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Chapter 27: The New Kingdom. UNDERSTANDING THE SCRIPTURES. 1. The Son of David (pp. 474–476) . ANTICIPATORY SET Read Christ ’ s encounter with the Syro ‑Phoenician woman (Mt 15:23–28) and then write a response to the following question:
1. The Son of David (pp. 474–476) ANTICIPATORY SET Read Christ’s encounter with the Syro‑Phoenician woman (Mt 15:23–28) and then write a response to the following question: How did Christ seem to treat the Syro‑Phoenician woman? Briefly share responses.
1. The Son of David (pp. 474–476) BASIC QUESTION What does the title Son of David mean for St. Matthew? KEY IDEA St. Matthew wanted to show Jesus is the Anointed Son of David, prophesied by Jacob and Samuel, who established a universal kingdom; in St. Matthew’s Gospel, this was first recognized by the Syro‑Phoenician woman and then by Simon Peter.
1. The Son of David (pp. 474–476) FOCUS QUESTIONS In Jacob’s prophecy, to what does he comes (cf. Gn 49:10) refer? He comes refers to the man who is to come and to whom the ruler’s staff (scepter) belongs. He will rule not only Israel but the peoples, that is, all the nations. What is the difference between the scope of David’s and Christ’s kingdoms? David ruled a small empire in the Middle East whereas Christ’s reign is unlimited. What is the relationship between the Prophet Samuel’s prophecy to King David and the Archangel Gabriel’s prophecy to the Blessed Virgin Mary? The Prophet Samuel said God will give King David’s offspring an eternal rule. The Archangel Gabriel said God will give the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Son, who is a descendant of David, an everlasting kingdom.
1. The Son of David (pp. 474–476) GUIDED EXERCISE To understand the Archangel Gabriel’s words, write a paraphrase of Luke 1:32–33.
1. The Son of David (pp. 474–476) FOCUS QUESTIONS According to St. Matthew, what is the most important thing to know about Christ? He is the climax of God’s plan of salvation, fulfilling all the promises God had made to Abraham and David. Why is the title Son of David so important to St. Matthew? St. Matthew wanted to show the Kingdom of Heaven has replaced that of Israel. Why would St. Matthew’s Jewish readers likely have had difficulty to understand the nature of the kingdom Christ established? Most Jews of Christ’s time expected a king who would restore Israel, a little kingdom at the eastern end of the Mediterranean, rather than one who would rule all the nations and have members the world over.
1. The Son of David (pp. 474–476) FOCUS QUESTIONS How would Jews of Christ’s time have looked on the Syro-Phoenician woman? She was a descendant of the Canaanites, who time and again seduced Israel into idolatry that included human sacrifice and ritual prostitution. The woman would have represented the people the Jews hated the most. Why was Christ so seemingly harsh toward the woman? Christ tested the woman’s faith by adopting the traditional Jewish attitude toward a Canaanite. What did the Syro-Phoenician woman recognize about Christ not even his Apostles had realized? She realized the blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven are for the Gentiles, even the Canaanites. Moreover, she recognized Christ is the Son of David and called him Lord.
1. The Son of David (pp. 474–476) GUIDED EXERCISE Work with a partner to summarize the meaning of St. Peter’s confession at Cæsarea Philippi. GUIDED EXERCISE A think / pair / share using the following prompt: Explain what the title Son of David meant to the Jews.
1. The Son of David (pp. 474–476) CLOSURE Write a paragraph explaining the most important thing you learned in this lesson. Briefly share responses.
1. The Son of David (pp. 474–476) HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT Study Questions 1–7 (p. 485) Practical Exercise 1 (p. 486) Workbook Questions 1–10 Read “The Riddle: How Can David’s Son Be David’s Lord?” (pp. 477–479)
1. The Son of David (pp. 474–476) ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT Repeat the Anticipatory Set of this lesson and write about insights you have gained from the episode with the Syro‑Phoenician woman.
2. David’s Son and Lord (pp. 477–479) ANTICIPATORY SET Opening Prayer incorporating Psalm 2, a Messianic psalm the Church has always prayed.
2. David’s Son and Lord (pp. 477–479) BASIC QUESTIONS How did Christ silence the Pharisees? What was the thesis of St. Peter’s sermon on the day of Pentecost? How can the Messiah be both David’s son and his Lord? KEY IDEAS Christ stopped the Pharisees from trying to trap him with questions when he asked them how David could call the Messiah both his son and his Lord. St. Peter’s first sermon showed Christ, the very Person his audience had recently had a hand in crucifying, was raised from the dead, fulfilling the prophecy God would not abandon his soul to Hades nor let his Holy One see corruption. David called the Messiah both his son and his Lord because Christ is both a descendant of David and the preexisting Son of God, thus David’s Lord.
