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Achieving Adequate Yearly Progress for Students with Disabilities. As Presented By: Dr. Frances Stetson and Condensed by Rosey Solis-Guerra. NCLB.
Achieving Adequate Yearly Progress for Students with Disabilities As Presented By: Dr. Frances Stetson and Condensed by Rosey Solis-Guerra
NCLB • All children should have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.
Goals • Close the achievement gap • Challenge ALL students • Equity! No excellence without Equity! Reflective Question: Are you a good teacher to ALL students?
Tool #1: Shared Ownership is Non-Negotiable • We need to be responsible for ALL students • “My students” – “Your students” • Special ed students do not belong to the special ed teachers, football players do not belong to the coaches, etc.
Tool #2:Same, Not Separate Curriculum • “The IEP for each child with a disability must address how the child will be involved and progress in the general curriculum.” 300.347 (a) (1) (2) IDEA, 1997
ACCOMMODATION: A change made in teaching or testing to provide students with access to information and create an equal opportunity to demonstrate knowledge. MODIFICATION: A change in WHAT the students is expected to learn or demonstrate. Tool #2 – cont.Accommodations Vs. Modifications
Tool #4:Differentiated Instruction Differentiated Instruction is a set of decisions that the educator makes to bring learning within the reach of each student.
Tool #5Self Responsibility for Learning • Evaluate process skills that facilitate student access to knowledge: note taking, writing short essay answers, test taking skills, preparing a book report, organizing materials for learning, preparing a project notebook, etc. • If there are obvious deficiencies in process skills among students, address the problem early in the year!
Tool #6:Collaborative Staffing for Increased Options • Collaborate with ALL colleagues (spec. ed., resource, math, science, etc.) • The team must be concerned with student success rather than adult issues Student issue Vs. Adult Issues