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Family, School, and Community Partnerships within a Multi-Tiered System of Supports: “ On the Team and At the Table “. Colorado Department of Education Office of Learning Supports. “ Tell Me I Forget. Show Me I Remember. Involve Me I Understand. ” ( Chinese Proverb). Participants will….
Family, School, and Community Partnerships within a Multi-TieredSystem of Supports:“On the Team and At the Table“ Colorado Department of Education Office of Learning Supports
“Tell Me I Forget. Show Me I Remember. Involve Me I Understand.”(Chinese Proverb)
Participants will… • Learn the WHAT, WHY, and HOW of multi-tiered partnering for families and schools. • Access tools and activities to use and share.
Presentation At A Glance“Honoring Your Time” • Colorado MTSS Introduction • WHAT? • Definition • WHY? • Research, Laws, Shift • HOW? • Tiers – Every Student’s Success • Data • Planning
Colorado Multi-Tiered System of Supports EVERY ED, EVERY KID, EVERY FAMILY
Six Essential Components of Colorado Multi-Tiered System of Supports Shared Leadership Layered Continuum of Supports Universal Screening and Progress Monitoring Evidence-based instruction, interventions and assessment practices Data-Based Problem Solving and Decision Making Family, School, and Community Partnering
Academic Supports Behavior Supports Multi-Tiered System of Supports RtI MTSS Family & Community Partnering Supports PBIS
Family, School, and Community Partnerships All Students, All Staff, All School Settings Adapted from George Sugai 2012
Family, School, and Community Partnering Continuum Awareness: Families are familiar with PBIS goals and activities at the school. Partnering: Families are allies in planning and implementation. Extension: Families use PBIS strategies to address behavior at home. Adapted from Breen, Childs, & Cavallo
Activity#1 Definition What is your definition of partnering? Partnering is ______________________.
WHAT?Definition Partnering is a relationship involving closecooperation between parties having joint rights and responsibilities. (Christenson & Sheridan, 2001)
Partnering Principles • Cultural and linguistic differences are directly addressed because: • Students see their worlds working together; • There is a forum to understand the culture of the family and the culture of the school. (Coll & Chatman,2005)
Partnering Principles • It is all about ongoing, sustainable, intentional relationships. • The focus is always on student success - measurable goals, progress data, and doing what works. • A struggling student experiences collaborative support and encouragement immediately from home and school, thus staying engaged in learning.
Educators, Families, Students, and Community Resources: “On the Team” On a football team, every player has a job to do and a role to play. Each player is respected for his/her unique expertise. Each player practices and works to become better at executing personal responsibilities. The team works together to obtain the best results possible.
Educators, Families, Students, and Community Resources: “At the Table” Picture a table where people are discussing a problem • Respecting and listening • Understanding different perspectives • Focusing on positive outcomes • Disagreeing at times • Intentionally working to compromise Each involved party has a place “at the table,” even if he/she can’t attend. All voices are heard.
A Research-Based Partnering Definition • Family and Community Partnering is the collaboration of • families, schools, and communities as equal partners in • improving learner, classroom, school, and district outcomes. • In effective partnering, each stakeholder shares • responsibility for learners‘success by: • establishing and sustaining trusting relationships; • understanding and integrating family and school culture; • maintaining two-way communication; • engaging in collaborative problem-solving: • coordinating learning at home, school, and in the • community, using data; • acknowledging and celebrating progress.
WHY?Research, Law, and the Shift …parents are a child’s first teachers…(Adams et al., 2003)
Time Students Spend More Than 70% Of Their Waking Hours Outside of School. (Clark,1990; Callender & Hansen, 2004)
The Research: Summary of 40 Years • For Students: • Higher achievement, more homework completion, come to school more and stay in school longer, observing more similarities between home and school • For Families: • Becoming more supportive of child and teachers, becoming more confident in how to help child learn, learning more about education programs • For Teachers and Schools: • Improved teacher morale, higher ratings of teachers by parents, parents support schools and bond issues
Student Achievement Factors Influencing Achievement Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum 2. Challenging Goals/Effective Feedback 3. Parent and Community Involvement 4. Safe and Orderly Environment 5. Collegiality and Professionalism School RESEARCH RESEARCH 6. Instructional Strategies 7. Classroom Management 8. Classroom Curricula Design Teacher 9. Home Environment 10.Learned Intelligence/ Background Knowledge 11. Motivation Student RESEARCH (Marzano, 2003)
Student AchievementHome Environment ComponentsThat Work At ALL LEVELS:Supporting School at Home 1. Communication About School – Frequent, Systematic, and Encouraging 2. Supervision of homework, TV viewing, after-school activities (including community partnering) -Marzano, 2003
Student AchievementHomework has a positive effect on achievement. The key is in the design.(Epstein & Van Voorhis, in press) • Communicate regularly about homework expectations – two-way! • Guide families in supporting learning at home. • Jointly problem-solve concerns. • Try Interactive Homework (TIPS – Teachers Involving Parents in Schoolwork). (Van Vooris, 2011)
Student AchievementThe C’s of Homework: Coordinated or Connected or Continuous or Complementary or Congruent or Consistent Learning • Practice increases memory traces and fluency. • Applying learned knowledge in the real world reinforces concepts. • Summarizing information forces more in-depth processing. (Gage &Berliner, 1998)
The Law: No Child Left Behind (2002)(First Statutory Definition in Elementary and Secondary Education Act - ESEA) Defines parent involvement as: • Regular, two-way and meaningful communication • An integral role in assisting with their child’s learning • Full partners in their child’s education
The Law: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (2004) In IDEA 2004, Congress stressed: “strengthening the role and responsibility of parents and ensuring that families of such children have meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their children at school and at home.” 20 U.S.C. 1401 (c)(5)(B)
Colorado Law • RtI is a required criterion in Colorado for identifying students with specific learning disabilities (ECEA, 2007) and must be implemented in every school. • Parents must receive information about: • Amount and nature of data collected; • Strategies for increasing the child’s rate of learning • Results of repeated assessment of child’s progress. • (CDE, 2007; CDE, 2008b)
National Standards for Family-School Partnerships (PTA,2009) Welcoming All Families Communicating Effectively Supporting Student Success Speaking Up for Every Child Sharing Power Collaborating with Community The Six Types of Parent Involvement(Epstein, 1995) Parenting Communicating Volunteering Learning at Home Decision-Making Collaborating with Community A National Shift Based onthe Law and Research
Traditional Parent Involvement Parents Schools are responsible School initiated, set formal meetings School to home, one-way communication Family Partnering Family Families and schools share responsibility Flexible hours and meeting venues Ongoing two-way communication What is the Shift?
