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HiPC ‘05 Session 3: Architecture

HiPC ‘05 Session 3: Architecture. Session chair: Ashok Srinivasan, Florida State University.

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HiPC ‘05 Session 3: Architecture

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HiPC ‘05 Session 3: Architecture Session chair: Ashok Srinivasan, Florida State University • Supporting MPI-2 One Sided Communication on Multi-Rail InfiniBand Clusters: Design Challenges and Performance BenefitsAbhinav Vishnu (The Ohio State University), Gopal Santhanaraman (GRA), Wei Huang, Hyun-Wook Jin, Dhabaleswar Panda (The Ohio State University) • High Performance RDMA Based All-to-all Broadcast for InfiniBand ClustersSayantan Sur, Uday Bondhugula, Amith Mamidala, Hyun-Wook Jin, Dhabaleswar Panda (The Ohio State University) • A New Technique to Provide Full QoS Support in Clusters Using Only Two VCs at the Switches Alejandro Martínez-Vicente, Francisco Alfaro-Cortes (University of Castilla-La Mancha), José-Luis Sanchez (University Castilla La Mancha), Jose Duato (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia) • Offloading Bloom Filter operations to Network Processor for Parallel Query Processing in Cluster of Workstations. Santhosh Kumar, Matthew Thazhuthaveetil, Govindarajan Ramaswamy (Indian Institute of Science) 5. A High-Speed VLSI Array Architecture for Euclidean Metric-Based Hausdorff Distance Measures Between Images Sudha Natarajan (Indian Institute of Technology Madras)

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