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2. TIMELINE . These factors provide the information necessary to initiate the 2009-2010 budget development process. The calendar below includes seven public meetings at which the budget will be discussed.Monday, January 12The Superintendent presents a report on the factors that will influence t
1. Northport-East NorthportUnion Free School DistrictFINANCIAL PROJECTIONS FACTORS THAT WILL INFLUENCE THE 2009-2010 BUDGETJanuary 12, 2009Dr. Marylou McDermottSuperintendent of Schools
2. 2 TIMELINE These factors provide the information necessary to initiate the 2009-2010 budget development process. The calendar below includes seven public meetings at which the budget will be discussed.
Monday, January 12 The Superintendent presents a report on the factors that will influence the 2009- 2010 Budget.
Monday, January 26 The Board provides budget direction to the Superintendent for 2009-2010.
Monday, March 9 The Superintendent presents the Proposed Budget for 2009-2010 within the guidelines established by the Board on January 26.
Monday, March 16 The Board conducts a special meeting to discuss Proposed Budget.
Monday, March 30 The Board conducts a special meeting to discuss Proposed Budget.
Wednesday, April 15 The Board conducts a preliminary Public Hearing on the Proposed Budget.
Wednesday, April 22 The Board reviews the public comment on the Proposed Budget and finalizes the budget.
Monday, May 11 The Board conducts a Public Hearing on the finalized Proposed Budget.
Tuesday, May 19 The community votes on the annual Budget and the election of Trustees.
Educational Program The projected cost is based upon the premise that the quality of the educational program will be maintained or improved.
Enrollment As per BOCES projections, the Districts enrollment is estimated to decrease by 64 students, from 6,415 to 6,351.
Staffing No changes are anticipated for administrative staff. Teaching staff may reflect a slight decrease at all levels. Minor changes for support staff are anticipated.
Facilities The District will continue to operate nine school buildings for K-12 education, and also maintain the William J. Brosnan School for pre-k special education, childcare, community service, central office and other district programs, as well as rental space.
Personnel Benefits Benefits for staff are projected to increase by $525,193 or 1.90%.
Textbooks and Supplies It is projected that these funds will decrease by $31,802 or 1.25%.
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Contractual Salaries
? The Northport Association of School Administrators, the United Teachers of Northport and the Teaching Assistants are scheduled to receive a 3.25% increase plus increment.
? The Teacher Aides and the Clerical Association are scheduled to receive a 3.5% increase.
? The Custodial, Ground and Maintenance contractual salaries cannot be projected until the completion of collective bargaining.
Purchased Equipment The allocation for equipment in the financial projections is $534,077. This includes $161,000 for the purchase of a new school bus and van, $45,000 for a new tractor and field groomer and other various educational and non-educational equipment.
BOCES Technology Lease/Purchase Agreement To better support the new technology equipment obtained under our BOCES lease purchase agreement, it is essential that we suspend the leasing of equipment for the 2009-2010 school year. These funds will be redirected to upgrade our wiring infrastructure and bandwidth in order to keep pace with the current demands.
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Contract Services These costs include contracted repairs, postage, copier rental cost, contracted security, professional fees (attorney, auditing, and architectural), mandated services for students and similar services purchased by the District. It is anticipated that these services will increase by approximately $308,056 or 5.36% mainly due to increased services provided to our students.
Utilities The total allocation for utilities is estimated to increase by $27,165 or 1.14%. This is due in part to the energy efficient systems installed by the District.
Contract Transportation The cost of contracts with outside firms to provide pupil transportation for our children is projected to increase by $840,350 or 11.45%.
Insurance It is projected that the current appropriation for property and casualty insurance will increase by $27,680 or 3.76% to continue the current level of coverage.
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Tuition It is projected that $299,000 or a 29.14% increase over the current allocation will be necessary to cover the cost of outside placements. The increase is due to CSE recommended school placements and costs.
BOCES Services At this early stage of the process, BOCES has not estimated its increase for next year. As a rough estimate, a 8.4% increase has been projected.
Long-term Debt Service Includes principle and interest payments for bond issues and is projected to decrease by $6,850.
Short-term Debt Service Includes interest on tax anticipation notes and is projected to remain level at $1,600,000.
Capital Fund The projected 2009-2010 budget includes $500,000. The Districts Facilities Committee is currently reviewing the Districts long term Capital Improvement Plan. Recommendations will be forthcoming in February.
Transfer to Special Aid Fund School districts are required to provide summer programs for certain students with disabilities that require a 12 month program. Approximately 80% of the costs are paid by the State and 20% of the costs are paid by the school district.
Transfer to School Lunch An amount of $50,000 has been appropriated to help offset costs for updated equipment, supplies and miscellaneous costs above anticipated revenues.
State Aid At this time, the Governor has proposed a reduction of approximately $900,000 in State aid for the Northport-East Northport School District and has singled out Long Island schools to bear a disproportionate share of the burden of school aid cuts. Hopefully the legislature will modify this and at least provide districts with the same aid as in 2008-2009.
Carry Forward Balance The carry forward balance is projected at $2,375,000. The balance at the end of the year is largely dependent upon the level of unexpended funds during the fiscal 2008-2009 year and any revenue above or below the budgeted amount.
Assessed Value The assessed value is projected to remain the same as the 2008-2009 school year.
9. 9 CONCLUSION The proposed budget will be developed in accord with the Boards direction, and will be presented on March 9, 2009. Changes to the proposed budget may occur between now and March 9th, and could be impacted by such factors as:
? Direction from the Board
? General economic conditions
? Staffing projections
? Assessed property value and tax implications
? State aid allocations
? BOCES estimated cost increases
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