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An example of something that works in one domain GCOS requirements - Space agency response efforts GCOS provides observational requirements for main variables: ECVs and more general Guidelines and Climate Monitoring Principles.
An example of something that works in one domain • GCOS requirements - Space agency response efforts • GCOS provides observational requirements for main variables: ECVs and more general Guidelines and Climate Monitoring Principles. • Space agencies coordinate efforts to address GCOS requirements (since first IP in 2006). • Iterative process (~ 5 year cycle) which allows data-providers to respond accordingly. • More recently a Climate Monitoring Architecture was developed, linking observational requirements with specific downstream application and services • The success of combined contribution of the GCOS requirement setting process and the coordinated response from space agencies globally may provide interesting lessons that can be transferred to other GEO thematic areas…. • Is the identification of Essential Variables, following the GCOS model, the way to go for other domains?
KEY MESSAGES FOR DISCUSSION • Clarify what is meant by different categories of requirements and users (observational requirements, information product requirements, service requirements, end users...). • Gather these requirements in a more user-centric way. Identify targeted stakeholders and users, obtain their requirements, priorities and commitments to partnerships. • Update and refine observational requirements in GEOSS 10-year Implementation Plan (IP) Reference Document, consistent with CEOS nomenclature, in context of developing the new IP. The IPWG could invite experts (from SBA and global initiative) to do this. • Develop practical guidance on the use of existing climate information and indicators, for end-users (in this case, policy and decision-makers). • Encourage GEO Member and PO actions on recommendations in the Water Strategy that benefit multiple SBAs or contribute to GEO overall. The IGWCO CoP and the GEO Secretariat should help to organize discussions with Members interested in water. • Public agencies and private industry should be encouraged to share their in-situ data, not only satellite data. For this to happen, incentives must be developed. • Where do model output and information products fit into the GEOSS? At same level as observations, on a separate level, or outside GEO...?