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Welcome to: Operator Information Meeting Thursday 23 rd February 2012 Tender for Framework Agreement BB2 (Large Vehicle Passenger Transport Services – 9+ Passenger Seats ). Introductions Mark Watters Team Leader - Business Development & Support, STG Ashley Holland
Welcome to: Operator Information Meeting Thursday 23rd February 2012 Tender for Framework Agreement BB2 (Large Vehicle Passenger Transport Services – 9+ Passenger Seats)
Introductions Mark Watters Team Leader - Business Development & Support, STG Ashley Holland Team Leader – Contracts, STG Janna Walker Senior Contracts Manager – Contracts, STG Arnold Lupunga Procurement Officer – Corporate Resources
Housekeeping & Agenda Mobiles off please Emergency exits Hold questions until the end Background – Why? How it works & key facts The Tender Form – what are we looking for Questions and Answers Where to get more help from
Background Overall process is the same as last time Only slight changes to the actual documents Need to comply with EU regulations A “Framework” means we can cut down individual tender times BB1 was extended for 3 years (max allowed). Therefore new Framework needed
How it works and key facts See the INFORMATION sheet Today’s information & Q&As will be available on our website The Framework sets up a “Standing List” Tenders within the Framework will be the same as those now: eAuctions Online tenders returned in paper format Emergency quotes by email outside the Framework
The Tender Form What are we looking for? You must answer every question Be honest, concise and clear We are not expecting Nobel Prize winning essays! Note that some of the questions are in the future tense and that we may wish to see proof before awarding any contracts The following gives an idea of the type of information you should consider when completing your tender (changes to existing framework highlighted as NEW)
The Tender Form Questions 1 & 2:about your company Licence details and CPC holder info NEW Operational base(s) How you will operate if you are remote from Leicestershire Do you operate wheelchair accessible vehicles or escorts Size of your current fleet by vehicle type
The Tender Form Question 3.1 “Provide a brief overview of your organisation and how it could best provide the services required by the Council” How long have you been in business Do you currently operate contracts for LCC or other authorities or businesses Are you familiar with the requirements of schools and other work What is the general makeup of your business – types of services you operate: coaching, private hire, local bus etc What sort of management do you have – operational, workshop, bookings, administration, financial
The Tender Form Question 3.2 “Have any of the Directors of your company and/or any person with the power of representation been convicted of any of the offences listed under Regulation 23 (1) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006” If in doubt – declare it
The Tender Form Question 3.3 “Please indicate with details if your company or any of its owners or directors have been involved in any disciplinary proceedings by any Traffic Commissioner or equivalent body in respect of the operation of a passenger transport business within the last 5 years” Appearances in Traffic Court with details and outcome Not interested in other convictions or traffic offences e.g. SP30 (unless these have resulted in Traffic Commissioner proceedings in relation to your business) If in doubt – declare it
The Tender Form Question 3.4 – Operational Quality “How will you ensure vehicles will be adequately maintained according to the manufacturer’s specification and in a roadworthy and legal condition?” Do you have a contract with a maintenance company – who, and what are the details Do you do your own maintenance – how many mechanics do you employ How frequently do you do regular vehicle inspections How does your driver’s walkaround check system work Do you have a workshop manager or similar Who are you insured with and what level of cover, excess etc
The Tender Form Question 3.5 – Operational Quality “How will you ensure drivers are aware of the individual needs of the passengers and the route, particularly if having to cover a regular driver who is unavailable” What customer care training have your drivers had and to what standard Do you have a route learning programme Do you draw up “route cards” etc. Do you have driver cover arrangements in the event of sickness etc.
The Tender Form Question 3.6 – Operational Quality “What arrangements will you have in place for vehicle breakdowns?” Spare vehicles Arrangements with other companies/hire arrangements County Hall cover
The Tender Form Question 3.7 – Operational Quality “What arrangements does your organisation have in place for staff development and training?” NEW What training have your drivers had and to what standard – CPC etc. Who provides the training Are they all trained – if not what is your plan to get them all trained
The Tender Form Question 3.8 - Financial “Has your company ever had to pay financial penalties or contractual damages levied in respect of a failure to perform to the terms of any Contract or had any Contract terminated (under the terms of the Contract) in the last three years?” NEW Includes Council and private contracts Credit check will be done for entry onto Framework and as deemed necessary throughout If in doubt – declare it
The Tender Form Question 3.9 - Environment “What steps have you taken to reduce the environmental impact of your organisation and its services?” NEW See schedule 2A – paragraph 27b Newer vehicles with cleaner emissions Defensive driving training Speed limiters or tracking Recycled water in vehicle washes Proper disposal of waste oil, batteries etc. Office and buildings – solar energy etc
The Tender Form Question 3.10 – Business Continuity “Please provide details of your Business Continuity plans that will enable you to maintain your service delivery with the minimum of disruption even in the event of unexpected circumstances. If you already have a Business Continuity plan for your company, you can attach it” NEW See Schedule 2A paragraph 38 Who does what and when What happens if your garage burns down What if all of your drivers report in sick “Recovery times”
The Tender Form Question 4: Pricing We must ask a question on pricing but it only accounts for 10% of your score and may NOT be used in any subsequent variations You must provide at least one price Perhaps think of an example: include what extra money you would need to cover all your costs to do an extra mile perhaps think of an example of an average school contract e.g. contract operates for 10 live miles a day; how much would you need per mile if the Council asked you to add a new pick-up on to the start of the route that was 2 miles away from the current start Please remember that the price you quote here is NOT the price you would expect to get paid for an individual contract – you will still be asked to quote a separate price for each new contract we tender.
The Tender Form Question 4: Pricing Specific note for taxi companies. We have opened up the Large Vehicle Framework to operators of smaller vehicles who can provide a combined capacity of 9 passenger seats or more: Sometimes need minibus-type operation and taxi operators may be able to provide this for us using more than one vehicle Please price based on any combination of vehicles in the 9-16 seat box on the price matrix
Tender Submission • We strongly suggest hand delivery and get a receipt or send recorded delivery. See Appendix 3. • Use the envelope template provided
Award Criteria See Appendix 1 Cost – 10%, Quality 90% Simple 0, 1 or 2 points 40% minimum Last time only 3 operators did not get on the Framework
Changes to Contract Conditions As part of the renewal we have updated and revised CCs. Bus Operators’ Working Group has informed these. Key changes (other small changes also made): Legislation e.g. Bribery Act 2010, Equality Act 2010 Environmental policy NEW CRB update Payment terms update inc better payment terms for adverse weather/strikes etc Clarification on roadworks payments School bus terminations now a simple 2 calendar months Novation conditions – NEW Primary school contracts – must have height adjustable seatbelts or lap belts NEW Retro-sign up to these new contract conditions will be required for existing contracts.
Other information Bus Operators’ Forum Thursday 17th May 2012 Council Chamber 10.00am Taxi Operators’ Forum Thursday 24th May 2012 Council Chamber 11.00am Note our PO Box address is no longer valid – please do NOT send your invoices there!
Further questions & information By phone or in person : call 0116 3056626 and ask for Ashley, Janna or Mark By Fax: 0116 3057181 By email: stg@leics.gov.uk In writing: Ashley Holland, Contracts Team, Sustainable Travel Group, Dept of Environment and Transport, County Hall, Glenfield, Leicester LE3 8RJ. Q&As and other documents are on the website: www.leics.gov.uk
Finally……. Please do not forget to tender! Closing Date for tender submission: Friday 20th April 2012