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WAITING ON THE LORD PSALM 130:5-6 ISAIAH 40:29-31 . Introduction: This biblical waiting is a form of spiritual discipline that calls for believers to patiently wait on the Lord .
Introduction: • This biblical waiting is a form of spiritual discipline that calls for believers to patiently wait on the Lord. • Most often the process of waiting is God’s very purpose for us-to mold our characters into Christ-likeness. • Why is it difficult to wait? • As a part of our fallen humanity, we are so prone to take matters into our own hands.
We have grown accustomed to the influence of modern age conveniences. • We are easily swayed by a society that has grown accustomed to immediate gratification. • We have to realize that “Life is full of waiting”. This process of waiting, with the heart of seeking and honoring the Lord is a vital element in the Christian life - for our spiritual growth.
Background/context: Psalm 130:5-6 • God's people should wait or put their hope in Yahweh for who He is. • Present distress(es)in our lives should be opportunities to prove God in providing deliverance as we wait upon Him. • The Israelites' confident waiting in God is based on the certainty of God’s character. • All of God’s people can also be assured of His holy purposes in all our waiting upon Him.
The same unchanging and sovereign God through His unchanging Words continues to call us to wait and put our hope in Him, because our present and future deliverance is sure. This must be the basis and root of our confident waiting.
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO WAIT UPON THE LORD? • WAITING MEANS CONFIDENT EXPECTATION • It is easy to claim that we are waiting on the Lord. But it is possible to wait and not have the attitude of confident expectation.
The word “wait” (v.5) in the original language includes the concept of “hope”. That’s why “wait” is also translated “hope” or to “look expectantly or confidently”. • WAITING and HOPING are bound together like the strands of a rope.
Principles concerning this confident waiting upon the Lord: • Confident waiting is more than simply a passing of time. • Confident waiting involves an expectation of something special – anticipation and hope in something that will take place.
WAITING MEANS EXPECTATIONS ARE BASED ON KNOWLEDGE AND TRUST OF WHO GOD IS • Without knowledge and trust on God, we simply won’t wait. • At least 28 of the passages that deal with waiting have the Lord as the object waited for and as the confidence of the one waiting.
Psalm 130:5-8: • Implications: • The ability to wait on the Lord stems from being confident and focused on who God is and in what God is doing. • It means confidence in God’s person: His wisdom, love, timing, and understanding of our situation and that of the world.
It means knowing and trusting in God’s principles, promises, purposes, and power. • Passages that contains the call to wait and rest in God based on His character and faithfulness: • Psalm 52:8-9 • Psalm 37:7-9 • Psalm 39:7
Waiting means claiming God’s promises by faith and resting in what God is doing in our lives so we can faithfully follow His principles and keep His values, priorities and pursuits. • What am I to do during the • waiting process?
WAITING MEANS SEEKING THE LORD THROUGH HIS WORD AND PRAYER • Lamentations 3:25 • Biblical waiting always means seeking the Lord.
Time spent in seeking Him means: • Time in His Word • studying • seeking answers • claiming God’s promises • Time in prayer • praying about the issues • praying for wisdom and discernment
Time of meditating on who God is • What He wants to do in us and through us, and on what we need to do by way of answers and direction. • Our need to examine and evaluate our motives and attitudes, our values and priorities, and our goals and objectives in life.
WAITING MEANS IT IS BOTH PASSIVE AND ACTIVE • Involves things we should do (active) and things we should not do (passive) • This kind of waiting involves two things: • Things we do- doing the right things. • Things we are not to do- refraining from the wrong things.
The following passages contain these elements which are woven together as part of the waiting process, as one trusts confidently in the Lord. • Psalm 37:7-9 • Psalm 37:1-6
CHALLENGE AND CONCLUSION: • WAITING STRENGTHENS AND ENABLES • Isaiah 40:29-31 • The key to unlocking this verse is the word wait. Those who wait on (upon) the Lord get all the attributes of strength in this verse.
Definition of the Hebrew word “qavah” which is translated figuratively as “wait” (in Isaiah 40:31). • The literal meaning of the word “qavah” is “to bind together like a cord.” • the process of making a rope (cord) by twisting or weaving (binding) thin threads together to form the rope.
The more strands that are twisted or woven together in a rope, the greater is the strength. Ecclesiastes 4:12 • The literal definition of “qavah” or “wait” implies strength through numbers. The more strands in your rope, the greater its strength. • Just as a rope’s strength comes from being made of many strands, so our strength comes through being united with Christ.
The “rope” of our lives gains strength by being twisted, woven or bound together with the Father’s sovereign plan in our lives and Christ transforming work in us through the Holy Spirit. • The more “strands” that we weave into our relationship with God, the more strength He gives to us.
Many of the “strands” that are connected with our relationship to God are: • Waiting expectantly and confidently upon the Lord. • Seeking God through the Word and Prayer • Being content with God’s provision and resting in His timing in any given situation • Actively waiting characterized by serving, fellowshipping and being accountable with other believers in the church.
A rope's strength remains constant even when it is not being used. When a rope is not being used, what is it doing? • The rope is “waiting.” It “waits” for its owner to put it to use. When the rope is attached to a load, it draws its strength from all the strands and goes to work.
“They that have all aspects of their lives intertwined and bound together with the Lord, like threads are twisted into a rope, shall exchange their meager strength for the strength of the rope, they shall rise up to meet challenges as if they had powerful wings like an eagle, they shall run through life and not be weary, they shall walk through problems and not faint.” • ISAIAH 40:31