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By: Karika Sethi The Topic For Today Is…

By: Karika Sethi The Topic For Today Is…. World History Honors Finals Review. P.S.- click three times for the answer for every question unless told not to do so. Thanks!. Ancient Rome: 200. Question: Who were the two men that founded ancient Rome? (click three times for answer) Answer

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By: Karika Sethi The Topic For Today Is…

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  1. By: Karika Sethi The Topic For Today Is…

  2. World History Honors Finals Review P.S.- click three times for the answer for every question unless told not to do so. Thanks!

  3. Ancient Rome: 200 • Question: • Who were the two men that founded ancient Rome? (click three times for answer) • Answer • Romulus and Remus Small Background- They were twins. But later Romulus killed Remus and named the city after himself-> Rome Back

  4. Ancient Rome: 400 • Question: • What does the term Pax Romana mean? • Answer • It means Roman Peace. Small Background- Under the Pax Romana, the arts flourished and 6 generations of peace and prosperity followed. Back

  5. Ancient Rome: 600 • Question: • Who was Julius Caesar? • Answer • Julius Caesar was a powerful dictator of Rome. Small Background- Julius had only one living child and he took many military expeditions. He was a brave, proud man. Back

  6. Ancient Rome: 800 • Question: • What was the Roman government called? • Answer • The Republic Small Background- it was a republican form of gov. and it had three branches (the three the U.S. has) and it was based off of citizen votes. Only during a crisis, a dictator was appointed. Back

  7. Middle Ages: 200 • Question: • What is a: lord, manor, feif, vassal, and tithe? (click for each definition. About 6 times) • Answer • Lord- landowner Manor- lord’s plot of land Feif- the land Vassal- someone who gets a feif (land) Tithe- a church tax Back

  8. Middle Ages: 400 • Question: • What is the order of the social pyramid during the Middle Ages? (click 5 times) • Answer • King • Nobles and Lords (wealthy) • Knights (or the fighters or warriors) • Peasants or serfs (people who work the land) Back

  9. Middle Ages: 600 • Question: • What were some main aspects of Gothic architecture? • Answer • Gargoyles, stained glass windows, and high arches were common gothic art. Short Background- This architecture was dedicated to the Christian churches and were most often found there. Back

  10. Middle Ages: 800 • Question: • What is the Bubonic Plague? • Answer • It was one of the three types of Plague. Short Background- the other types of Plague are Pneumonic and Septicemic. Back

  11. Ancient Africa: 200 • Question: • What are the different regions of Africa? (click only twice) • Answer • North and Centeral, Western, and Eastern and Southern Africa Back

  12. Ancient Africa: 400 • Question: • What is the main language in Eastern and Southern Africa? • Answer • Swahili Short Summary- the Bantu people brought their Bantu language when they came to Africa. So the existing Arabic mixed with the Bantu to form Swahili. Bantu + Arabic = Swahili Back

  13. Ancient Africa: 600 • Question: • Who were some key people in West Africa? • Answer • Mansa Musa and Ibn Battutu Short Background- Mansa Musa built mosques in Timbuktu and Ibn Battutu was a traveler who was on a pilgrimage. Back

  14. Ancient Africa: 800 • Question: • What are Stateless Societies and where in Africa were they found? (click only twice) • Answer • Stateless Societies are societies that have no centralized system of power. This was found in Centeral Africa. Back

  15. Ancient India: 200 • Question: • What was the main social system? • Answer • The Caste System Short Background- it was brought by the Aryan people and became a way of life Back

  16. Ancient India: 400 • Question: • Who is Siddharta Guatama known as? • Answer • Buddha Short Background- he was a king who was on a search for enlightenment. He meditated for 49 days and became “the enlightened one” Back

  17. Ancient India: 600 • Question: • What is the Mahabharata? • Answer • It is a story or epic that explains the changing in religions Short Summary- It helps explain the changes between Hinduism and Buddhism and has Krishna in it. Back

  18. Ancient India: 800 • Question: • What is the summary of Hinduism beliefs overall? (click only twice) • Answer • If one does their darma (duty), they will have good karma, and be reincarnated (reborn) to a higher caste and eventually reach moksha (completely-ness?) and be joined with Brahman (a god) Back

  19. Ancient Persia and Greece: 200 • Question: • What were the two main Greek cities? • Answer • Athens and Sparta Short Background- Athens was a city that encouraged wisdom and the arts, while Sparta encouraged military strength and fighting. Back

  20. Ancient Persia and Greece: 400 • Question: • Who were the three main Greek philosophers? • Answer • Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle Short Background- Socrates encouraged Greeks to question their morals. Plato opened a school- The Academy. Aristotle studied there. Back

  21. Ancient Persia and Greece: 600 • Question: • What are the Iliad and the Odyssey? • Answer • They are two epics Short Summary- they are poems that tell a story and they are written by a man named Homer. They were read by almost everyone at that time Back

  22. Ancient Persia and Greece: 800 • Question: • Who is Zeus? (click only twice) • Answer • Zeus is one of the Greek gods. He is the god of lightening and the “father of the gods” or most authoritative among the gods and goddesses Back

  23. Bonus Question: 5000 pts. • Question: • What was the Paleolithic Age known as and what does Paleolithic mean? • Answer • … • It was known as the Old Stone Age (because all their tools were made of stone). • Paleo- old + Lithos- stone = Old Stone  (click one more time) Back

  24. Finally!! • ***G A M E O V E R*** • Your done!!!!  good luck on the finals!

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