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A state enterprise « Research institute of oil-processing and petrochemical industry «MASMA»

A state enterprise « Research institute of oil-processing and petrochemical industry «MASMA». SE NDINNP « MASMA » created by order of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine

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A state enterprise « Research institute of oil-processing and petrochemical industry «MASMA»

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  1. A state enterprise «Research institute of oil-processing and petrochemical industry «MASMA»

  2. SE NDINNP «MASMA» • created byorderoftheMinistryofEnergyandCoalIndustryofUkraine • № 652 dated05.09.2013 and defined leading state-owned enterprise in the field of refining and petrochemicals. • Basic functions: • Fundamental and applied researches; • Technical regulation, standardization, certification, metrology, quality control; • Implementation of activities in the field of quality and safety of petroleum products; • SE " NDINNP " MASMA " authorized to monitor the quality and safety of petroleum products on the basis of statements of conformity assessment and market surveillance authority .

  3. From 11.07.2014 the Technical Regulations about requirements to automobile gasolines, diesel, ship and boiler fuels approved by KMU of August 1, 2013 No. 927 came into force. The Technical regulations are developed taking into account • the directive 98/70 / EU of the European Parliament and Council of October 13, 1998 • the directive 2005/33 / EU of the European Parliament and Council of July 6, 2005 • the directive 2009/30 / EU of the European Parliament and Council of April 23, 2009 SE "NDINNP "MASMA" takes active part in the solution of the vital issues of introduction and application of Technical regulations.

  4. The institute resolved the following issues accreditation and certification character • SE “NDINNP”MASMA” Testing center has been accredited for the correspondence to requirements of DSTU ISO/IEC 17025-2006 (Certificate of National Agency for Accreditation of Ukraine reported in the Registry of 29.11.2013, № 2Т381, remain in force until January 31, 2018 for competence in accordance with the requirements of DSTU ISO/IEC 17025-2006). • SE "NDINPP" MASMA“ Certification Center meets international standards (ISO / IEC 17065: 2012) inthesphere ofpetroleumproducts. • Department of lubricants & oil SE "NDINPP" MASMA “ was certified andmeetsto thecriterion ofcertificationoftestlaboratoriesinthestatemetrologicalsystem by SE “Ukrmetrteststandart” (Certificateofqualificationforthenumber PA-120/14 from 10.04.2014 to04.09.2017).Department of lubricants & oil was certifiedformeasurementsofindicatorsobjects, accordingtotheindustry.

  5. “Technical Committee for Standardizationof Oil Refining and Petrochemical Industry Products” TC 38 is functioning based on the Institute's scientific and research potential and providesthefunctionsofthesecretariat. TC 38  cooperates with  technical committees of international (ISO, IEC) and the regional  (CEN, CENELEC) organizations for standardization. Moreover the Technical committee have working relationship  with international organizations that develop normative documents:- Commission of Codex Alimentarius (CAC);- International organization of civil aviation (ICAO);- International union of telecommunications (ITU); - Intergovernmental technical committee of ITC of 523 “Technicians and technology of booty and processing of oil and gas”

  6. Institute scientific departments Directions of activities: Testing center (TC)‏ Certification Center Crude oil processing& alternative fuels department Department of lubricants & oil Laboratory for studies of bed fluids Research Center of Technical Regulation

  7. Testing center (TC) • Main functions of Testing center are the following: • - carrying out tests of products in accord with the nomenclature mentioned in the Appendix to the Certificate of Test Proto­cols; • - participation in the development of test methods in accord with the accepted products' nomenclature; • participation in research works pertaining to fuel and lubricant materials and in the development of normative documents for these products; • Testing center has carried out the products certification tests of many Ukrainian manufacturers; • on the Certification Body's proposal, taking part in conducting tests during technical supervision for the manufacturing of certified products. Certification Center The Body on Certification of Petroleum Products providesan assessment of compliance to requirements of Technical regulations.

  8. Crude oil processing& alternative fuels department • This Department carries out scientific and research work on the quality evaluation of crude oils of different origin at oil recovery enterprises with various forms of ownership: • - research into physical and chemical properties of crude oils; • - determination of potential content of light petroleum • products and actual boiling temperatures at atmospheric and • vacuum distillations; • determination of group-structural composition of fractions; • computation of elements and micro-elements in crude oils; • determination of the main directions for commercial fractions usage, their technological and commercial values; • analysis of possible variants for processing of crude oils, selection of the most efficient block-schemes for their processing; • development of technologies for the production of alternative types of fuels and additives for them (bioethanol, biogasolines, biodiesel fuels) and their subsequent implementation at refineries with various forms of ownership.

  9. Department of lubricants & oil • - develops composition, technologies and normative • documentation for the production of functionaladditives • (additive packages) for motor and otherlubricating oils • as well as for engine fuels; • - carries out physicochemical and chimatological • researches into these products; • develops new methods for lubricants analysis; • develops formulations, technologies for the production of • all types of lubricating greases; • develops technologies for the regeneration of used oils, • other petroleum products and wastes of their production.

  10. NDINNP “MASMA” • Can organize commercial production of lubricating material and additives on the modernized units of the enterprise to satisfy the demands of: • metallurgical industry, • oil&gas complex, • railroad and automobile transport, • defence industry and other branches.

  11. Laboratory for studies of bed (reservoirs)fluids • сarriesout sampling and studies samples of deep crude oil; • recombined a single-piece bed oils and gas condensate mixtures with the determination of thermodynamic properties of bed systems and physical and chemical properties of gases and degasified hydrocarbon flueds.

  12. Research Center of Technical Regulation • Department of standardization; • Sector implementation of the technical regulation «MASMA»is the leading organization forstandardization of oil refining and petrochemical industry products in Ukraine. The center carries out the following works on the standardization: - harmonization and implementation of European directives into national legislation and development of technical regulations - development of National Standards, standards for organisations , specifications (TU)and alterations to these normative documents; - rendering methodical and consulting assistance on the questions pertaining to the standardization of petroleum products and methods for their testing.

  13. For business contacts the following is the legal address of the Institute: NDINNP «MASMA» 46, Palladinaprosp., bl.1 03680, Kyiv Ukraine Tel: +38 (044) 424 24 13 Fax: +38(044) 424 02 64 www.masma.ua E-mail: info@masma.ua

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