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2014 Assessments of Blood Typing, Grouping and Screening Market--Strategic Profiles of Leading Suppliers Published Date: January 2014 No. of Pages: 225 Price: Single User: US$3500 Corporate User: US$7500
New Market Research Report on “2014 Assessments of Blood Typing, Grouping and Screening Market--Strategic Profiles of Leading Suppliers” added to ReportsnReports.com This new 225-page report presents a comprehensive analysis of the clinical significance and market needs for major blood typing, grouping, and infectious disease screening assays, including NAT tests, as well as extensive listings of companies developing or marketing innovative blood banking technologies and products. The report also presents strategic assessments of current and emerging suppliers, including their sales, product portfolios, marketing tactics, technological know-how, new products in R&D, collaborative arrangements, and business strategies.
Global Automotive Connectors Market 2012-2016 Table of Contents 1. Blood Typing and Grouping Tests a.ABO b. Antibody Panels c. Antibody Screening d. Antigen Typing e. Antiglobulin Test f. Crossmatch g. HLA Typing h. Rh i. Other Blood Groups 2. Infectious Disease Screening Tests a. AIDS b. Hepatitis c. Cytomegalovirus d. Syphilis e. West Nile Virus f. Parvovirus B19 g. CreutzfeldtJakob’s Disease h. Malaria Buy a copy of this report @ http://www.reportsnreports.com/purchase.aspx?name=274140. Browse more research reports on Healthcare @ http://www.reportsnreports.com/market-research/healthcare/.
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