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Module 8: Series in AACR2 and RDA: What’s the Same? What’s Different? . Exercises [Note: you will need to use the RDA Toolkit and Catalogers’ Desktop for this exercise.]. Exercise 1.
Module 8:Series in AACR2 and RDA: What’s the Same? What’s Different? Exercises [Note: you will need to use the RDA Toolkit and Catalogers’ Desktop for this exercise.]
Exercise 1 An established subseries begins to appear on resources without the title of the main series. LCRI 1.6H instructed us under AACR2. 1a. How will you find out if there is a corresponding instruction under RDA? 1b. If there is one, where is it?
Exercise 2 • In the Introduction to the book you are cataloging, you read (halfway down the page): “In this, the first volume of the Center’s Series on Gaming Research, …” Series information appears nowhere else in the book. Does RDA allow a series statement based on this? Explain, citing RDA instruction number(s).
Exercise 3 List the sources of information for the title proper of a print series, in priority order, giving the RDA instruction number associated with each.
Exercise 4 What does RDA Toolkit say about Variant Access Points for series? Where did you find this information?
Exercise 5 You are cataloging a multipart monograph with the collective title “Selected works of André Gide.” Each volume also has its own special title. The earliest part, designated v. 1, is published in 2010. This expression is a translation from the French. Assume no conflict. Give the following, and cite RDA guidelines: • AAP for the collected set record for the multipart monograph • Series statement (490) for the analytic record for v. 1 • Series authorized access point (8XX) for the analytic record for v. 1
Exercise 6 On the preferred source for series, you find: Studies in the hisotry of dye manufacturing Show what RDA requires for bibliographic description and authorized access/variant access points. Cite instructions.
Exercise 7 For each of these captions and numbers found on a resource, give 490 |v and 830 |v. Cite instructions used. 7a. Volume one 7b. Vol. 1 7c. v. IX
Exercise 8 If you create a SAR that includes a 5xx for an earlier series authorized access point, will your SAR need a 675 field? Why or why not?
1. Where’s that instruction? 1a. In RDA Toolkit, click on the Advanced Search icon. Under Select Document(s) to Search, check the box for LC-PCC Policy Statements. Enter your search phrase (for example: subseries main) and click Search. OR In Cataloger’s Desktop, check off LC-PCC PS in the contents frame. Use the Find box to search by keyword. Mouse over results that seem promising to find out what they contain. 1b. LC-PCC PS and LC-PCC PS contain the same instructions as the RI.
2. Sources Under RDA, a series statement may be transcribed from information embedded in the text. (LCRI 1.6A2 allowed information appearing in such a source to be recorded only in a note.) In RDA, look under (Series statement /Title proper of series /Sources of information) which redirects to (Resources consisting of one or more pages [etc.]). Follow the instruction down to the final sentence.
3. Sources • Series title page: • Title page (analytic title page)*: • Cover:* • Caption:* • Masthead:* • Colophon:* • Anywhere else in the resource (prefer formal presentation): *or image thereof
4. Series, Variants, and LC-PCC PS’s While RDA instruction 6.27.4 (Variant Access Point Representing a Work or Expression) shows a few series examples, its LC-PCC PS gives a wealth of guidance specific to variant access points for series.
5. Multipart monograph as a series AAP for collected set record: 100 1 Gide, André, $$a 1869-1951. 240 10 Works. $$k Selections. $$l English Series statement and series AAP for the analytic record for v. 1: 490 1 Selected works of André Gide ; $$v v. 1 800 1 Gide, André, $$a 1869-1951. $$t Works. $$k Selections. $$l English ; $$v v. 1.
5. Multipart monograph as a series (cont.) • When a work (here, a multipart monograph) has a person as a creator, the AAP representing the work will consist of 1) the AAP representing that person plus 2) the preferred title of the work. • When an AAP for a person is an element of a series AAP being formulated, the name itself will have to be evaluated for its conformity to RDA. If it does not conform, the name must be updated to its RDA form.
5. Multipart monograph as a series (cont.) In Series Bridge Training module 6, pt. 1, “Constructing the Series Authorized Access Point,” and in the RDA in NACO Module 8 on “WEMI: Group 1 Entities in NARs,” you’ve already learned how a “Compilation of Works” is handled in RDA. • For selections of the complete works of a creator, formulate the preferred title by using the conventional collective title of “Works” followed by “Selections” [this is different from AACR2, where Selections was used by itself]. (See LC-PCC PS, which says to apply the alternative in the RDA instruction.) • Then RDA 6.27.3 instructs us to add the language of the expression. • LC-PCC PS 6.27.3 tells us it is LC practice not to add a date to distinguish one translation from another; PCC practice is pending outcome of report/recommendations from the PCC Access Point for Expressions Task Group. Stay tuned!
6. Inaccuracy in Title 490 1# Studies in the hisotry of dye manufacturing 500 Series title should read: Studies in the history of dye manufacturing 830 #0 Studies in the history of dye manufacturing. 130 #0 Studies in the history of dye manufacturing [430 with inaccuracy could be added if thought important]
6. Inaccuracy in Title (cont.) For 490: (Recording Title Proper of Series) redirect to: 2.3.1 (Basic Instructions on Recording Title) redirect to: (Recording Titles)[don’t apply Exception for Serials] redirect to: 1.7 (Transcription) redirect to: 1.7.9 (Inaccuracies)
6. Inaccuracy in Title (cont.) For x30: (General Guidelines on Constructing Authorized Access Points Representing Works) redirect to: LC-PCC PS (Inaccuracies in Title Proper of Series) LC-PCC PS 6.27.4 (Variant Access Points …)
7. Series Captions & Numbering 7a. 490 |v volume 1 830 |v v. 1. 7b. 490 |v vol. 1 830 |v v. 1. 7c. 490 |v v. IX 830 |v v. IX.
7. Series Captions & Numbering (cont.) Transcribe captions as found (, 1.7) Except don’t capitalize (because it’s English) (, Appendix A) Substitute numerals for numbers expressed as words (1.8.3) Transcribe Roman numerals as found (LC-PCC PS 1.8.2)
7. Series Captions & Numbering (cont.) In authorized access points, Use standard abbreviations for captions (24.6, B.5.5, B.7) Use Roman numerals in AAPs, because 24.6 does not offer an alternative—it simply refers back to the transcription guidelines in 1.8.2. [Note: Use of Roman numerals in series AAPs will be passed on to the RDA Series policy subgroup as an issue needing further discussion.]
8. Change in 670 and 675 8. Not necessarily. 670 and 675 have been redefined so that 670s cite sources where information was found supporting both 1xxs and 5xxs, while 675s only cite sources where no information was found at all. This change is unrelated to RDA, but it was made during the time of transition to RDA.