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Alas, Babylon…. Maia Council. Samantha Addis. A post-Apocalyptic novel by Pat Frank. Alas, Babylon: A summary………
Alas, Babylon… Maia Council Samantha Addis A post-Apocalyptic novel by Pat Frank
Alas, Babylon: A summary……… This story is set in the quiet little town of Fort Repose. Randy Bragg is a well-to-do military veteran with a girlfriend and two cars. His brother, Mark, is an intelligence operative in the SAC. This is set in a time when the Cold War was still progressing, so when Randy gets a telegram from Mark, ending in the enigmatic phrase, “Alas, Babylon,” he fears the worst. You see, as children, when a particular preacher, at the end of his apocalyptic speeches, would remark, “Alas, Babylon!” they decided to name it a code for any sort of great tragedy. Mark sends his wife, Helen, and his children, Ben Franklin and Peyton, to stay in the relative safety of Fort Repose. Not too long after their arrival, the family is awakened by the shockwaves and mushroom clouds generated by the first H-bombs fired by the Russian submarines. The real trouble is yet to come. The following story is one of learning to survive without the basic things we take for granted. It is one of love, loss, integrity, and the strength of the human spirit.
PAT FRANK-The man behind the story Pat Frank, or Harry Hart Frank, was born in 1908.He is most known for his book Alas Babylon, though he wrote other novels. It was what people were fearing would happen at that time, so it was sort of a horror novel. For much of his life he worked for newspapers and government bureaus, though afterwards he made the transition to writing and created many works. He died in 1964, but his works LIVE ON!
VOCABULARY Apocalyptic ---------------------------------------------- disastrous, world- ending Babylon--------------------------------------------------- city in the Middle East, condemned by God because of sin Frangipani------------------------------------------------ a flowering shrub-tree SAC-------------------------------------------------------- Strategic Air Command ( a government agency )
Characters( And there’s a lot )( Practically an entire town! ) • Randy Bragg-The main character of the book, Mark’s brother • Mark Bragg-Head Intelligence Officer at SAC, Randy’s brother • Helen Bragg-Mark’s wife, sent by Mark to Fort Repose • Peyton Bragg-Mark and Helen’s daughter, sent with Helen to FR • Ben Franklin Bragg-Peyton’s brother, sent with his sister to FR • Florence Wechek-head of Western Union • Alice Cooksey-town librarian, Florence’s best friend • Lib McGovern-Randy’s girlfriend/wife(married at the end of the book) • The Henrys-A family of African Americans, Missouri, who works cleaning houses, Malachai, who works the farm (and is a mechanic), Two-Tone, Malachai’s brother • Admiral Hazzard-retired war Admiral, owner of last working radio in FR(for a while at least) • Josephine Vanbruuker-Brown-formerly the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, after the war becomes President due to the deaths of, basically, the rest of the government. • Porky Logan-defeated Randy in a political race for office in the local state legislature, dies of radiation poisoning • Edgar Quisenberry-head of the Bank, commits suicide • Rita Hernandez-attractive but poor woman, formerly Randy’s girlfriend • Dan Gunn-local doctor, Randy’s friend
Themes • Survival in post apocalyptic conditions • Futuristic nuclear warfare • The reaction of people to losing everything they know and are accustomed to. • Fear of the unknown • Love
Notable Quoteables • Thus the lights went out, and in a moment civilization in Fort Repose retreated a hundred years. So ended The Day. • “The strong survive. The frail die. The exotic fish die because the aquarium isn’t heated. The common guppy lives. So does the tough catfish.” … “Florence is a guppy. A nice, drab little guppy. That’s why she’ll survive.” “What about you and me?” “We’re going to have to be tough. We’re going to have to be catfish.” • (an add posted at the trade market) WILL SWAP—Late model Cadillac Coupe de Ville, radio, heater, air-conditioned, battery run down but undamaged, for two good 28-inch bicycle tires and pump