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Twist 4 Matrix elements

Twist 4 Matrix elements. Su Houng Lee 1. S. Choi et al, PLB 312 (1993) 351 2. Su Houng Lee, PRD 49 (1994) 2242. Some basics on matrix elements and moments. DIS. e (E’,k’). e (E,k). X. P. Polarization Tensors. Where w =2pq/q 2. OPE. P. P. Diagrammatic rep of Structure function.

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Twist 4 Matrix elements

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Twist 4 Matrix elements Su Houng Lee 1. S. Choi et al, PLB 312 (1993) 351 2. Su Houng Lee, PRD 49 (1994) 2242

  2. Some basics on matrix elements and moments • DIS e (E’,k’) e (E,k) X P • Polarization Tensors Where w =2pq/q2

  3. OPE P P • Diagrammatic rep of Structure function X P P • Diagrammatic rep of OPE P P

  4. Twist-2 Operators P P • Twist-4 Operators P P P P

  5. Twist-4 Operators • OPE • Operators • mass Operators

  6. Parameterizing F2 (t=4) • For Cp: BCDMSdata and SLAC data +Virchauz,Milsztajin, PLB274 (92) 221 • We fit to • For Cp-Cn: NMC (combining NMC,SLAC, BCDMSdata) • We fit to

  7. Parameterizing FL (t=4) • Parameterization using transverse basis (Ellis, Furmanski, Petronzio 82) P P • SLAC data analyzed by Sanchex Guillen etal. (91)

  8. Constraints for matrix elements from experiments Note that the matrix elements A’s for the proton and neutron data are independent. data MIT Bag

  9. MIT Bag model calculations (Jaffe-Soldate 81) • Definitions • Calculations • operators • Normalizations by Jaffe (75)

  10. Calculations- cont • calculations involve spin and spatial parts

  11. MIT Bag model vs experimental constraint • F2: Q2=5 GeV2 as = 0.5 • FL: Q2=5 GeV2 as = 0.5

  12. A Parameterization based on flavor structure • Flavor structure • 7 Unknowns: F2,FL, proton, neutron target 4 constraints

  13. Summary - i • Twist-4 matrix elements are interesting itself because, • a) First experimental measurements of multiparticle correlation inside proton • b) Need much more correlation than • such as c) Non-trivial test of low energy models of QCD d) QCD sum rules for hadrons in nuclear matter

  14. Summary - ii 2. To answer the questions, need experimental update on

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