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Himachal Pradesh

Himachal Pradesh. Research & Extension National Conference of Agriculture for Kharif Campaign 2012, on 5 th March, 2012 Himachal Pradesh. Extension Reforms Program. Deployment of Manpower. Cont. Issues: Need to put age bar of 50 years & above in farmer friend as they are now

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Himachal Pradesh

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Himachal Pradesh

  2. Research & Extension National Conference of Agriculture for Kharif Campaign 2012, on 5th March, 2012 Himachal Pradesh

  3. Extension Reforms Program Deployment of Manpower Cont.

  4. Issues: • Need to put age bar of 50 years & above in farmer friend as they are now • demanding jobs or this component be excluded from 2012-13. • Emoluments of SMS be increased.

  5. Financial Status of SEWP 2011-12 Approved Plan for 2011-12 - 1578.41 lacs First Installment of Central Share - 648.34 lacs Second Installment of Central Share - 500.00 lacs State Share - 185.24 lacs Total - 1333.58 lacs Expenditure incurred - 1001.50 lacs Unspent balance (31.01.2012) - 332.08 lacs Requirement for 1st Quarter of 2012-13 - 450.00 lacs

  6. Financial Progress of 2011-12: • (Rs. in lacs)

  7. Physical Progress of 2011-12:

  8. Farmers Benefited

  9. Farm Schools

  10. Convergence between Agricultural Research and Extension • Programme Coordinator KVKs and PD, ATMAs started interface meetings and joint • visit of Villages. • SAUs have designated the expert for each district. • Districts have been allocated to SAU Scientists. • Five villages are being visited by ATMA & KVK and SAU Scientists. • ATMA and KVK are coordinating in the conduct of Field Days, KisanMelas, Gosthies • and setting up of Farm Schools. • Incharge KVK’s have opened the Bank Accounts for the implementation of ATMA • activities.

  11. Mass-Media Support to Agriculture Extension • Meetings of State Level Committees (SLC) and District Level Committees, being • held regularly. • Constitution of Technical Support Group (TSG has been done. • Active participations of all stakeholders in the monthly meetings of inter • media Publicity Coordination Committee and Quarterly meetings of • Agriculture Programmes Coordination Committees (State +District level). • Focused Publicity compaign through electronic and print media, telecasting • programmes like KrishiDarshanDiallect, Live phone in programmes, Success • stories & Field visits programmes & KrishiJankari and Mausam on Doordarshan • and broadcasting programmes on Khetibhari, SunhariKirne & KrishiJagat on • Radio.

  12. Mass-Media Support to Agriculture Extension (Physical Progress)

  13. Establishment of ACABC • Nodal training institute - Indian Society of Agri-business professionals, Solan. • Selection of candidates for training - NABARD, Agriculture Department, lead bank, • MANAGE, Nodal Officer. • Issue of certificates to successful agriventures – MANAGE. • Organization of refresher and sensitization training – 10 candidates participated • (Amritsar). • Benefit of allocation made for private sector to agri-preneures – Agri-preneures are yet • establishing. • Services of agri-preneures in distributions of inputs and implementation of • flagship schemes - Agri-preneures are yet establishing.

  14. Establishment of ACABC • No. of training batches 9 • No. of candidates trained 302 • No. of agriventures established 102 • Bank financed agriventures 45 • Candidates trained in the year 2011-12 65 • Trained / established agriventures joined other agencies. • Bank financed agriventures may start the agribusiness.

  15. MANAGE & EEI Training Programmes Cont.

  16. PG Diploma in Agricultural Extension Management • Adequate Publicity of Diploma in Agriculture Extension Services for Input • dealers is being done. • Enrollments of candidates are expected from the next year.

  17. Kisan Call Centre (12th August, 2008 to January, 2012) • Issues: • Call frequency increased manifold. • Three Lines are Managed by One Person at a time. • Four Persons are Managing the Centre against 8 and 12 in Haryana and Punjab • with similar call frequency. • Need to provide additional staff.

  18. Publication of Farmers Friendly Handbook • Centrally Sponsored Schemes implemented in the State are scrutinized. • State Plan Schemes are included under the appropriate theme. • Draft flyer of the state intimated. • Additions / Deletions shall be intimated.

  19. Extension Reforms through ATMA • All Districts covered under ATMA. • Institutional Mechanism setup to operationalize cafeteria activities. • Action Plans prepared every year based upon SREP’s covering all stakeholders. • Specialist and functionary support provided at various levels. • R-E-F Linkages established.

  20. Innovations through ATMA • Introduction of System of Rice Intensification & System of Wheat intensification. • Popularization of Polyhouse technology. • Introduction of Zimikand, Turmeric & Ginger to combat Monkey menace. • Popularization of vermi-composting. • Introduction of low cost cooling chambers. • Introduction of cultivation of milky mushroom. • Popularization of Organic Farming. • Popularization of Dairy based farming system in the area prone to wild animals. • Popularization of Pearl cultivation.

  21. Changes introduced by ATMA • Farmer empowerment through farmer oriented activities. • Improved Extension reach to more number of farmers through FIGs. • Improvement in relations with other departments (regular meetings). • Common platform for interaction with farmers and other agencies. • Better response to the demands of farmers. • Implementation in gap filling mode - convergence. • Changes in skill and attitude of stakeholders – MANAGE & SAMETI trainings. • Moving towards sustainability in extension – Beneficiary contribution. • Extension support at ground level, Bottom up planning – Groups / FACs. • Linkages with SAUs, KVKs, line departments & Private sector.


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