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The H.A.R.D. Party advocates against nationalized health care and for Social Security reform. It addresses critical issues like national debt, military funding, foreign aid, corporate taxes, and business regulations. The party opposes affirmative action, promoting equal opportunities for all. Join us in rebuilding America's democracy.
The H.A.R.D Party Helping America Rebuild Democracy
The H.A.R.D Party believes that nationalized health care should not be adopted. Nationalized health care is a health care system which provides health care and financial protection to all its citizens. We believe that it is unconstitutional, will reduce the quality of care and cause people to lose their current coverage. The H.A.R.D Party also believes that Social Security should be modified and not eliminated. Social Security benefits have always been provided to anyone who has paid into the system and who meets the work and age requirements, so rather than eliminate these benefits, they must be modified to become more cost effective.
Nationalized Health Care • Insurance coverage • A majority of the nations workers, including 4 out of every 5 small businesses would lose their current coverage • Quality of Care • Fewer than 700,000 physicians would be available to treat a patient population growing in size, aging in years, shunning medical education • The result will be longer wait times to see a doctor and a decline in the high quality of care Americans are accustomed to as overworked physicians try to keep up. • Constitutionality • The government should not be allowed to mandate that a person engages in an economic transition with a private company
Social Security • Reduce benefits for higher earners • When Social Security won’t have enough payroll tax money to pay full benefits to everyone, it seems only fair to pay full benefits to lower-wage workers, and lower benefits to those who had higher earnings. • Raise the Retirement age • People are living longer than ever before, and the full benefits age should be increased because of this. Otherwise, recipients will spend an ever-greater amount of their lives living in retirement, which we simply cannot afford. • Eliminate the payroll tax cap • The Social Security payroll tax currently applies to annual earnings up to $110,100. Any wages earned above $110,100 go untaxed for Social Security. Today, the cap covers about 84 percent of total earnings. Eliminating the cap so that all earnings would be subject to Social Security’s payroll tax would help close the program’s funding gap.
National debt is important because right now we have the highest debt since WWII. National debt is caused by the US spending more money than we take in. High debt levels mean fewer jobs, lower wages, and more expensive consumer credit. The H.A.R.D party believes the way to fix this is reduce the amount of spending on certain programs.
Military Funding The USA is responsible for 39% of the world total, distantly followed by China ( 9% of the world share), Russia (5.2%), UK(3.5%) and Japan (3.4%) Even if we did cut back we are still leading the world in military funding.
Foreign Aid • Helps prioritize our national security and domestic issues over foreign humanitarian aid. Basically saying that we should focus on our citizens first. • Corporate Taxes • 1.Cutting the corporate tax rate will promote higher long-term economic growth. • 2. Cutting the corporate tax rate will improve U.S. competitiveness. • 3. Cutting the corporate tax rate will lead to higher wages and living standards. • 4. Cutting the corporate tax rate will boost entrepreneurship, investment, and productivity. • 5. Cutting the corporate rate lowers the tax burden on low-income taxpayers and seniors. • 6. Cutting the corporate rate will lower the overall dividend tax rate and taxes on capital. • 7. Cutting the corporate tax rate can attract foreign direct investment (FDI). • 8. Cutting the corporate rate would lead to lower corporate debt and reduce the incentives for income shifting. • 9. Cutting the corporate tax rate can reduce compliance costs. • 10. Cutting the federal corporate rate can help the states compete globally.”
The H.A.R.D Party supports moderate business regulation, especially programs including the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA protects our citizens from consuming or using dangerous products. We will continue the regulation of food and medicine to protect the safety of our country.
FDA • FDA regulates food and health products to ensure consumer safety • The FDA has the authority to recall food and products that have been found to be dangerous to consumers • Regulations reduce the number of foodborne illnesses
The H.A.R.D. Party is not in favor of affirmative action. We, as a party, believe that everyone should have equal opportunities no matter your race or gender. Opportunities should not be handed to people just because their minority has received discrimination in the past. For example, a person who is perfect for a job should not lose it to someone else who is less capable just because they are in a minority. Quotas for affirmative action have been outlawed in the United States, and they exist in very few other countries.
Affirmative action may create reverse discrimination • Society will not stop being “color blind” until they stop making decisions based on race • Affirmative action is demeaning to minorities because it suggests that they need affirmative action to succeed • Affirmative action could cause a minority to beat out someone more capable for a job/school, simply because of race or gender
It has been made abundantly clear by newly found research that support for the legalization of marijuana is constantly increasing. In 1969, 12% of U.S. citizens favored the legalization of marijuana. Currently, more than half the population, at a staggering 58%, says yes to the making of this drug legal. The H.A.R.D Party supports the legalization of marijuana.
Basically, the younger the voter age group, the more likely they are to support the change of cannabis laws. • One could interpret this as a difference in the perception of the drug. • Statistics show that in 2006, 50% of the population said that smoking marijuana is morally wrong. We see today that 50% of the population now says that smoking marijuana is not a moral issue, and now only 32% say it is morally wrong • Political organizations like the Colorado Democratic Party believes that marijuana should be regulated and taxed similarly to alcohol. • The benefits of legalizing marijuana are countless, offering billions of dollars saved in arrests of casual pot smokers, many needed products made from hemp, and assistance in the fight against illegal drug trafficking. • There are benefits to the decriminalization of marijuana, as well. Doing this would flush out some of our overcrowded jails, leaving more space for real criminals like rapists, murderers, and hard-core drug dealers. This would create a lot of extra money that we don’t need to spend on jails.
