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YOU ARE GOING ON A. YOU ARE GOING ON A. LESSON 1. LESSON 1. CyberHunt. Ahhh… searching on the internet. So much information to help you impress your friends with how clever you are. So many fantastic pictures of your favourite football team.

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  2. Ahhh… searching on the internet. So much information to help you impress your friends with how clever you are. So many fantastic pictures of your favourite football team. It’s like having the biggest book of facts EVER, in the palm of your hand!

  3. But if you’re not careful you could spend HOURS and HOURS looking for the answer to just one question! You’ve missed your dinner, your eyes hurt and you’ve gone to so many sites it feels like your brain is going to explode!

  4. When we use a search, like this one it is usually because we need to find information on a particular subject. HOWEVER… Sometimes the search engine gives us so many options it is difficult to know the best place to look.

  5. For example, if you were trying to find out which teams have won the FA Cup since it began. We’ll use a ‘Google’ search. Click on the link below to get onto Google. When you are on Google, type in ‘FA cup’. Google link (Don’t forget to click off Google when you have finished)


  7. In lessons to come we will be using a CYBERHUNT to help with our searches. A CYBERHUNT helps us to use relevant websites to find information. They are very easy to use.

  8. You will be asked some questions on a topic. You will use the internet to locate the information. The links on the cyberhunt will take you to the websites you need.

  9. The joy of using a cyberhunt is that links have already been set up to guide you in the right direction to find information. WHAT ARE LINKS? Well, all the pages on the World Wide Web (www) are linked so that you can move around them. The pages are linked together using HYPERLINKS. You can also get HYPERLINKS on word documents or on PowerPoint presentations such as this one.

  10. To find out which words or pictures are hyperlinks you need to look out for these features… A text hyperlink is usually (but not always) underlined in blue. If you move your mouse over a hyperlink the cursor will turn into a hand. If you click on a hyperlink it will take you to a new page. DON'T FORGET THE BACK BUTTON! TRY THIS ONE… DON'T FORGET THE BACK BUTTON! GAMES

  11. HOW DO WE FIND A LINK? Some of the sentences below are links to web pages. See if you can find the links… Manchester United Team Manchester United Team Weather in Wales today Weather in Wales today bbc revisewise http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/revisewise/ http://www.epa.gov/recyclecity/gameint.htm www.recyclecitygame

  12. There are clues to tell you which words or sentences or pictures are links. What are the clues? Click to find the answer TheschoolofAbercanaid is situated in Merthyr Tydfil. In Merthyr you willfind Cyfarthfa Castle. Merthyris the place where Richard Trevithick first tried out hissteamlocomotive. 1.A hand appears A web address or ‘URL’ appears The words ‘ctrl and click to follow link’ may appear The words may be blue or underlined

  13. One of these mugs is a hyperlink . It will take you to the cybercafe. See if you can find it...

  14. You now need to fill in your worksheet titled ‘Introduction to Cyberhunts’ Click here for a copy of the worksheet. Your teacher may like to print it out for you

  15. WHAT HAVE WE LEARNT TODAY? Click here to test your knowledge

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