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Using Online Virtual Worlds to Engage with Students on Sustainability and Pro-Environmental Behaviour. Dr Simon Bignell Psychology , University of Derby. Student Action for Sustainability Conference Keele University, 29 th -30 th October, 2013
Using Online Virtual Worlds to Engage with Students on Sustainability and Pro-Environmental Behaviour Dr Simon Bignell Psychology, University of Derby Student Action for Sustainability Conference Keele University, 29th-30th October, 2013 @miltonbroome www.miltonbroome.com #StudentAction
Virtual Worlds forSustainability • Why Education for Sustainable Development ? • Development of Virtual Worlds for Engaging Students • Research & Development • PREVIEW-Psych and PREVIEW-Sustain projects • Spin-Off Projects • Web Resources • Challenge You to get involved!
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) • In 2009 updated their strategic statement and action plan – Sustainable Development in HE. • “Sustainable development principles must lie at the core of the education system, such that schools, colleges and universities become show cases for sustainable development among the communities that they serve” • Securing the future; delivering the UK’s sustainable development strategy.
The Sustainable Curriculum • All graduates should have knowledge of sustainable development. • Many will be leaders in the future. • Sir Jonathon Porritt(Chancellor of Keele University). • “Universities are uniquely placed.” • “About…Campus, community and curriculum.” • “Preparing students for the work of the world not just the world of work”.
United Nations (UN) • 2005-2014 the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. • Goal – to integrate the principles, values and practices of sustainable development into all aspects of education and learning.
Education for Sustainable Development • BrundtlandCommission: SD is… “…development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” • Educationis the means through which sustainable development can be achieved. UNESCO
Virtual Neonatal Ward: for a Developmental Psychology Module at University of Derby Video of Neonatal Unit (1m16s): http://youtu.be/sEd9s0toHuk
“We worked as a team... this seemed much more valuable than just writing an essay or having a discussion.” “...the content was easy to access and the tasks very enjoyable.” “I was thinking more about the real life Psychology because the avatars represented real people with real psychological problems.”
Two Sustainability / Technology-Enhanced Learning Projects: • With Rosemary Horry (Environmental Sciences), HEA. • With ZaheerHussain (Psychology), HEA Psychology Network. • Evaluated different methods of embedding ESD in the curriculum. • Used Second Life to rate people’s pro-environmental behaviour and attitudes to ‘green’ issues such as resources, recyclingand energy use. • Participants reported more ‘real world’ pro-environmental behaviour a week after seeing the videos.
In the problem-based learning scenarios we used programmed avatar interactions to lead the studentsto ask the question of ‘What is Sustainability?’ • The scenarios had some concrete examples from a contemporary lifestyle perspective. • We constructed a series of learning scenarios for staff and students that highlighted the motivationaland behaviouralfactors that impact on sustainability (e.g. resources, recyclingand energy efficiency…)
Scenario 1. Resources: Small groups of students find out who has been using the most water in the virtual household and why, by interacting with the avatars and each other. • Issues such as beliefs and behaviour about showers vs. bathing, washing the car and using the dishwasher were explored along with wider issues of sustainability of resources. Example project video (3m20s): http://youtu.be/N_0FNyUX1Uo
Scenario 2. Recycling: Students were tasked to establish what the issues are with one particular member of the family who is refusing to engage in pro-environmental behaviour. • Issues such as beliefsabout recycling paper, card and metal were explored in an attempt to find out why they think recycling is a good idea but nevertheless fail to engage in these activities. Project video (2m26s): http://youtu.be/i4FOB6Yf_HQ
Scenario 3. Energy Efficiency:Students worked in teams to answer questions about home energy use (e.g., leaving things on standby), replacing light bulbs with low wattage equivalents, whether using a microwave is better than the oven or the energy consumption of a washing machine at 30°C rather than 40°C. Example project video (2m20s): http://youtu.be/EusqbduUejg
‘Spin-Offs’ to Engage Students: ‘Teaching Cartoons’ • Staff & Students can use virtual worlds to create educational cartoons for learning. • Rapidly developed and deployed to modules. • Import straight into the virtual learning platform, web, YouTube or .pdf.
‘JISC - Moving into Virtual Worlds - Emerging Practice in a Digital Age’ • Guideand Video • With Aston University • JISC resources feature commentary and reflection on pedagogical applications of virtual worlds. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aTvE2OBQHc Emerging Practice in a Digital Age JISC VIDEOhttp://www.jisc.ac.uk/emergeresource
Best Practices in Virtual Worlds Teaching: A guide to using problem-based learning in Second Life Download available here: http://previewpsych.org/BPD2.0.pdf
Using problem-based learning within 3D virtual worlds • Published book chapter with Dr Vanessa Parson (Sunderland University, Previously at Aston). • Parson, V. & Bignell, S. (2011). in Hinrichs, R and Wankel, C (Eds), Transforming Virtual World Learning: Cutting-edge technologies in higher education, Vol. 4, pp. 245–265. Emerald Group Publishing Limited: Teynampet, India. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Transforming-Learning-Cutting-edge-Technologies-Education/dp/1780520522
Virtual Campus Flythrough (1m6s): http://youtu.be/GQnyb87Zj0o • How to visit the University of Derby Second Life Islands: • Create and avatar: http://tinyurl.com/GETAN-AVATAR • Install Second Life: http://tinyurl.com/Download-SL • Teleport to us: http://tinyurl.com/DERBYSECONDLIFE
Virtual Worlds forSustainability • Why Education for Sustainable Development ? • Development of Virtual Worlds for Engaging Students • Research & Development • PREVIEW-Psych and PREVIEW-Sustain projects • Spin-Off Projects • Web Resources • Challenge You to get involved!
Contact Dr Simon Bignell Centre for Psychological Research University of Derby, UK s.bignell@derby.ac.uk @miltonbroome www.MiltonBroome.com www.PREVIEWPsych.org www.Cyberpsychology.org
Second Life Video Playlist http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX4ftfKp-z4EAKaTUO9ALkvbbjCTYJj0G