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Moanalua Middle School Challenge. Common Core Assessments will begin in SY 2014-2015. Common Core Assessments. Two consortiums are each developing their version of national tests. Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers http://parcconline.org
Moanalua Middle School Challenge Common Core Assessments will begin in SY 2014-2015
Common Core Assessments Two consortiums are each developing their version of national tests. Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers http://parcconline.org SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium www.k12.wa.us/SMARTER
Hawaii belongs to and is a voting member of SMARTER Balanced. • At the Hawaii Model Schools Conference, a member of the SMARTER Balanced consortium came to speak about the tests. Susan Gendron Senior Fellow, International Center for Ed. Leadership Policy Coordinator, SMARTER
Assessment System Design: Distributed Summative Assessment Through-Course 2 End- Of-Year START OF SCHOOL YEAR END OF SCHOOL YEAR 25% 50% 75% 90% Through-Course 3 Through-Course 1 Through-Course 4 • Key components: • Three through-course components distributed throughout the year in ELA and mathematics, grades 3-11. • One Speaking/Listening assessment administered after students complete the third through course component in ELA; required but not part of summative score – could be used for course grades. • One end-of-year assessment Source: Graphic adapted from a representation prepared by the Center for K-12 Assessment & Performance Management (www.k12center.org)
AYP • Through-Course assessments will not count towards school AYP. • End-of-the-year assessments will determine AYP.
Sample End-of-the-Year Performance Assessment for 11th Grade • Students will have about two weeks. • Tests will be proctored by teachers in school. • Extended time available. • Research portion is meant to be collaborative. • Students will need access to the internet.
Writing • Content and Form will be assessed. • Students should have the fluency to write around 1,000 words in 7th/8th grades. • The following is an example of what 8th graders should be able to write.
College and Career Readiness Writing Standards Text Types and Purposes Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective techniques, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.
College and Career Readiness Writing Standards Production and Distribution of Writing Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others.
College and Career Readiness Writing Standards Research to Build and Present Knowledge Conduct short, as well as more sustained research projects based on questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate the information while avoiding plagiarism. Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Example/ Science Technical • Sample Task A: Evaluating Evidence • Compare what the latest science tells us about Genetically Modified food against the arguments for and against Genetically Modified food. Evaluate the hypotheses, data, analysis, conclusions of each side, and including determining the extent to which each side in the debate relied on the available science, argues from an economical perspective, or appeals to the political and emotional concerns. Verify the data and either support or challenge the conclusions with other sources of information. • CCSS 11-12 RST.8 • Source: Achieve
Example/ Science Technical • Sample B – Making a claim • Read and view different examples of case-making materials related to GM food. Take a position and cite specific textual evidence from your sources, attending to important distinctions each authors makes and to any gaps or inconsistencies in the account. Defend your conclusion from counter-claims Create a presentation of your analysis that highlights key evidence and your strongest claims. • CCSS 11-12 RST 1. and RST 9. • Source: Achieve
How The Common Core Assessments will Differ • Selective Assessments from Quadrant A to C • Performance Assessments from Quad. A to D • New mix of Literary to Informational (45/55) • Higher Lexile levels of 955-1155 for grades 6-8 • Emphasis on level 4,5,6 Taxonomic level ( Analyze, Synthesize, Evaluate) • Emphasis on Quadrant D verbs
Rigor/Relevance Framework KNOWLEDGE Assimilation Adaptation D C Acquisition Application B A A P P L I C A T I O N
Rigor/Relevance Framework Did Students Get it Right? D C Rational Answer Right Questions RIGOR High B A Right Answer Right Procedure Low Low High RELEVANCE
Rigor/Relevance Framework Next Generation D C Summarize, analyze, organize, evaluate Predict, design, create, innovate RIGOR High B A Recall, facts, observations, demonstrate Apply, relate, demonstrate Low Low High RELEVANCE
Verb list by Rigor/Relevance Quadrant 6 Analyze differentiate Categorize discriminate Classify evaluate Compare examine Conclude explain Contrast infer Defend judge Diagram justify prove Adapt justify Argue modify Compose predict Conclude prioritize Construct propose Design rate Evaluate recommend Formulate revise Invent teach 5 4 3 Calculate match Choose memorize Count name Define recall Describe recite Find record Identify select Label spell List locate Adjust interpret Apply interview Build make Calculate model Construct play Demonstrate produce Dramatize relate Draw sequence Illustrate solve 2 1 1 2 3 4 5
Analytic Thinking Process • What is the purpose of this material? • What is a key question that is addressed or needs to be addressed? • What is the most important information? • What are the main inferences that can be made? • What are the key ideas or concepts?
Analytic Thinking Process • What are the assumptions the author(s) made in this information, issue, or source • What are the implications of this information? • What is the main point of view that is presented? • Paul,R. and Elder, L. (2003) Analytic Thinking Foundation for Critical Thinking Press (page 23)
Rigorous and Relevant Instruction Sharing the standard with Students Defining the Focus
Rigorous and Relevant Instruction Analyze the verbs Defining the Focus
Rigorous and Relevant Instruction Reword – the standard Defining the Focus
Rigorous and Relevant Instruction “I can” statements Defining the Focus
Student Understanding “ What does this standard want you to be able to do or know?” to “What skills or knowledge do you have to demonstrate to be successful?”
Take a Three Minute Pulse • After 10-15 discussion, reading, lecture • Reflect, discuss what they learned using higher order thinking skills • Suggested questions: (Marzano) • How does this information relate to you? • How does what we’ve just learned relate to.. • How is what we just learned similar or different to • Identify one thing you knew and one thing that was new to you…
More Strategies • Traffic Light feedback • Gallery Walk • Portfolio • Concept Map • Ticket out the door
Self Assessment cards • Please notice… • I’ve learned… • I have a question… • I want you to know I was really stuck… • But I think I figured it out… • Still need practice: • I’m struggling with… • My big question is…
A - Ask questions to recall facts, make observations, or demonstrate understanding: What is/are ___? How many ___? What did you observe ___? What can you recall ___? In what ways ___? What did you notice about ___? What do/did you feel/see/hear/smell ___? What do/did you remember ___? What did you find out about ___?
B – Ask questions to apply or relate: How would you do that? Where will you use that knowledge? How does that relate to your experience? How can you demonstrate that? Calculate that for ___? How would you illustrate that? How do you know it works? Can you apply what you know to this real-world problem?
C – Ask questions to summarize, analyze, organize, or evaluate: How are these similar/different? How is this like? What’s another way we could express that? How can you distinguish between ___? How would you defend your position? What evidence can you offer? How do you know?
D – Ask questions to predict, design, or create: How would you design a __ to __? How would you compose a song? Can you see a possible solution? Can you develop a proposal that would__? How would you do it differently? How would you devise your own way to deal with ___?
Primary Assessments Rigor/Relevance Framework KNOWLEDGE • Portfolio • Product Performance • Interview • Self Reflection • Extended Response • Product Performance • Process • Performance • Product Performance • Multiple Choice • Constructed Response A P P L I C A T I O N