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Parents, Children, Drugs and the Bible

Learn why drugs are a menace to society, the reasons for drug abuse, the importance of drug abstinence, and the biblical perspective on drugs and parenting. Discover how to guide your children towards a drug-free lifestyle rooted in biblical principles.

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Parents, Children, Drugs and the Bible

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Parents, Children, Drugsand the Bible

  2. Drugs Are A Menace to Society • We live in a drug culture; not just bad drugs, but good drugs as well (consider all the drug commercials on TV) • We are not talking about the proper use of good drugs which heal; we are talking about drug abuse or illegal use of drugs that harm (prescribed and non-prescribed); non-medicinal use of drugs

  3. Drugs Are A Menace to Society • We are talking about addiction, not the proper use of legally prescribed drugs. If a harmful drug like marijuana is made legal and “prescribed” it doesn’t make it less harmful.

  4. Drugs Are A Menace to Society • Marijuana (“gateway” drug), cocaine, barbiturates (sedatives, valium), amphetamines (stimulants, meth), hallucinogens (LSD), narcotics (heroine), inhalants (paint, fuel, glue, aerosols), etc. • Alcohol (ethyl) and tobacco (nicotine) are legalized drugs that harm the body and mind

  5. Why Drugs? • Bad example of others like family or friends; living in a pill-oriented culture • Pressure from peers to conform • Escape some unpleasant circumstance or problem; extreme pressure situation; alter the emotions; change the senses; escape reality; gain some pleasure; easy solutions

  6. Why Drugs? • Rebellion; dissatisfaction; protest against others like parents, teachers, law-enforcement, etc. • Prolonged legitimate medical treatment turned into addiction • Curiosity for something new and trending

  7. Drug Abstinence • Get all the facts about the dangers and problems of the drug; be informed • Learn to properly deal with problems • Be aware of the symptoms of drug abuse so that you can help: sudden mood shifts, slurred speech, new habits, needle marks, money problems, theft and lying, withdraw, clothes that smell, hiding, etc.

  8. Drugs and the Bible • We are not to be enslaved (addicted) to the wrong things (1 Cor. 6:12; Rom. 6:16) • Drugs affect the body and we are to keep our bodies pure and useful in the Lord’s service (1 Cor. 6:19; Rom. 12:1) • We are to love God and serve him with our mind and body (Mt. 22:37; Rom. 7:25)

  9. Drugs and the Bible • Drugs affect the mind and we are to keep our mind sober (Titus 2:5-6); we are to control our mind (1 Pet. 1:13); we are not to be drunk (Rom. 13:13) • True happiness is found in the Lord and in the right way, not in drug use (Jn. 13:17; Phil. 4:4,7, 11)

  10. Drugs and the Bible • When hard things come our way, endure them and be better (Jas. 1:2-4) • Turn to God in times of trouble (Phil. 4:6-7; 1 Pet. 5:7) • We are not to break the law by using something illegally (Rom. 13:1-2; 1 Pet. 2:13-17)

  11. Parents, Children, Drugs • Often when there is a drug or substance abuse problem, blame is shifted away from the parents. The truth is, often… • Parents are not teaching their children the value of one’s life (Gen. 1:28) • Parents are not connected to their children (Prov. 29:13; Tit. 2:4-5)

  12. Parents, Children, Drugs • Parents are too permissive; they are not controlling their child’s environment: friends, music, movies (Prov. 1:10; 1 Cor. 15:33; Phil. 4:8) • Parents are not teaching their children biblical principles (Prov. 22:6; Eph. 6:4); not teaching them to fear God (Eccl. 12:1; 12:13-14). “Just say no” is not enough!

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