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Miller 1-3 1. Name one of John Wesley’s parents. 2. What danger did the family face on 2/7/9 when John was 6? 3. To what position was Wesley elected that gave him money and status at the University? (He mentions this position in the title pages of his books.) 4. Who started the Holy Club?
Miller 1-3 • 1. Name one of John Wesley’s parents. • 2. What danger did the family face on 2/7/9 when John was 6? • 3. To what position was Wesley elected that gave him money and status at the University? (He mentions this position in the title pages of his books.) • 4. Who started the Holy Club? • 5. Wesley’s early sermon, “The Circumcision of the Heart,” laid the foundation for what two key Wesleyan doctrines?
Miller 4-6 1. What did JW learn from the Moravians during his near brush with death by shipwreck? 2. Why did JW get arrested in Georgia? 3. What group influenced JW when he returned to England? 4. What happened to JW’s heart at a meeting in Aldersgate Street about 8:45 pm May 24 1738? 5. What were the circumstances that prompted JW to begin field preaching?
Miller 7-9 1. How did the effort to pay off a debt lead to the class meeting? 2. Why did JW say he did not expect to see Whitefield in heaven? 3. What is the origin of the phrase “rope of sand”? 4. What organizational innovation took place in 1744 to solve problems in the Methodist movement? 5. How many hours a day should Methodist preachers spend reading? 6. Which of JW’s decisions made CW so angry he burst into verse?
Miller 10-11 1. Describe JW’s marriage in one word. 2. What does homo unius libri mean? 3. To whom and about what did JW write his last letter?
Outler Preface and Introduction Quiz • JW was not a theologian’s theologian, instead his achievement was to produce a ________ ____________. • According to Outler, which of these words accurately describes John Wesley? • hard-driving sensitive patient detached charming self-disciplined emotional opinionated open to counsel impervious to pressure • 3. From his early reading of patristics what did Wesley learn was the goal of the Christian life? • 4. At Aldersgate four ideas came together for Wesley. What came from the East? What came from classical Protestantism? What came from the Moravians? • What effect did Wesley's successes at Bristol have on his spiritual equilibrium? • Which of these did Wesley separate and which did he keep together? Faith Ethics Theology • What happened to Wesley in 1727 or 8 during his time at Oxford?
Outler 1:1 • 1. Where is Wesley when he writes this section of his Journal? • 2. Whom does he think are the most dangerous enemies of Christianity? Why? • What evidence does he see that he is a Christian? • What evidence does he see that he is not? • 5. To what conclusion does he come?
Outler 1:2 1. Wesley defined faith as hope, but then Peter Bohler convinced him that real faith involves what? 2. Through what two means did Bohler convince Wesley that conversion could be instantaneous? 3. According to Bohler if you have dominion over sin and a constant peace resulting from a sense of being forgiven, you then have what? 4. Fill in the blanks: “In the evening, I went very unwillingly to a society in ____________ Street, where one was reading ______________Preface to the Epistle to the _____________. About a quarter before _________ while he was describing the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ, I felt my __________ ___________ ______________. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone for salvation; and an ______________ was given me that he had taken away ______ sins, even _________, and saved ____ from the law of sin and death.” 5. For what two reasons does Outler think Aldersgate drops out of sight for Wesley?
Outler 1:3 • James Hervey questions Wesley’s right to meet with Christians for prayer and preaching even though he is not their pastor. How does Wesley defend himself in this matter? • In his 1755 letter to Samuel Walker Wesley argues that his Methodists would separate from the Church of England if they had to give up any one of four practices. Name these practices. • What is the only question Wesley asks about one who wants to be admitted to the Methodist Society? • What, according to his letter to John Newton, does Wesley mean by perfection? • What evidence is there that Wesley had doubts about his salvation long after the Aldersgate experience?
Outler 1:4 • What does Wesley mean when he says his design is “to forget all that ever I have read”? • In the sermon on the Catholic Spirit about what area in religion must each one let the other be fully persuaded in his own mind?
Outler 1:4b • Name one of the sins that Wesley found in Methodism in 1787. • The Lutherans understand ______________, the Roman Catholics understand ___________, but the Methodists understand both. • What are three evidences that people want to save their souls?
Outler 2:1a • Who, according to Wesley, believe all that is written in the Old and New Testaments? • According to Outler, Wesley is a ______-theologian. • What percent of Wesley’s theology is original? • 4. Besides believing the Bible and the 39 Articles, what is faith?
Outler 2:1b • How far should each Methodist leader go in submitting to the others? • What happens to a believer who willfully sins? • Of what kinds of persons should the United Societies consist? • How should the Assistants behave toward women? • Wherein may we come to the very edge of Calvinism? (Give one of the answers.)
Outler 2:1c • What time should one of Wesley’s assistants get up in the morning? • One should speak of justification A)much more than B)about the same as • C) much less than about sanctification • 3. Why do the entirely sanctified still need the atoning blood of Christ?
Outler 181-196 • For Wesley what is the really essential miraculous power which has subsisted in the church through all the ages? • What does Wesely mean when he speaks of “disinterested love”? • What does Wesley say about a person’s particularities of opinion and superstitious modes of worship? • What is general faith and what is particular faith? • What is the one evidence of Christianity that must never be relinquished?
