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Skeletal System

Skeletal System. Bones vary in shape and size The unique shape of each bone fulfills a particular need Bones are classified by their shape as long, short, flat, or irregular bone. Classification of Bone:. Classification of Bones. Long Bone.

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Skeletal System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Skeletal System

  2. Bones vary in shape and size • The unique shape of each bone fulfills a particular need • Bones are classified by their shape as long, short, flat, or irregular bone Classification of Bone:

  3. Classification of Bones

  4. Long Bone • Long bones have a long shaft and two distinct ends • Classification is based on shape not size • Example of this is the humerus

  5. Short Bones • Short bones are roughly cubelike • Short bones are often the carpal and tarsal bones

  6. Flat Bones • Flat bones are thin, flattened and usually curved • Skull, sternum and ribs are examples

  7. Irregular Bone • Irregular bones don’t fit into the previous categories • Irregular bones have complicated shapes • Examples are the hip bones and vertebrae

  8. Spine – Vertabrae , Sacrum, Coccyx • Hand – Carpals, Metacarpals,and Phalanges • Leg- Femur, Tibia, Patella and Fibula • Foot - Tarsals, Metatarsals and Phalanges. Lower Body Bones

  9. The spine, also known as the backbone or vertebral column, consists of a long chain of 33 bones each individually known as a vertebrae. • The main functions of the vertebral bones are for structure and protection of the spinal cord. • The spine is separated into 4 curves, the cervical curve, thoracic curve, lumbar curve, sacral and/or pelvic curve. • The coccyx is referred to as the tailbone, as scientist believe it is the remainder of a tail. Spine – Vertabrae , Sacrum, Coccyx

  10. Anatomy of the Spine

  11. The skeleton of the wrist consists of eight small carpal bonesthat are firmly bound in two rows of four bones each. • The metacarpals make up the knuckles of the hand. • The phalanges are the small bones that make up the skeleton of the fingers, thumb and toes. Each finger and smaller toe has three phalanges; the thumb and big toe each have two. Hand – Carpals, Metacarpal Phalanges

  12. Anatomy of the Hand

  13. The femur is the thigh bone, the longest bone in the body. • The lower end joins the tibia (shin) to form the knee joint. • The upper end is rounded into a ball (or "head" of the femur) that fits into a socket in the pelvis to form the hip joint. • The neck of the femur gives the hip joint a wide range of movement, but it is a point of weakness and a common site of fracture. Leg – Femur and Tibia

  14. The fibula is the long and slender bone beside the tibia. • The fibula is the outer and thinner of the two long bones of the lower leg. • Its main function is to provide attachment for muscles. It doesn't give much support or strength to the leg. • The patella is the knee cap. • The patella is a thick, circular-triangular bone, which connects with the femur and covers and protects the knee joint. Leg - Patella, Fibula

  15. Anatomy of the Leg

  16. The ankle is composed of seven tarsal bones. • The metatarsal bones are a set of five bones in the foot, which connect with the ankle joint and the toes. The ligaments, which surround these bones typically hold them in an arch-like shape, which comprises the arch of the foot. • The metatarsals are equivalent to the metacarpal bones of the hand. Both sets of bones serve important functions in the body, providing balance, stability, and functionality. • The phalanges are the small bones that make up the skeleton of the fingers, thumb and toes. Each finger and smaller toe has three phalanges; the thumb and big toe each have two. Foot - Tarsals, Metatarsals, Phalanges

  17. Anatomy of the Foot

  18. Dem BONES

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