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“Experiences and Lessons Learned from Programmes and Projects regarding Technology Transfer”. Workshop on enabling environments for technology transfer Gand, 9-10 April 2003. Andrea Marroni E-mail: marroni.andrea@minambiente.it. Ministry for the Environment and Territory - ITALY.
“Experiences and Lessons Learned from Programmes and Projects regarding Technology Transfer” Workshop on enabling environments for technology transfer Gand, 9-10 April 2003 Andrea Marroni E-mail: marroni.andrea@minambiente.it Ministry for the Environment and Territory - ITALY
Main Objectives of the Cooperation Activities • Carry on research and investments in order to promote the diffusion of renewable energy technology - G8 Task Force on Renewable Energy • Development of programs to transfer low emission technologies Andrea Marroni - Gand, 9-10 April 2003
Main Objectives of the Cooperation Activities • Experimentation and testing of new innovative technologies that afterwards will be implemented gradually at national level (win-win opportunity) • Foster and favour the competitiveness of local productions in developing Countries and in countries with EITs Andrea Marroni - Gand, 9-10 April 2003
Role & Interest of the Developed Country • Start up a virtuous circle that could generate interest from the most important stakeholders and attract financial investments • Stimulate and incentivise investments with a long – term approach (patient capital) Andrea Marroni - Gand, 9-10 April 2003
How we transfer technology – Italian approach • In all our cooperation programs we try to establish a working team co-headed by an Italian Program Manager and a Manager from the beneficiary country • The technical team designs the projects aiming at promoting joint ventures, with the scope to develop, maintain and operate in the Developing Country market the new technologies and the best techniques • The Italian Ministry for the Environment funds the first phase of the projects. After that the recipient country submits the projects to the MFIs and to the bilateral cooperation financial channels. Andrea Marroni - Gand, 9-10 April 2003
Training, Capacity Building and TT in the Projects • All the activities foresee training and capacity building, the essential tool to transfer technology, to be developed both in Italy and in developing countries • Researchers from Italy work in close collaboration with local experts. • Equality in the relationship Andrea Marroni - Gand, 9-10 April 2003
Experiences and lessons learned - 1 • A statement of fact: the private – and particularly the commercial – sector is nowadays the main source of technologies • To promote further investments in the knowledge-based economy, WTO and the World Intellectual Property Rights Organisation should help the poorest countries comply with international rules on Intellectual Property Rights. • The IPRs are instrumental in making technological knowledge accessible and in securing business partners and foreign investors Andrea Marroni - Gand, 9-10 April 2003
Experiences and lessons learned - 2 • The enabling environment (human capital, infrastructure, legal framework, macroeconomic conditions, security, good governance) of host countries is the key element that determines Foreign Direct Investment inflows and TT • To help developing countries improve the climate for private investment, the relevant international bodies should support domestic reform efforts, including the establishment of public-private partnerships and investment-related best practices, as well as codes and standards in the field of corporate governance, accounting standards, enhanced competition and transparent tax regimes. Andrea Marroni - Gand, 9-10 April 2003
Experiences and lessons learned - 3 Technology Transfer is one component of a more complex investment project. TT is not a stand alone activity. Andrea Marroni - Gand, 9-10 April 2003
Financial contributions for TT in developing countries Italy shows a preference in favour of debt related actions Co-operation instruments such as the Debt for Environment Swap have also been discussed. It provides for the debt conversion into funds in local currency, to be devoted to the environmental protection Andrea Marroni - Gand, 9-10 April 2003
Elements for discussion • Make use of the funds coming from debt conversion for the development of programmes for building capacities in maintenance work of technologies transferred for reducing GHG emissions • Encourage the governments to support “good business practices” (OECD has developed “Guidelines for Multinational enterprises”: a useful step in the right direction) Andrea Marroni - Gand, 9-10 April 2003
The chapter “Financial Resources and Technology Transfer” of the 3rd Nat Com under the UNFCCC, provides an overview of the measures adopted by Italy between 1997 and 2001 in undertaking the commitments of the Convention on Climate Change,articles 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5. Andrea Marroni – email: marroni.andrea@minambiente.it Workshop on enabling environments for technology transfer Gand, 9-10 April 2003