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Mauro Raggi Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati Photon Veto WG Cern 7/2/2012. The LAV PMT PERFORMANCE. On the road to … 1500 blocks!. Analysis is based on the database data 18/01/12 So far we have processed a total of 1424 blocks : of which 1414 good blocks (hoven run)
Mauro RaggiLaboratoriNazionali di Frascati Photon Veto WG Cern 7/2/2012 The LAV PMT PERFORMANCE
On the road to … 1500 blocks! • Analysis is based on the database data 18/01/12 • So far we have processed a total of 1424 blocks: • of which 1414 good blocks (hoven run) • 10 blocks have been rejected for HV by hoven • None has been rejected due to rate • The blocks processed are 57.7% of the total • The blocks rejectedby hoven runs are only 0.7% (to high HV at equalization 1500)
Block performance PeY Mean = 0.330±0.0013 Sigma = 0.48 Photo electron per MeV (MIPs) Photo electron Yield Remember that this vale is 50% higher wrt the one for electrons and photons
Block performance HV Equalization high voltage Rejected blocks Only 10% of blocks have HV higher than 1400 V Only 10 blocks have HV=1500 V
Performance PMT gain The gain range spanned by 500V increase in HV is rather limited!
Performance Q at equalization Q response average 4.48 pC Sigma is 0.09pC only 2%! Most part of the blocks is within ±0.3 pC <7% equalization.
PEY time stability check No sizable slope found in the Peyvs time distribution
Different block types analysis Blocks are distributed in different ANTI stations. The uniformity in block performance is fundamentalto guarantee a good efficiency of the detector. The data for blocks type 13-14 are final we already processed all of them.
Block types PEY Maximum difference -3.6% on average PeY Blocks of type 14 show a bit lower PEY.
Block types Q response The equalization quality is independent from the block type. The blocks type 15 seem to have slightly lower spread in the charge values obtained by equalization.
Blocks type performance HV Distribution of blocks between different HV intervals look quite similar in all block types
Banana database check Banana 35 is missing Banana 324 seem to miss 1 block All the blocks with HV=1500 are currently not assigned to any banana There is a strange banana number 1789
Conclusion • 57.7% percent of block were already in the online database on January the 18th 2012 • The quality of blocks seem stable in time • Uniformity of different block types looks very good • The analysis can be refined considering blocks in different LAV stations • The quality of the equalization is excellent