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WELCOME TO THE COMPENSATION TASK GROUP. PLEASE CALL IN FOR THE AUDIO AND CONNECT WITH YOUR COMPUTER. THANKS. North Carolina Institute for Child Development Professionals Transforming NC ’ s Early Childhood Workforce.
North Carolina Institute forChild Development ProfessionalsTransforming NC’s Early Childhood Workforce The mission of the Institute is to promote the implementation of a comprehensive professional development and recognition system that links education and compensation for the child care workforce to ensure high quality care and education services for children and families.
AGENDA • Introductions of Task Group Members • Purpose of the Task Group • The Current Context for Improving Compensation • Beginning Vision of Equitable Compensation for the NC Early Childhood Workforce • Current Early Childhood Workforce Compensation • Plan for Moving Forward · • Define a 10-year vision for your workgroup content area. What is the ideal that you want to happen? • · Do a SWOT(C) analysis within your group to give your group a collective understanding of the landscape (current conditions) in your content area. • · Looking at both your vision and your current landscape, what are 3-5 lofty but achievable goals our workgroup will tackle in the next 5 years. • · Create an action plan with strategies to achieve those goals. • Communication (email, text, meetings, Pages, Facebook) Margaret
Purpose of CompensationTask Group To develop a vision, goals and action strategies to improve compensation for early childhood teachers, family child care providers and directors.
Current Context for Improving Compensation • On-going workforce data – state and national • IOM report that includes compensation recommendations. • Increases in Quality Set Aside in CCDBG • Community groups focusing on minimum wage increases that include child care • What else from your perspective?
Transforming the Workforce for Children Birth Through Age 8: A Unifying Foundation www/iom.edu/Birthtoeight Suggested citation: IOM (Institute of Medicine) and NRC (National Research Council). 2015. Transforming the workforce for children birth through age 8: A unifying foundation. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
Full report can be found at: http://www.childcareservices.org/2014-north-carolina-workforce-study/
Beginning Vision of Equitable Compensation for the NC Early Childhood Workforce From your perspective and experience, what are key aspects of a vision of what equitable compensation would look like in North Carolina?
Plan for Moving Forward • Define a 10-year vision for your workgroup content area. What is the ideal that you want to happen? • · Do a SWOT(C) analysis within your group to give your group a collective understanding of the landscape (current conditions) in your content area. • · Looking at both your vision and your current landscape, what are 3-5 lofty but achievable goals our workgroup will tackle in the next 5 years. • · Create an action plan with strategies to achieve those goals. Meeting Times and Communication THANKS FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION!!