The H.A.R.D Party believes that corporate taxes should be lowered. Along with that more jobs should be created by using infrastructure. Increase of taxes on more wealthy people. Legalizing marijuana will also improve the economy.
Corporate Taxes • Raising corporate income taxes lowers worker wages, which leads to increased unemployment • Lowering the corporate tax rate leads to economic growth and job creation because companies have more money to invest • US businesses move overseas because the United States has one of the highest statutory federal corporate income tax rates in the world • Raise Taxes on wealthy • Higher income individuals can afford to pay more on taxes. • Legalizing marijuana • Millions of dollars are spent each year on marijuana
The H.A.R.D Party believes in pro-choice. We believe that it is the womens’ right to be able to make their own decision on what happens with their own bodies. Research shows that almost half (49%) of all pregnancies in the United States are unintended, and nearly half of these result in abortion (www.prochoicewisconsin.org). That being said we need to raise the awareness of pregnancy. We need to educate teens about sex in schools and make contraception more available. We believe that there should be a limit to the amount of time you have to get an abortion which will be determined by the state. Recent studies done by the World Health Organization proved that a country where abortion is illegal causes over 68,000 maternal deaths due to back alley abortions.
Pro-Choice • A woman's right to choose abortion is a "fundamental right" recognized by the US Supreme Court. • Personhood begins at birth, not at conception • Fetuses are incapable of feeling pain when an abortion is performed • Access to legal, professionally-performed abortions reduces injury and death caused by unsafe, illegal abortions. • The anti-abortion position is usually based on religious beliefs and threatens the vital separation of church and state. • Access to abortion is necessary because contraceptives are not always readily available. • Abortion gives couples the option to choose not to bring babies with severe and life-threatening medical conditions to full term.
The H.A.R.D party believes that early childhood education (pre-k) should be mandatory. Class sizes should have a limit. Teachers shouldn’t be evaluated by how their students do; it should be how the teacher teaches. Vouchers should not be allowed. Teacher tenure is allowed. We want to make college affordable by finding a way to lower interest on student loans and lower fees for instate students.
College graduates make more money • More and more jobs require college degrees. • Young adults learn interpersonal skills in college • College graduates are more productive as members of society • College exposes students to diverse people and ideas • Tenure protects teachers from being fired for personal, political, or other non-work related reasons • Contrary to public perception, tenure does not guarantee a teacher a job for life • Tenure encourages the careful selection of qualified and effective teachers
The Democratic Party states that “We can move towards a sustainable energy-independent future if we harness all of America’s great natural resources”. The H.A.R.D Party agrees that it would benefit our country and the environment to continue developing wind, solar, and hydropower energy sources, along with others. We encourage businesses and citizens to apply these cleaner energy sources by them granting tax breaks. Our goal is for America to breathe cleaner air and reduce the amount of oil we are importing. Solar energy is abundant and sustainable, because the United States is cannot over consume it.
Wind power has the potential to provide up to twenty percent of the country’s electricity needs • The construction and research of solar panels and wind power will create more jobs • Health advantages, reducing what we put in the atmosphere and reducing the dangers for future generations • Renewable energy source • Sustainable • Solar panels require little maintenance, residential solar panels only need cleaning a few times a year
The H.A.R.D. Party believes that gays should have rights just like any other person. Same-sex marriage should also be legal in all states. We believe that the marriage of two same gender people has no effect on anyone else except the two who are getting married. The marriage is between those two people and no one else. Gays should be able to have the same rights as everyone else because they are still people and are just like everyone else. As of right now, fourteen U.S. States have legal same-sex marriage, and one state (New Mexico) has no law banning or legalizing same-sex marriage. Also, on May 9, 2012 Barack Obama stated that he is now in favor of gay rights.
Same-sex Marriage • Gay marriage is protected by the Constitution’s commitments to liberty and equality • Gay marriages can bring financial gain to state and local governments • Gay marriages would provide more stable households that could adopt children that would otherwise be left in foster care • Gay marriage legalization is correlated with lower divorce rates • Banning same-sex marriage allows people to think that they can discriminate them
Citations http://www.foodprocessing.com/articles/2008/061.html http://businessofhealthcare.org/2012/03/09/the-fdas-regulatory-impact-on-u-s-drug-supplies/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_health_care " Investor's Business Daily "The Doctor Shortage," www.investors.com "Medicare Benefits and Changes," www.retiredamericans.org http://www.aarp.org/work/social-security/info-05-2012/future-of-social-security-proposals.13.html http://www.dosomething.org/tipsandtools/affirmative-action-pros-and-cons http://inamerica.blogs.cnn.com/2012/10/10/5-things-to-know-about-affirmative-action/ http://www.people-press.org/2013/04/04/majority-now-supports-legalizing-marijuana/ http://www.people-press.org/2013/04/04/majority-now-supports-legalizing-marijuana/ http://justsaynow.firedoglake.com/2012/04/16/colorado-democratic-party-supports-marijuana-legalization-initiative/ http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/16798-top-ten-reasons-to-legalize-marijuana-now http://corporatetax.procon.org/ www.prochoicewisconsin.org http://energyinformative.org/solar-energy-pros-and-cons/ http://alternativeenergy.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=001792#9 http://www.dosomething.org/tipsandtools/11-facts-about-gay-rights http://gaymarriage.procon.org/ http://college-education.procon.org/