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Lee Bontecou

Lee Bontecou. Born on January 15, 1931 in Rhode Island She attended public school and was not interested in art until college. She attended the Arts Student League in New York as well as the Maine Skowhegan Art School; where she learned metals and welding.

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Lee Bontecou

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lee Bontecou

  2. Born on January 15, 1931 in Rhode Island She attended public school and was not interested in art until college. She attended the Arts Student League in New York as well as the Maine Skowhegan Art School; where she learned metals and welding

  3. She traveled to Italy on a scholarship and when she returned to New York, she began experimenting with unconventional materials. She used mostly found maeterialsincluding mail bags, wire, and even airplane parts. She transforms the materials into complex sculptures

  4. Bontecou’s innovative work made her a famous artist in the 1960’s, but in the 80’s she removed herself from the mainstream art scene to work privately and continue her explorations . She taught at Brooklyn College in Pennsylvania.

  5. “Untitled #3” (1998), Silver and bronze pencil

  6. Untitled. c. 1958. American, born 1931. Soot on paperboard

  7. Lot 16, "Untitled," by Lee Bontecou, welded steel, canvas and copper wire, 23 by 24 by 7 inches, 1960

  8. Her work is very scientific and complex; from her drawings to her scultptures. Transformation of found materials is the essence of her work .

  9. Plate 160-161c.1980-1998

  10. Lee Bontecou

  11. “As much of life as possible-no barriers-no boundries-all freedom in every sense.” Elizabeth Smith

  12. Discussion What found materials can we use that we encounter every day? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using found materials to make artwork?

  13. Project • Using found materials a 10x10 sculptural fiber piece will be created. • Transforming the materials and their original purpose.

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