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Animal cracker box project

Animal cracker box project. Your company has been selected to design a new animal cracker box. Designs must be creative and eye catching, yet still meet the necessary requirements. Marketing proposal.

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Animal cracker box project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Animal cracker box project

  2. Your company has been selected to design a new animal cracker box. Designs must be creative and eye catching, yet still meet the necessary requirements Marketing proposal

  3. Before redesigning and recalculating, determine the original volume and surface area of the animal cracker box. Measure in centimeters Show all your work. Task one

  4. Each member of the group should design an idea and each group should have at least three different ideas. Ideas should be sketched, have dimensions labeled, and volume and surface area calculated (ask for help on unusual shapes) Adjust dimensions as necessary to meet requirements but show all work. Task two

  5. Choose the idea you want to submit. Consider REAL LIFE consequences of your final choice (cost, display, shipping, appeal) Using the cardboard from your original box, build a prototype of your design. You may use paper to cover and redesign the outside of the box. Eat your crackers! Task three

  6. You will submit a final proposal in this order: • Cover page, including your marketing company name • Original volume and surface area, incl. calculations • Three+ ideas, incl. all drafts and volume and surface area calculations • Letter to me explaining why I should choose your company’s idea (consider cost, display, appeal, shipping, carrying, etc.) Task four

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