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Revolutions 3/4/13 http://mrmilewski.com. OBJECTIVE: Examine “Wheel of Fortune”. I. Administrative Stuff -Attendance II. CONNECTIONS -questions on episode#5 “Wheel of Fortune” III. Homework due Friday 3/8/13 1.) Read Chapter#20 section#4 p.520-523 -Answer questions (1-7)* p.503
Revolutions 3/4/13http://mrmilewski.com • OBJECTIVE: Examine “Wheel of Fortune”. • I. Administrative Stuff -Attendance • II. CONNECTIONS -questions on episode#5 “Wheel of Fortune” • III. Homework due Friday 3/8/13 1.) Read Chapter#20 section#4 p.520-523 -Answer questions (1-7)* p.503 2.) Read Chapter#21 section#1 p.528-530 -Answer questions (1-6)* p.530 *Pick 4 questions of your choice
Revolutions 3/5/13http://mrmilewski.com • ACT Test: Demonstrate mastery of your entire school career.
Revolutions 3/6/13http://mrmilewski.com • OBJECTIVE: Examine nationalism in Europe. • I. Journal#28pt.A -Examine the map on p.586 -Answer questions (1-3) p.586 -Examine the map on p.594 -Answer questions (1-3) p.594 • II. Return of Chapter#19 Test • III. Journal#28pt.B -notes on the challenges of nationalism • IV. Homework due Friday 3/8/13 1.) Read Chapter#20 section#4 p.520-523 -Answer questions (1-7)* p.503 2.) Read Chapter#21 section#1 p.528-530 -Answer questions (1-6)* p.530 *Pick 4 questions of your choice
Revolts in France 1830 &1848 • What were the causes of the revolt in 1830? • What were the results of the revolt of 1830? • What were the causes of the revolt in 1848? • What were the results of the revolt in 1848?
Europe Catches Cold • What were the causes of the revolt in Belgium in 1830? • What was the result in Belgium 1831? • What happened in Poland in 1830? Was it successful why or why not? • Who was Metternich? • What happened in Italy? • What happened in Germany?
The Causes of WWI • Nationalism • Industrial Revolution • This caused European nations to build over seas empires. • They carved up most of Asia & Africa using their military & economic power. • Failure of the Congress of Vienna (1814) to draw National borders based on National culture. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:ColonialAfrica.png http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~haroldfs/messeas/images/seascoln.jpg
New Powers in Europe • By the 1890’s new industrial & economic powers emerge in Europe. They were the newly united nations of Germany & Italy. • Nationalism and colonial rivalries led to increased military spending. Huge navies were built, and in 1914 one bullet led to war. http://www.wwnorton.com/nrl/english/nawol/maps/MAP34WWI.JPG
Alliance System • The assassination of the heir to the throne of the Austria-Hungarian empire by a Slavic nationalist led to war. • Franz Ferdinand. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Franz_ferdinand.jpg
Alliances • Following the Franco-Prussian War 1870-1871 the powers of Europe formed an uneasy peace. • Fearing retaliation from France for taking the frontier region them, Germany formed an alliance (Triple Alliance) with Austria-Hungary, & Italy. • Opposing this alliance was the Triple Entente, Great Britain, France, & Russia.
Industrial Empires Britain (1700s) U.S.A. (1800s) France (1800s) Germany (1880s) Italy (1880s) Agricultural Empires Russia Ottoman Austria-Hungary Split in World Powers on the eve of WWI
Queen Victoria • She was the Queen of England. • A common practice among royal families was to have one of you children marry a child of one of your enemies to prevent war. • At the beginning of WWI, three of her Grandchildren were the leaders of European nations. http://www.weddingspastandpresent.co.uk/gal/data/media/12/scan0003.jpg
The Grandchildren Kaiser Wilhelm II of Prussia Tsar Nicholas & King George V http://puffin.creighton.edu/museums/allen/Costumes.html http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/Homework/victorians/images/tim.gif http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en-commons/thumb/6/6f/200px-KaiserBill2.jpg
Revolutions 3/7/13http://mrmilewski.com • OBJECTIVE: Examine nationalism in Europe. • I. Journal#29pt.A -Examine the map on p.597 -Answer questions (1-3) p.597 -Examine the map on p.604 -Is Eastern Europe diverse? • II. Journal#29pt.B -notes on the challenges of nationalism and World Wars • III. Review for Final Exam • IV. Homework due Friday 3/8/13 1.) Read Chapter#20 section#4 p.520-523 -Answer questions (1-7)* p.503 2.) Read Chapter#21 section#1 p.528-530 -Answer questions (1-6)* p.530 *Pick 4 questions of your choice
The Outbreak of War • June 28, 1914 - Archduke Franz Ferdinand (German Speaking) assassinated by Serbian Nationalist (Slavic Speaker). • Austria held Serbia responsible for the assassination. • Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. • July 30th - Russia (Slavic) declared war on Austria- Hungary. • August 1st - Germany declared war on Russia. • August 3rd – Germany declared war on France. • Belgium refused to let Germany cross through its territory to attack France, so: • August 3rd – Germany declared war on Neutral Belgium • August 4th – Great Britain Declared war on Germany. • October 19th – The Ottoman Empire declared war on Russia, France, & Great Britain.
