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Jack Todd

What type of computer?. Jack Todd. …For a teacher .

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Jack Todd

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  1. What type of computer? Jack Todd

  2. …For a teacher • A teacher will need a laptop because then they can use it in any classroom and any part of the school. I would recommend an apple mac air because it is the most up to date piece of equipment you can use and it will help you to teach pupils. An up to date software would help you to teach your pupils easier. A teacher may want to store a lot of software on their laptop for lessons. This laptop will store 4Gb of RAM.

  3. …News reporter • The laptop would be a good choice for a news reporter because then they can take it anywhere they want and write a story on it right from the place where the news happened. Also they can write a new story down, spell check it, edit it and make a whole news story just on their laptop. If I was to recommend a laptop, then I would recommend the new HP laptop with 4Gb of memory. It also has an Intel core processor which makes everything a lot faster.

  4. …Web designer • A web designer will most likely use a computer because they will have more access to programmes on a computer than with a laptop because a computer doesn’t move about and the web designer may want to take a picture off their camera and putting it onto their computer. They may also want to upload videos to their website off their video camera or other devices, a computer would help them do this a lot easier. I would recommend to new Hanns.G because you can download the latest windows software.

  5. …For a doctor in a surgery • A doctor in a surgery will want an up to date computer because then they don’t have to move and they can store all of their files of patients details and medical records on it. Also they can view what appointments they have on any day, they can also see what time their appointments are. Doctors can also email other doctors or patients their documents across. I would recommend Lenovo H520s with 8gb of memory and an Intel core i3 processor.

  6. …Traffic Warden • A traffic warden will want a computer device that is handheld and they can easily carry around with them. They will need it to have the latest software so they can use it to write and print off tickets. They will need internet access, a camera, gps and they will need to download their own software onto it so they can do their job properly. They will need it to be shockproof and waterproof because they work outside all the time. For a traffic warden I would recommend the Motorola razr phone because it has two cameras, latest internet, its shock proof and even waterproof.

  7. …CPU Processor • A central processing unit or a CPU is an electronic device that is stored in your computer. It is stored on the motherboard. It carries out the processing of data in a computer system. A CPU processes the data in your computer. There are two different types of memory that are on a CPU. These are ROM and cache memory. ROM memory is read only memory and this cannot be changed. An example of this would be the programme that starts up your computer; this cannot be changed and can only be read. Cache memory is a temporary memory that is used when u start up a programme.

  8. …RAM Memory • Random-access memory (RAM) is a form of computer data storage. A random-access device allows stored data to be accessed in very nearly the same amount of time for any storage location, so data can be accessed quickly in any random order. In contrast, other data storage media such as hard disks, CDs, DVDs and magnetic tape, as well as early primary memory types such as drum memory, read and write data only in a predetermined order, consecutively, because of mechanical design limitations.

  9. …Hard Drive • A hard drive is used to store and retrieve memory that you put on your computer or laptop. The hard drives in a computer 3.5 inches long and 2.5 inches long in a laptop. It can store anything from a terabyte to a gigabyte.

  10. …Wireless enabled • Wireless enabled usually used on a laptop, allows you to access an existing internet connection from anywhere. If you buy a laptop, you can go on the internet wirelessly. This will be the same if you by an I pad or android tablet.

  11. ..USB connection • A Usb port is a part on your computer or laptop that you can put a memory stick in and download, save and access your documents, files, music and videos. There are usually 4-6 USB slots on a computer and 2-4 USB slots on a laptop. I pad's and android tablets nowadays have USB ports on them.

  12. …Graphics card • A graphics card is in your computer or laptop to improve the quality of your picture that shows on your screen. When the graphics card breaks, your screen may become dull or no picture may show on the screen.

  13. …Optical drive • In computing, a computer disk drive (ODD) that uses a laser light or electromagnetic waves near the light spectrum as a part of a disk. If the laser moves your optical drive wont function properly you may have to replace it. The optical drive plays DVD’s, games, CD’s and more.

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