2. David’s Son and Lord (pp. 477–479) GUIDED EXERCISE Review point 1 (p. 478), and do a think / pair / share using the following question: According to the Prophet Joel, what are the last days?
2. David’s Son and Lord (pp. 477–479) FOCUS QUESTIONS What question could the Pharisees not answer? How can the Anointed One be both David’s son and David’s Lord (cf. Ps 110)? What were some of the challenges St. Peter faced during his sermon at Pentecost? Some of the hearers thought the Apostles were drunk, and some had earlier turned against Christ and demanded his Crucifixion. Some looked down on the Apostles because they were from Galilee. How did St. Peter explain the behavior of the Apostles and disciples on the day of Pentecost? He explained the prophecy of Joel had been fulfilled: these are the “last days” in which God was pouring out his Spirit on the sons and daughters of Israel (cf. 2:28–32).
2. David’s Son and Lord (pp. 477–479) FOCUS QUESTIONS In Psalm 16 (cf. point 4, p. 479), who is the speaker who said, “I saw the Lord always before me...”? It is David’s son, the Christ. What two things will God not allow to happen to the Son of David according to Psalm 16? God will not abandon the Son of David to Hades nor allow his body to see corruption. Extension: This is a reference to Christ’s descent into Hades, where he was not abandoned but only remained a short time, and his Resurrection on the third day. What is the answer to the riddle of David’s son and Lord? St. Peter explained David called his son my Lord because the Son of David is also the Son of God.
2. David’s Son and Lord (pp. 477–479) GUIDED EXERCISE To understand Psalm 16, imagine Christ praying the excerpt under point 4 (p. 479) in the Garden of Gethsemane before his arrest. Then write a paraphrase of the excerpt in the persona of Christ.
2. David’s Son and Lord (pp. 477–479) CLOSURE Write a paragraph summarizing the content of St. Peter’s sermon on the day of Pentecost.
2. David’s Son and Lord (pp. 477–479) HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT Study Questions 8–11 (p. 485) Practical Exercise 2 (p. 486) Workbook Questions 11–12 Read “The Church Perfectly Fulfills the Davidic Covenant” through “The Davidic Covenant: Three Secondary Features” (pp. 480–483)
2. David’s Son and Lord (pp. 477–479) ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT Work with a partner to try to talk through anything that did not seem to make sense in this lesson. Share some results with the class.
3. The Church Fulfills the Davidic Covenant (pp. 480–483) ANTICIPATORY SET Review the Graphic Organizer from Chapter 10 (p. 196) about God’s lavish promises to David and his son.
3. The Church Fulfills the Davidic Covenant (pp. 480–483) BASIC QUESTIONS What is the New Israel? How does the Church fulfill the features of the Davidic Covenant? KEY IDEAS The New Israel is the Church, the community of all believers in Christ. The Church contains within herself all the features of the Davidic Covenant.
3. The Church Fulfills the Davidic Covenant (pp. 480–483) GRAPHIC ORGANIZER Complete the following table to organize the seven primary features of the Davidic Covenant fulfilled in the Church (pp. 480–481).
3. The Church Fulfills the Davidic Covenant (pp. 480–483) GUIDED EXERCISE A paragraph shrink on “The thank‑offering...” (p. 482).
3. The Church Fulfills the Davidic Covenant (pp. 480–483) FOCUS QUESTIONS In the Church, who is the queen mother? The Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, is the queen mother. How can it be known St. Peter is the prime minister in the New Covenant? According to Isaiah 22, the prime minister (chief steward) of the royal government received the key of the house of David to open and shut exclusively. Christ gave St. Peter the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven with the power to bind and loose. What is the thank-offering in the Church? It is the Eucharist.
3. The Church Fulfills the Davidic Covenant (pp. 480–483) CLOSURE Free write for five minutes about Christ and the Church having fulfilled the features of the Davidic Covenant.
3. The Church Fulfills the Davidic Covenant (pp. 480–483) HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT Study Questions 12–15 (p. 485) Practical Exercise 3 (p. 486) Workbook Questions 13–17
3. The Church Fulfills the Davidic Covenant (pp. 480–483) ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT The thesis of this chapter: “Christ has founded a new kingdom.” Write a paragraph describing the King and his kingdom.