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FundsNational| Mortgage Arrears

We care at Funds National The principles set up Fundsnational because they care & genuinely want to help people get back on track financially. Our goal is stop Australians paying high default rates and to provide a new positive financial future for our clients.

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FundsNational| Mortgage Arrears

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fundsnational | Mortgage Arrears We care at Funds National The principles set up Fundsnational because they care & genuinely want to help people get back on track financially. Our goal is stop Australians paying high default rates and to provide a new positive financial future for our clients.

  2. Our Successes Vicky's Story. The problem. Vicki a single mum with 2 year-old twins on family tax benefits, working in hospitality wanted to buy the house she was renting since separating from her husband. Even with $10,000.00 deposit the lender wasn’t comfortable with the number of enquiries on her credit file. Solution: Lenders disliked the property location & her separation. FundsNational found a financier in Paynesville & her mother gave her the deposit balance. Result: Vicki obtained finance at a bank rate and settled within 3 weeks of submitting her loan application.

  3. “At Fundsnational we listen to your needs and ‘do whatever it takes’ to get you back on track with a low rate ‘bad credit’ loan.” Fundsnational has strong relationships with lenders who are experts in lending to clients who fall outside traditional lending guidelines and have arrears and defaults.

  4. This means that Fundsnational is able to help clients find a better solution even though they do not fit within the narrow lending criteria of banks. Feel safe that Fundsnational will be able to take care of your finances. We are committed to providing customers with the best service, the quickest settlements and the highest standards in the bad credit mortgage industry.

  5. Visit us at www.fundsnational.com or Call us today ! (03) 8696 6300

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