Traditional Parent Involvement Parents give consent to educational plans Structured volunteering Homework is often seen solely as the child’s responsibility, with consequences for lack of completion Family Partnering Educational plans are jointly developed and delivered Supporting learning at home and school Homework is seen as an important home-school link and communication tool, with continuous successful completion integral to academic achievement and behavioral learning What is the Shift?
Traditional Parent Involvement Often more of a compliance focus Annual, triennial reviews tend to be primary touch points, with formal progress reports Schools and home both working towards goals, but often separately Family Partnering Compliance AND student outcome focus Also, there is school and home progress monitoring, two-way communication Coordinated learning between home and school, focused on goals and outcomes How is the Shift Appliedto Special Education?
Activity #2 Family-School Partnering Continuum Where are you and your school community on the partnering continuum ? Give a number for you and one for your school? Schools share the responsibility for education with families. The partnership with families is flexible: on some issues the parents will be the more active partner and on others, the school will be. Home and school are separate, very different worlds. It is the school’s responsibility to educate children, and the family’s responsibility to see that the children are dressed, fed, and prepared for school. 110
HOW?Tiers, Data, and Planning Evidence - rational, quantifiable, transparent - is the truth the hand can touch. (Lawrence-Lightfoot, 2003)
Family, School, & Community Partnership across the Tiers Based on Student & Family Supports Tier 1: Universal/Core = what we do to partner with all families Tier 2: Supplemental/Targeted Group = what we do to partner with some families Tier 3: Individual/Intensive Support = what we do to partner with those families with the most unique needs Adapted from Breen, Childs, & Cavallo
Family, School, and Community Partnering Continuum Awareness: Families are familiar with PBIS goals and activities at the school. Partnering: Families are allies in planning and implementation. Extension: Families use PBIS strategies to address behavior at home. Adapted from Breen, Childs, & Cavallo
Evidence-Based Interventions for Each & Every Kid • TERTIARY PREVENTION • Function-based support • Wraparound • Person-centered planning • SECONDARY PREVENTION • Check in/out • Targeted social skills instruction • Peer-based supports • PRIMARY PREVENTION • Teach SW expectations • Proactive SW discipline • Positive reinforcement • Effective instruction • Family, School, & Community Partnerships • Bully Prevention within PBIS
Why More Support?The Targeted or Intensive Tier? • Student is struggling • Teacher is struggling • Family is struggling • Partnership is struggling
Colorado MTSS PROBLEM SOLVING PROCESSEducators, Families, and Students Step 1—Define the problem What is the problem? Step 4—Evaluate Is it working? Step 2—Problem Analysis Why is it occurring? Step 3—Plan Implementation What are we going to do about it?
Family Role in Problem-Solving Process • Share responsibility as an equal partner. • Collaborate & communicate with teachers about student. • Support student learning at home. • Attend problem-solving team meeting, if possible. If attending isn’t possible, it is important to communicate before and after a meeting. • Partner in intervention planning and monitoring. • Participate in decisions for any assessment and/or referral for special education evaluation. (CDE 2008,b)
Goals, Interventions, and Progress Monitoring In Problem-Solving • What is OUR MEASURABLE GOAL, outcome, target? • What is OUR INTERVENTION, based on OUR data? • How are WE MONITORING progress? • How will WE EVALUATE and REVISE according to OUR data?
Show Me The Data Visual data show the same information to all partners so can equally share in decision-making. This lessens conflicts and biases and createscommon understanding.
Family & Community PartneringTools Available online at: http://www.cde.state.co.us/rti/FamilyCommunityToolkit.htm
Use Partnering Vocabulary • Words:“WE”, “OUR”, “US” • Goals: What do we want to ACHIEVE TOGETHER? • Roles: How can WE PARTNER around that? • Data: How will WE KNOW it is working? • Input: What does the family or school or community resource THINK, FEEL, KNOW? • Decisions: WE ALL are “at the table” and “on the team”. • Responsibilities: What are WE EACH doing? • Students: What is BEST for OUR student?
Share Data Planning Team Feedback Benchmarks of Quality Family Survey Family Sharing Sheet Home Information for Problem-Solving Home-School-Home Notes