Outler 197-209 • Fill in the blanks: __________ is what God does for us through his Son; __________ is what God works in us through his Spirit. • According to Wesley, if a woman has faith God will esteem her righteous even if she is sinful. T F • If a man feeds another before the first one is justified, in what sense is his work good?
Outler 209-220 • What raised the shout of “enthusiasm” against the Methodists? • What are the two witnesses that convince us that we are children of God? • What role does the fruit of the Spirit play in convincing us that we are children of God?
Outler 231-237 • According to Outler Wesley thought that the genius of Christianity was that it held together faith and righteousness against what two mistaken groups? • In what order should Methodists preach God’s law, love, and gospel? • What is the process by which God uses the law to increase the spiritual life and strength of a believer? • What ill effects are caused by preaching the gospel alone?
Outler 238-250 With your books closed, summarize Wesley’s sermon in three sentences, each ending with the phrase “all you can.”
Outler 2:4 Sanctification (251-271) • How does JW respond to those who say we should not speak of “perfection” because it gives offense? • How does JW respond to the assertion that Christians must sin because David, Moses, and Abraham did? • How does JW respond to the idea that a Christian can not be sinless because Peter and Paul sinned?
Outler 2:4 Sanctification (271-82) • What does JW call “the entire work of God” from the first dawning of grace to its consummation in glory? • What sentence immediately follows this sentence: “ No man is sanctified till he believes.” • How does JW finish these phrases: expect it _____; expect it ________; expect it ________?
Outler 2:4 Sanctification (283-298) • Why do the entirely sanctified still need the blood of Christ? • Why should those who are entirely sanctified not speak of this experience to those who do not know God? • What would convince JW that he had misunderstood the Bible about entire sanctification? • What word immediately follows “De “?
Outler Sanctification (298-305) • What is the sign that “pride lieth at the door” of one’s life? • What sign of enthusiasm does Wesley warn against first? • How might an entirely sanctified one tempt people to sin against her?
Outler (306-16) • When Paul uses the word “church” what is the smallest group that can be so called and what is the largest? • What is the true reason the church is called “holy”?
Outler (317-331) • What is the obvious purpose of this extract about baptism? • What is the first benefit of baptism? • What point is JW making when he says God does not explicitly command people to baptize women?
Outler (332-46) • How often is it our duty to receive communion? • What is the habitual preparation for communion that is absolutely necessary? • Why is it no valid objection to receiving communion to say, “I am unworthy to receive it”?
Outler 3:1 Moravians (347-76) • How does JW differ from the Moravians in the question of degrees of faith? • According to the Moravians what is the one command in the New Testament? • What is Wesley’s final response in his controversy with Zinzendorf? • Fill in the blank: According to the Moravians, “As many go to hell by ___________ as by thieving.”
Outler 3:2 Antinomians (377-83) • What do the ”legal preachers” preach? • What verses does Wesley cite to prove that Christians are actually made righteous, not just accounted righteous? • What kind of preaching does Wesley say people should love the best?
Outler 3:3 Church of England • After lamenting the fact that some have no religion and others one that is lifeless, Wesley defines God’s religion in what one word? • What point does Wesley’s story of the Indians who sat by the river make? • Evidently people accused Wesley of getting rich off the Methodists. What figure does he anticipate as the upper limit of the value of his estate when he dies?
Outler 3:4 Calvinism (425-71) • In the first fifteen sections, what is JW trying to prove about the doctrine of election? • In sections thirty-one through thirty-seven what is JW’s main point? • What is JW’s main point in sections sixty-eight to seventy-nine? • According to JW what is the “plain, natural use” of the doctrine of predestination in the life of one who has “peace with God”?
Outler Calvinism (472-491) • According to JW who was the first to argue that “man is not self-determined”? • JW says that those who agree that there is a “universal necessity in human actions,” disagree about the cause of that determinism. What are the alternatives they offer about the cause? • The sun does much good, yet it is not virtuous. Why not? • According to JW, is permitting the same thing as causing? • According to JW, if I am a mere machine, then what must I think about my sensory impressions?
Outler Catholicism • What is one particular ill consequence of the Roman Catholics believing even one in a thousand of the negative stories about Protestants? • After JW has explained what Protestants believe, what question does he ask to carry the burden of his whole argument? • JW implicitly admits that the Roman Catholic church will say that he cannot be saved. To what authority does he appeal above the Church?
Outler 3:4 Church of England • After lamenting the fact that some have no religion and others one that is lifeless, Wesley defines God’s religion in what one word? • What point does Wesley’s story of the Indians who sat by the river make? • Evidently people accused Wesley of getting rich off the Methodists. What figure does he anticipate as the upper limit of the value of his estate when he dies?
Outler 3:4 Church of England • After lamenting the fact that some have no religion and others one that is lifeless, Wesley defines God’s religion in what one word? • What point does Wesley’s story of the Indians who sat by the river make? • Evidently people accused Wesley of getting rich off the Methodists. What figure does he anticipate as the upper limit of the value of his estate when he dies?