordinating Funding Sources, Curatorial & Programmatic Initiatives, and Community Interests

  4. Banner Collections & Archives as Contact Zones

  5. Collaboration, Dialogue, Indigenous Knowledge

  6. Curators, Collections Staff, Archivists, Conservators, Data Managers & Community Members

  7. Almost Forgot—Administrators Too!

  8. The ‘Pull’ of Possible ProjectsTensions between Should and Will

  9. Objects and Historical Relaionships

  10. Visual Materials: Responding to Community Concerns, Identifying Resources, Enabling Community Narratives

  11. Remembering Home: Deanna Kingston & the King Island Diaspora

  12. Robert Zingg Huichol Film Footage, 1934

  13. * Expedition Films (Stirling)* Amateur Travelogues (Gallup Ceremonial)* Documentary Footage (Mbuti Turnbull) * Annotated Films and Footage* Links between Photographs, Films and Objects

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