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Anatomy of a Bad Confession

Explore the process of police interrogations by analyzing a forced confession of a teenager. Learn about coercion tactics used and the importance of Miranda rights. Engage in group discussions, watch accompanying videos, and reflect on the impact of bad confessions.

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Anatomy of a Bad Confession

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Anatomy of a Bad Confession January 27, 2012

  2. p. 58 1/27/2012Miranda Rights Review • Objective – SWBAT explain how police interrogations work by watching the forced confession of a teenager • Do Now – According to Miranda what rights do people have when they are arrested? • 8 minutes

  3. p. 59 Anatomy of a Bad Confession • Coerce – to persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats (noun = coercion)

  4. Anatomy of a Bad Confession • In groups, you will do a JIGSAW READING of the article “Anatomy of a Bad Confession” • As a group, you will be expected to understand the information in your section well enough to explain it to the rest of the class! • Highlight and underline important facts and information, make comments, and ask questions on your paper. • 20 minutes (10 to read, 10 to share)

  5. Anatomy of a Bad Confession • Independent Work – Answer the reflection questions on page 5 of your handout • 5 minutes to write – 5 minutes to share

  6. Videos of “Anatomy of a Bad Confession” • We will watch videos that go along with the article on Nga Truong • As we watch each of the clips, you will write down what you see and what you hear (at least 2-3 facts for EACH clip) and write down your responses and reactions (at least 2-3 questions, comments, connections, etc.)

  7. David Boeri on “Anatomy of a Forced Confession”

  8. Boeri on Interrogation Techniques

  9. Anatomy of a Bad Confession, Excerpt 1

  10. Anatomy of a Bad Confession, Excerpt 2

  11. Anatomy of a Bad Confession, Excerpt 3

  12. Anatomy of a Bad Confession, Excerpt 4

  13. Anatomy of a Bad Confession, Final Excerpt

  14. Interview with Nga Truong (age 20)

  15. Turning in Notebooks • Place your notebook in your class bin to be collected and graded this weekend! • This is the LAST grade that will go into your Term 2 grade! • You will get this notebook back on Monday – and we will use this one to finish Unit 4 • When Unit 4 ends, then we will buy a new notebook for Term 3 (starting with Unit 5)

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