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Photo Essay

Photo Essay. Maddi Quinn Social 20-1. I took a picture of Adolf Hitler because I think he shows a great deal of Nationalism. He was a very patriotic leader and showed a lot of self-determination. He was willing to do whatever it takes to make his nation stronger.

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Photo Essay

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Photo Essay Maddi Quinn Social 20-1

  2. I took a picture of Adolf Hitler because I think he shows a great deal of Nationalism. He was a very patriotic leader and showed a lot of self-determination. He was willing to do whatever it takes to make his nation stronger.

  3. This picture is of Soldiers bringing supplies to Haiti after the devastating earth quake. This an act of Internationalism. They put their own needs aside to help the needs of the people of Haiti by giving them their own funds and resources. Canada also had a lot of charities that raised money for Haiti.

  4. This is a picture of soldiers going to war. This is nationalism because they care so much about their country, they are willing to risks their own lives to fight for their countries freedom.

  5. This is a picture of Bill Clinton(former US President) and the Turkey Prime minster. This shows internationalism because it shows two countries working together to make an alliance. This allows them to trade goods back and forth.

  6. This shows multiculturalism. Multiculturalism promotes internationalism because it shows that we accept all kinds of races and nations into our country.

  7. Peace is a key factor in internationalism. If there is no peace, countries would not be able to work together to make our world a better place.

  8. This is a picture taken during the Rwanda genocide. This is nationalism because the Hutus loved their nation and wanted a pure nation. So this resulted in a devastating genocide.

  9. This is the symbol of the United Nations. United Nations is an organization that helps out countries that are in need and going through a hard time. The United Nations play a huge role in internationalism.

  10. This is a sign of trade. Trade is a internationalism because two countries come together peacefully and make a trade, this shows that they have a good relationship and will help them out when one is in need.

  11. This is the symbol for the Olympics. The Olympics shows how nations can come together peacefully and can compete against one another in a friendly matter.

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