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Learn about the dangers of alcohol and driving, including impaired judgment and increased accident probability. Understand the factors that affect blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and the signs of impairment while driving. Discover the only way to reduce the risk of a crash caused by drinking and driving.

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  1. Alcohol

  2. Alcohol and Driving Alcohol is a drug that affects overall driving ability The reasons for this are: 1- The driver becomes overconfident in his/her ability 2- The drivers judgments and ability to think clearly are distorted. 3- Drivers have a tendency to make more mistakes.

  3. Accident Probability when alcohol is involved • BAC blood Alcohol Concentration • BAC .02% accident chances are increased • A driver under the age of 21 is under the influence of alcohol at this % • BAC .05% Chances are doubled • BAC .10% Chances are 6x’s Greater • BAC .15% Chances are 25x’s Greater

  4. Alcohol Statistic • 50% of all accidents with fatalities involve alcohol. • The number fatalities related to alcohol increases: • At night, On weekends, around Holidays • 1 out of 50 people are under the influence of alcohol or drugs at any time of day. • 1 out of 10 are D.U.I on weekend nights

  5. BAC Factors • A person’s BAC is based on these 3 main factors: • The Person’s weight • How much you drink • How fast you drink • The alcohol you consume is absorbed into the bloodstream in about 10 to 20 minutes Small intestine • Eating before drinking will slow the absorption rate • This doesn’t change your BAC

  6. How Much is One Drink • One 12 ounce can of beer = one 5 ounce glass of wine = one 1 and ½ ounce drink of whiskey • Beer 4% alcohol • Wine 12% alcohol Whiskey 45% alcohol

  7. B4UDRINK Alcohol Educator • http://www.b4udrink.org/ • Use this website to see how alcohol affects your BAC and what it can do to your physical health.

  8. Alcohol Facts • Acts as a depressant on the CNS: slows your reactions, impairs judgments • Has calories but no nutritional value • Decreases mental and physical ability • A given amount has different effects on individuals • TIME is the only way to sober up

  9. The Alcohol Path • Enters the bloodstream mainly through the small intestines • 10 to 20 minutes to be absorbed (food will slow down the rate of absorption but not stop it) • Carbonated drinks will be absorbed faster • Alcohol travels to the brain where it impairs your driving ability by altering your mental capacity and physical ability

  10. Alcohol Elimination • Alcohol is oxidized by the liver at a rate of approximately ½ ounce per hour (1 drink) • This lowers your BAC by .015 each hour • After a person stops drink their BAC will continue to rise until all of the alcohol is absorbed • Some sobering up myths are: you can sweat it out, cold shower, drinking black coffee

  11. Effects of Alcohol • 2 to 4 drinks of alcohol impairs • Reaction time • Coordination • Balance • Your Driving skills that are affected are: • Alertness • Judgments • Reactions

  12. Signs of Impairment • Become more talkative • Increased self confidence • Making poor judgments • Drugs may also affect driving skills • Cold pills • Tranquilizers • Prescription medications

  13. Signs of Impairment while Driving • Speeding or slow driving • Weaving • Inconsistent speed • Quick stops • No headlights • Wide turns

  14. The Only Way To Reduce the risk of a Crash caused by Drinking and Driving • Don’t Drink and Drive!!!!

  15. State Test library (Alcohol) • Driving under the influence of intoxicating beverages means: • The driver’s senses and judgments are impaired by alcohol • The best way to reduce your chances of having an alcohol related accident is: • Don’t drive after drinking

  16. State test library continued • The only way to sober up is: Time • Crash Probability • BAC .05% = Risk Doubles • BAC .10% = Risk is 6x’s greater • BAC .15% = Risk is 25x’s greater • 1 twelve ounce can of beer = 1 five ounce glass of wine = one 1 and ½ ounce drink of whisky

  17. State test library continued • Other drugs that affect driving are: cold pills, tranquilizers, prescription medications • BAC factors are: your weight, amount you drink, how fast you drink • After 2 to 4 drinks alcohol begins to impair: reaction time, coordination and balance and judgments • The implied consent law states that if you are suspected of drinking and driving you must submit to a breath test.

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