European Alliances WWI http://www.uiowa.edu/~c016003a/alliances.gif
The War to End all Wars • The Industrialization Revolution led to the mass production of weapons. • The Machine Gun. • Chemical Weapons. • The only way to get out of the way of the bullets was to dig a hole. • Trench War Fare. http://www.diggerhistory.info/images/asstd/trench-warfare.jpg
The United States • In March 1917 the U.S. declares war on Germany • The war ends in the 11th hour on the 11th day in the 11th month 1918. • The war killed over 9 million troops & 5 million civilians. http://go.hrw.com/venus_images/0326MC22.gif
The Causes of WWII • When WWI ended the allies (France & Britain) imposed a harsh peace on the former central powers (Germany, Italy, & Austria Hungary) • They blamed Germany & Austria-Hungary for the war and wanted them to pay for it. • The harsh peace led to economic crisis in the former central powers that gave rise to radical dictators.
Italy • Benito Mussolini • Wanted to rebuild the Roman Empire. • He started by invading N. Africa & Albania. • He was a terrible General and was eventually killed by the Italian people toward the end of WWII. http://www.geocities.com/ww2_remembered/Benito-Mussolini.jpg
Germany • Adolf Hitler • He was born in Austria, but fought for Germany in WWI. • He blamed the Jews for Germany’s defeat in WWI and for the economic depression in Germany. • He won control of the democratic government & made himself the ruler of the nation. • He then rebuilt the German military violating the agreement that ended WWI. http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/USA/USA-E-Supreme/img/USA-E-Supreme-p176a.jpg
Hitler Expands • Hitler ceased control of Austria in 1938 & demanded that Czechoslovakia give him control of the German speaking territory of the Sudetenland. • On September 1, 1939, German forces invaded Poland, igniting WWII.
Revolutions 3/8/13http://mrmilewski.com • OBJECTIVE: Examine Russian Expansion & Revolutions. • I. Journal#30pt.A -Examine the picture on p.603 -Answer the caption question on p.603 • II. Journal#30pt.B -notes on Russia during the 1800s • III. Review for Final Exam • IV. Journal due Monday • V. Homework due Friday 3/9/12(changed to Monday) 1.) Read Chapter#20 section#4 p.520-523 -Answer questions (1-7)* p.503 2.) Read Chapter#21 section#1 p.528-530 -Answer questions (1-6)* p.530 *Pick 4 questions of your choice
Russian Expansion • For years Russian rulers expanded their empires. • Ivan IV opened Siberia to traders & explorers which eventually extended the empire to the pacific. • Peter the Great won the cold water ports of modern day Estonia & Latvia • Catherine the Great won warm water ports on the Black Sea & lands in modern day Poland, Lithuania, & Belarus. http://worldroots.com/brigitte/gifs/cath2russia.jpg
The Russian Empire http://images.encarta.msn.com/xrefmedia/zencmed/targets/maps/mhi/0c8600de.gif
Revolt & Repression • Serfs wanted freedom & their own land to farm. • A few nobles supported enlightenment ideas -life, liberty, property -separation of powers • Nobles didn’t agree on the types of reforms to establish. • As education spread, the middle class demanded reforms at a quicker pace than the nobles did. http://www.millenniumschools.co.uk/_user/3/8/J/6/H/ja_image1.JPG?1140607339
Decembrist Revolution - 1825 • Small group of army offices tried to overthrow the Czar & establish a republic. • Result: FAILURE!! • Leaders killed or sent to Siberia http://cla.calpoly.edu/~mriedlsp/History111/Images/hambach1.jpg
Czar’s Reaction to Decembrists • Czar imposed strict censorship & banned books from the West. • Used secret police to spy on students & teachers • Enforced Russian nationalism & loyalty to the Russian Orthodox Church as a way to united his vast multi-national empire. • Pogroms – organized acts of violence against Jews • The gov’t blamed the Jews as the source of Russian poverty • The violence forced many Jews to leave Russia & go to Germany.
Russia’s Real Economic Problem • Russian political & economic system slowed industrial growth in Russia • Western European nations got stronger and more powerful because factories had lots of labor • Russian factories didn’t have a lot of labor because serfs couldn’t leave the land they worked
Czar Alexander II • In 1861, he freed the the serfs, but made them buy the land they lived on at high prices. • Since most peasants owed so much money they lived in poverty. http://studycircle.angeltowns.com/images/ruler-14.jpg
Effects of Industrialization • In the late 1800s industry expanded & peasants moved to cities where new factories were being built. • The middle class grew, so did education • Better healthcare & more food caused the population to soar. • Life in the cities was bad. -little pay -long hours -dangerous working conditions
Revolutionary Movements • Decembrist Revolt – 1825 *Goal – set up a republic • Mid –1860s *Goal – establish socialism • Who were the revolutionaries? -Most came from the small, but growing educated classes
What they did? • Tried to get peasants to support their revolution. When this failed, they turned to terrorism. • They assassinated Czar Alexander the II. http://www.columbia.edu/~rt184/alex.jpg
Czar Alexander III • He succeeded his father & returned to the repressive actions his father relaxed. • Despite this crackdown, by the time Czar Nicholas II came to power a new form of socialism, called Marxism became popular with the revolutionaries. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ea/Alexander_III._ Czar_Of_Russia_Nadar.jpg/433px-Alexander_III._Czar_Of_Russia_Nadar.jpg
Revolutions 3/11/13http://mrmilewski.com • OBJECTIVE: Examine “The Long Chain”. • I. Administrative Stuff -Attendance • II. CONNECTIONS -notes on episode#7 “The Long Chain”