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Package Management of VO Records

Package Management of VO Records. Concept: Take XML from Ops Portal, Convert to RPM, Combine with YAIM Logic, Manage Updates with RPM or YUM. Recap. Recap: Ops Portal exports XML – what good it that? Not obvious how to convert to YAIM.

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Package Management of VO Records

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  1. Package Management ofVO Records Concept: Take XML from Ops Portal, Convert to RPM, Combine with YAIM Logic, Manage Updates with RPM or YUM

  2. Recap • Recap: • Ops Portal exports XML – what good it that? • Not obvious how to convert to YAIM. • Peter G. wrote “Approved Vos” wiki to contain YAIM records. • This records only need to be transcribed once. • Nonetheless, it went stale. • Answer: Automate doc update (i.e. VomsSnooper). • More problems: Recent Backup VOMS changes took weeks. • Answer: Make it easier – but how? Talk Title Goes Here

  3. Recap • Plenty of ways to do it: • Download VOID card, transcribe yourself manually  • Scrape the records you want from the Approved VOs documents, load into YAIM yourself  • Go directly from the Tarball, supplied on Approved VOs document  • Download site copy of VomsSnooper  • Chris W. suggests: Maybe with RPMs? (?) Talk Title Goes Here

  4. Recap • Amelia Earhart: “The most effective way to do it is to do it.” • But she disappeared (assumed dead). Talk Title Goes Here

  5. Investigation • Results of “doing it”: • 5 line script that can break up the Jumbo VOID cards XML from the ops portal into individual XML for any approved VO. • Put the individual XML into specific RPM for that VO, and rig it up so that the XML gets copied out when the RPM is installed. • New mini-vomssnooper (specific) in Perl called update-voconfig.pl. It uses standard Perl components that “always” get installed (I can't use Java/VomsSnooper because Java may not be installed or have poor version, different components etc.) Talk Title Goes Here

  6. Logic • Logic in update-voconfig.pl to perform config_vomsdir and config_vomses. • Put update-voconfig.pl into the RPM as well. • Use a hook (epilog, trigger, %post, whatever …) into the RPM so the final act is to call update-voconfig.pl. • But RPM calls local-update-voconfig.sh instead, should it be present. So, to customise, place local-update-voconfig.sh that contains any logic you like. Talk Title Goes Here

  7. Details Script has 280 lines of perl • Two classes: • VoidCardHandler – holds a VOID card (just the bits we need), and an interface for a SAX parser. • VomsServer – holds data of one Voms Server. A VoidCardHandler has several of these. • Pass the handler to the SAX parser, feed in the XML, load the data. Then call routines to: • sub checkVo ($); • sub configVomsdir ($) { • sub configVomses ($) { • sub printYaimRecords ($) { • Or anything else you want. Talk Title Goes Here

  8. Bad news • Caveats: Bad news first: The VOMS_SERVER variable is also used by config_mkgridmap. This is (unfortunately) a complex, unstructured monster shell script that does much fixing and poking about in an unfathomable manner. It might take a week to reverse. Talk Title Goes Here

  9. Good news • Good news: Despite the horror story that lies inside config_mkgridmap, the shell script works OK. And, when using central authentication with ARGUS, config_mkgridmap only needs to be run on the ARGUS server and DPM. This bit can be managed by hand. • When (if) DPM moves to central authentication with ARGUS, 50% of the problem vanishes automatically (nice!) • In the fullness of time, further standardisation may make it possible to either (a) replace “gridmap” and its children with a pucker database solution or (b) if “gridmap” and its children persist, then reverse config_mkgridmap into something comprehensible. Talk Title Goes Here

  10. Outcome • Upshot: Here's a draft procedure to update a “typical” site using this prototype RPM scheme: • Update the site-info.def on all servers with newest VO records. This is not necessarily needed in all usecases, but it should be kept up to date as a point of fact. BTW: A feature in update-voconfig.pl prints out the records, so you don't need to scrape the Approved VOs wiki page. • Do update: • WN: Install RPMs. • CREAM: Install RPMs. • ARGUS: Install RPMs (& run config_mkgridmap if new admin voms_servers). • DPM: Install RPMs (& run config_mkgridmap if new admin voms_servers). • Restart services as appropriate (e.g. restart tomcat, ARGUS daemons or DPM daemons). Talk Title Goes Here

  11. Discussion • Problem: is this less work? • At present, you just roll out a new site-info.def and run YAIM everywhere. • Now you can be selective, and avoid running YAIM everywhere. • But you still need to maintain site-info.def (in case you need to run config_mkgridmap). • On the other hand, you can implement your own local-update-config.sh. • If you do so, you can just install RPM and relax. • I dunno – let’s have a think. Talk Title Goes Here

  12. Other ideas Here a way to operate it: • Give it a local-update-config.sh that does nothing • Ask Puppet to do all the config. • Just install RPM; puppet does the rest. Here’s another way to operate it: • Put in a local-update-config.sh in that spits the VOMS records out into the Site-info.def/vo.d dir in YAIM format, • Run YAIM. Talk Title Goes Here

  13. Pros, Cons, Ideas, Infrastructure etc. • Various ideas have come up about control of the material. • For example, we could test the rollout first. • We could put version numbers on the RPMS. • We could sign the RPMS to make them safer. • We could add the management to the Ops Portal or keep it outside and maintain it ourselves. • This could be done in conjunction with the Approved VOs or instead of the Approved VOs document. • Because we have versioned the RPMS, we could manage the adoption with great certainty. • There would be no need to screen scrape the Approved Vos • We could alert sites when rollouts occur. • . • . Talk Title Goes Here

  14. Finally • Assuming (for a moment) that it is less work and assuming no bugs (a big assumption?), then the site is now "Ship Shape and Bristol Fashion" wrt. voms records. • I won't go much further with this until I get some feedback. But I'm going to try this process at L'pool to get things straight, and monitor it (I’ll take my own medicine before giving it to anyone else!) • This may (TBD) represent a viable way to configure a site wrt. VO records. • Cheers, Steve Feedback please? Talk Title Goes Here

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