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Kenya. Africa. Kenya. A Closer Look At Kenya. America to Kenya. Animals. Animals. Places. Downtown Nairobi. Nairobi's Mathare Shanty Town. Nairobi's Garment Market. Nairobi Side Street. People. Maasai Woman. Nairobi Basket Vendors. Nairobi Honey Vendors. Nairobi Weavers.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Kenya

  2. Africa Kenya

  3. A Closer Look At Kenya

  4. America to Kenya

  5. Animals

  6. Animals

  7. Places Downtown Nairobi Nairobi's Mathare Shanty Town Nairobi's Garment Market Nairobi Side Street

  8. People Maasai Woman Nairobi Basket Vendors Nairobi Honey Vendors Nairobi Weavers Mombasa Vegetable Vendors Maasai Men on Beach

  9. People

  10. Kenya Children Maasai Children Maasai Woman and Child

  11. School

  12. Food

  13. Food • The main Kenya food is based on maize. There is a sort of maize porridge called 'po-sho' • Ugali and FishUgali is made up of ground maize flour and water. It takes the form of a cake after it has been cooked. Simpy cook the floor in boiled water until it hardens. This is a favourite meal not just for the Luos in Nyanza Province but for all Kenyans. Fish is popular in Nyanza because of it's proximity to Lake Victoria and at the coast because of the Indian Ocean. • Githeri • This is a mixture of boiled maize and beans. This is a popular dish among the Kikuyu community mainly found in Central Province. • MukimoThis is a mashed version of the Githeri. It is usually made up of maize and beans mashed with potatoes or cooked bananas.

  14. Food MursikThis is a popular drink made of fermented milk and charcoal popular among the Kalenjins of Kenya. IngohoThe Luhya's of Western Kenya are said to love this meal that is basically chicken. Luhya's are sure to cook for you Ingoho if you are considered an important visitor. WaliAt the cost, Wali (Rice) is a popular meal. It is mostly cooked with coconut milk. Coconuts are readily available at the cost. KachumbariThis is a mixture of chopped tomatoes, onions, pepper, parsley and in some cases Avocado. It is mostly served with Nyama Choma. Nyama ChomaThis is roast meat. Very popular in Kenya. Beef is the cheaper meat in Kenya compared to Chicken or Fish.

  15. Village Life


  17. Language

  18. Flag America Kenya

  19. Let’s Compare Kenya USA

  20. Resources http://gberg.net/ke/ http://www.kenyaspace.com/localfoods.htm http://www.kenya-travels.com/guide/swahili.htm

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