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Our team : Liga, Sanita, Ilze, Vija, Ilma, Aina, Dace, Marina.

Our team : Liga, Sanita, Ilze, Vija, Ilma, Aina, Dace, Marina. The possibility to introduce other people and frequentatively to think over the meaning „tolerance”. The systematization of all works through „Tolerance”.(Ilze).

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Our team : Liga, Sanita, Ilze, Vija, Ilma, Aina, Dace, Marina.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ourteam : Liga, Sanita, Ilze, Vija, Ilma, Aina, Dace, Marina.

  2. Thepossibility to introduceotherpeopleandfrequentatively to thinkoverthemeaning „tolerance”.Thesystematizationofallworksthrough „Tolerance”.(Ilze)

  3. Taking part in this project help me to be fair in some situations and understand people whose ways, opinions, points of view are different from my own. (Ilma) • I got the possibility to work in the team which is creative and active, the possibility to know the same processes in othr countries, to show my photos to others and speak about Christianity.(Sanita)

  4. Tolerance ismyfreedomandrichness.Thepossibility to cooperatewithdifferentpeopleandgettheexpierenceofrelationship.Thepossibility to acquirenewculturevalues. (Marina)

  5. I`mlearning, stilllearning to betolerantwiththosewhootherwise-minded, otherwisedressed , differentculturesrepresentatives.I`mlearningandrefineding, I `m proudthatAluksnesecondaryschoolisworkinginthis Project. (Vija)

  6. It`s great to have new friends, to learn new cultures, to see new places , to learn so much new!!!!! Aina

  7. Nowwehaveunderstood , whatmeans tolerance andwehavelearned to understandand to respectotherpeople, exceptfordiversity.Thanks to thisprojectwehavebecomeunderstanding, morerespectourselvesandothersirrespectiveofage. (Anzelika, Janis, Kristine,Germans, Linda, Ilze, Arnis Santa)

  8. We hope that we can meet other students from Lithuania, Romania, Sweden and Italy! (Arnis and Zaiga)

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