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Discover the diverse structures and features of medicinal leaves, from morphology to anatomy, and learn about their uses and active constituents. Dive into the intriguing world of leaf composition and vascular systems for a comprehensive understanding.
Leaves and Leaflets 1 Medicinal Leaves
I- Morphology of the Leaf 1- Leaf Base ● Stipulate or exstipulate ● Petiole: petiolate or sessile.
Pinnate 2- Composition A- Simple Palmate B- Compound
Imparipinnate Paripinnate
2- Incision: The leaf may more or less cleft, the amount being indicated by adding, -fid, - partite or – sect of pinnate or palmate type.
4-Venation Pinnate reticulate Palmatereticulate Parallelvenation
7- Base symmetric or asymmetric 8- Surface Glabrous: free from hair Pubescent: hairy Hispid: with rough hairs Punctate: dotted with oil glands 9- Texture: Brittle, papery, Leathery.
II- Anatomy of the leaf. Structure of Leaf Vascular System Protectiveepidermis Mesophyll
1- Epidermis Is an important factor in the identification of the leaves (shape, size, type of stomata and epidermal trichomes). 2- The mesophyll Divided into A- Palisade tissue ■ If present below the upper epidermis (dorsiventral leaf). ■ If present below both epidermis (Isobilateral Leaf). B- spongy mesophyll Which may contain sclerenchyma, secretion ducts or latex tissue, oil cells or oil glands, and crystals of Ca-Ox.
IsobilateralLeaf DorsiventralLeaf
3- The vascular systems of the Leaf In a leaves with a well differentiated midrib The palisade usually interrupted in the midrib region by a collenchyma which frequently occurs above and below the midrib bundle. Types of Vascular bundles: A- Collateral(phloem + Xylem) B- Bicollateral (phloem + Xylem + phloem) e.g. Solanaceous leaves. ■ The midrib is often enclosed in a starchy endodermis. ■ Pericycle: may be parenchymatous or consisting of a sheath of pericyclic fibers.
Collateral Vascular Bundle Bicollateral Vascular Bundle
1- Senna Leaf Origin: is the dried leaflets of paripinnate leaf of Cassia acutifolia(Alexandrian Senna)and of Cassia Angustifolia(Indian Senna) Family: Leguminosae.
Alexandria Senna leaflet: Margin: entire with very short petiole Lamina: laceolate to ovatelanceolate, Color: pale greyish-green Apex: acute and mucronate; Base: asymmetric; both surfaces, very slightly hairy; Venation: pinnate-reticulate;
Leaf Anatomy 1- Isobilateral Lamina 2- Stomata are paracytic in both surfaces 3- Trichomes are unicellular non glandular covered with warty cuticle. 4- Pericyclic fibers showed true crystal sheath.
Active Constrituents: ■ Anthraquinone glycosides named as sennoside A and sennoside B. ■ small amounts of aloe- emodin and rhein. Test For Identity (Borntraeger’s Test): Senna Powder + alc. KOH boil & Acidify with HCl Filter. Filtrate (Free aglycones) + Ether Shake Ether layer + dil. NH4OH & Shake rose red color in the ammoniacal layer (Aqueous layer).
Uses: ■ Senna stimulate the intestinal smooth muscles and produce purgation. ■ It used specially in habitual constipation. ■ In small doses it is used as laxative.
■ Dorsiventral lamina but have one p alisade layer under the upper epidermis ■ collenchymatous endodermis
Uses Cardiotonic for treatment of congestive heart failure (CHF). It increases the contractivity and improves the tone of the cardiac muscle, both reactions resulting in a slower but much stronger heart beat.
Special test: Keller- Killiani test for Digitoxose: Alcohol extract of digitalis + water +lead acetate -------- Shake and filter --------shake the filtrate with chloroform ------ evaporate the chloroform layer in porcelain dish. Dissolve the cooled residue in glacial acetic acid containing 2 drops of 5% FeCl3 soln. ------- transfer this soln. on the surface of conc. H2SO4 ------ reddish- brown layer slowly become ---- bluish green.
Digitalis purpurea Digitalis lanta
Upper epidermis Lower epidermis Digitalis purpurea
Lower epidermis Upper epidermis Glandular trichomes Digitalis Lanata
2-Buchu Leaves (Short buchu) Origin: Buchu is the dried leaves of Barosma betulina (Fam. Rutaceae).
Macroscopical Characters: 1- rhomboidal shape. 2- Symmetric base. 3- Shortly petiolate or sessile. 4- apex: blunt, strongly recurved. 5- Margin: dentate above and serrate below. 6- Punctate due to presence of scattered oil glands. 7- strong aromatic odor & bitter taste
Unicellularconical, thick walled Unicellularconical, with warty cuticle Buchu hairs Senna hairs What is the difference?
Active Constituents: ■ The V.O. contain about 30% diosphenol which is phenolic ketone. (L. menthone) which is Responsible for the pepermint like odor. ■ A flavone glycoside, diosmin. Uses: ■ Disinfectant to the urinary tract (Diosphenol) ■ Used in inflammatory conditions of urinary tract & diuretic.
Diosmin or Daflon (450 mg Diosmin + 50 mg Hesperidin) is used for treatment Of varicose vein and subcutaneous hemorrhage.
Coca Leaves Origin: is the leaves of Erythroxylum coca (Bolivian type), E. truxillense ( Peurvian type), Family: Erythroxylaceae. G. source: Native to Latin America. Cultivated in: Peru, Bolivia.
Macroscopical Characters: 1- Ovate 2- Apex: Apiculate 3- Entire margin and glabrous surface. 4- Symmetric base. 5- Short petiolate. 6. Midrib and is prominent at lower surface, and 7. Odor: Characteristic, 8- Taste: bitter at first, followed by numbness of tongue and lips. 9. Lamina: simple and dorsiventral.
- The lower surface shows two, very characteristic curved lines, one on either side of the midrib.
Active Constituents: Ecgonine alkaloids (0.7 - 1.5%): - Cocaine - Cinnamoyl cocaine - α,β-Truxilline Alkaloids are mainly localized in the upper epidermis. Special test: 1- One drop of leaf extract numbness of tongue and lips. 2- Leaf extract in 50% alum +saturated KMNO4 solution violet crystalline ppt. (Cocaine permanganate)
Pharmacological action and uses of cocaine 1- Coca leaves were used as CNS stimulant and as tonic. 2- Cocaine hydrochloride, when administered hypodermically or applied on an exposed surface, rapidly paralysis of the sensory nerves and thus produce local anaesthesia So it have the great value in minor surgical operations of the eye, nose, ear ----- etc.