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By: Karika Sethi The Topic For Today Is…. World History Honors Finals Review. P.S.- click three times for the answer for every question unless told not to do so. Thanks!. Ancient Rome: 200. Question: Who were the two men that founded ancient Rome? (click three times for answer) Answer
By: Karika Sethi The Topic For Today Is…
World History Honors Finals Review P.S.- click three times for the answer for every question unless told not to do so. Thanks!
Ancient Rome: 200 • Question: • Who were the two men that founded ancient Rome? (click three times for answer) • Answer • Romulus and Remus Small Background- They were twins. But later Romulus killed Remus and named the city after himself-> Rome Back
Ancient Rome: 400 • Question: • What does the term Pax Romana mean? • Answer • It means Roman Peace. Small Background- Under the Pax Romana, the arts flourished and 6 generations of peace and prosperity followed. Back
Ancient Rome: 600 • Question: • Who was Julius Caesar? • Answer • Julius Caesar was a powerful dictator of Rome. Small Background- Julius had only one living child and he took many military expeditions. He was a brave, proud man. Back
Ancient Rome: 800 • Question: • What was the Roman government called? • Answer • The Republic Small Background- it was a republican form of gov. and it had three branches (the three the U.S. has) and it was based off of citizen votes. Only during a crisis, a dictator was appointed. Back
Middle Ages: 200 • Question: • What is a: lord, manor, feif, vassal, and tithe? (click for each definition. About 6 times) • Answer • Lord- landowner Manor- lord’s plot of land Feif- the land Vassal- someone who gets a feif (land) Tithe- a church tax Back
Middle Ages: 400 • Question: • What is the order of the social pyramid during the Middle Ages? (click 5 times) • Answer • King • Nobles and Lords (wealthy) • Knights (or the fighters or warriors) • Peasants or serfs (people who work the land) Back
Middle Ages: 600 • Question: • What were some main aspects of Gothic architecture? • Answer • Gargoyles, stained glass windows, and high arches were common gothic art. Short Background- This architecture was dedicated to the Christian churches and were most often found there. Back
Middle Ages: 800 • Question: • What is the Bubonic Plague? • Answer • It was one of the three types of Plague. Short Background- the other types of Plague are Pneumonic and Septicemic. Back
Ancient Africa: 200 • Question: • What are the different regions of Africa? (click only twice) • Answer • North and Centeral, Western, and Eastern and Southern Africa Back
Ancient Africa: 400 • Question: • What is the main language in Eastern and Southern Africa? • Answer • Swahili Short Summary- the Bantu people brought their Bantu language when they came to Africa. So the existing Arabic mixed with the Bantu to form Swahili. Bantu + Arabic = Swahili Back
Ancient Africa: 600 • Question: • Who were some key people in West Africa? • Answer • Mansa Musa and Ibn Battutu Short Background- Mansa Musa built mosques in Timbuktu and Ibn Battutu was a traveler who was on a pilgrimage. Back
Ancient Africa: 800 • Question: • What are Stateless Societies and where in Africa were they found? (click only twice) • Answer • Stateless Societies are societies that have no centralized system of power. This was found in Centeral Africa. Back
Ancient India: 200 • Question: • What was the main social system? • Answer • The Caste System Short Background- it was brought by the Aryan people and became a way of life Back
Ancient India: 400 • Question: • Who is Siddharta Guatama known as? • Answer • Buddha Short Background- he was a king who was on a search for enlightenment. He meditated for 49 days and became “the enlightened one” Back
Ancient India: 600 • Question: • What is the Mahabharata? • Answer • It is a story or epic that explains the changing in religions Short Summary- It helps explain the changes between Hinduism and Buddhism and has Krishna in it. Back
Ancient India: 800 • Question: • What is the summary of Hinduism beliefs overall? (click only twice) • Answer • If one does their darma (duty), they will have good karma, and be reincarnated (reborn) to a higher caste and eventually reach moksha (completely-ness?) and be joined with Brahman (a god) Back
Ancient Persia and Greece: 200 • Question: • What were the two main Greek cities? • Answer • Athens and Sparta Short Background- Athens was a city that encouraged wisdom and the arts, while Sparta encouraged military strength and fighting. Back
Ancient Persia and Greece: 400 • Question: • Who were the three main Greek philosophers? • Answer • Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle Short Background- Socrates encouraged Greeks to question their morals. Plato opened a school- The Academy. Aristotle studied there. Back
Ancient Persia and Greece: 600 • Question: • What are the Iliad and the Odyssey? • Answer • They are two epics Short Summary- they are poems that tell a story and they are written by a man named Homer. They were read by almost everyone at that time Back
Ancient Persia and Greece: 800 • Question: • Who is Zeus? (click only twice) • Answer • Zeus is one of the Greek gods. He is the god of lightening and the “father of the gods” or most authoritative among the gods and goddesses Back
Bonus Question: 5000 pts. • Question: • What was the Paleolithic Age known as and what does Paleolithic mean? • Answer • … • It was known as the Old Stone Age (because all their tools were made of stone). • Paleo- old + Lithos- stone = Old Stone (click one more time) Back
Finally!! • ***G A M E O V E R*** • Your done!!!! good luck on the finals!