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Ecology : Lets save planet earth ! Interest center 6th grade. Angela María Torres Rangel. WEB. Reduce. Nature. Reuse. Natural Resources. Ecology. Recycle. Life. Green. I want my students learn that …. It´s easy to recycle and reuse a lot of materials .
Ecology: Letssaveplanetearth!Interest center6th grade Angela María Torres Rangel
WEB Reduce Nature Reuse Natural Resources Ecology Recycle Life Green
I want my studentslearnthat… • It´seasytorecycle and reuse a lot of materials. • Is necessary to have right attitudes totakecare of theenviroment. • Isimportanttotakecare of ourplanetbecauseistheonlyonewehave. • Ifwedonttakecare of natural resources, theimpact is terrible foreverybody. • Theyshould show leadershiptohelptoprotecttheplanet.
¿What´s in my center? • Websites: • http://kids.nceas.ucsb.edu/ • http://www.ecology.com/ecology-kids/ • http://www.ecokids.ca/pub/index.cfm • http://www.greenpeace.org/international/en/
Books: • Amsel, Sheri. (2009) 365 Ways to Live Green for Kids: Saving the Environment at Home, School, or at Play--Every Day! • Javna, Sophie. (2009) The New 50 Simple Things Kids Can Do to Save the Earth. • Artifacts: • Bag of recycled material. • Images of deforestation. • Music: • Song “Reduce, Reuse, Recicle”. • Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch=J5EVlEv2Y3A&feature=related
TASK CARD 1 • Aroundtheworldthere are manycompanies and peoplethatcutthetreestomakemoney no matterwhathappenwiththeforrests and theenviroment. Challenge: Take a look of thedeforestationimages and make a collage usingimagesyou can findon internet to show peoplehowwillbetheplanetifwedonttakecare of our natural resources.
TASK CARD 2 • Green Peaceis an independent global campaigning organization that acts to change attitudes and behavior, to protect and conserve the environment. Challenge: Design a “Savingtheplanet” boardgamewherestudents can play and learnwhich are therightattitudestoprotect and conserve theenviroment. Use allkind of colors, papers, orany material can makeitneat and peoplewantstoplay.
TASK CARD 3 • There are a variety of reusables materialsthat can berecycletocreateorbuild new thingsthatpeople can use in dailylife. Challenge: Thinkyou are a Designer! Use thematerials in the bag of recycledmaterials and create new thingsyou can use in at home orschool.
TASK CARD 4 • Watchthe video http://www.youtube.com/watch=J5EVlEv2Y3A&feature=related Challenge: You are a reporter! using a video camera make a 6 minutes reportage, showingtheactionstohelpplanetearth, thishavetoinclude at least 3 interviews of peoplethatworkstakingcare of natural resourcesor in ecology.
List of ideas to do taskcards • Create a brochuresumarizingalltheimportantaspects of your center. • A bookssearchaboutEcologytocreate a smallinformational Library. • Designadvertisingstodevelopecologicalconsciousness. • Make a Diorama aboutecology. • Develop a powerpointpresentationteachingtheconcepts Reduce, Reuse, Recycle