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Principles of Flight

Principles of Flight. Chapter 3 – Stability and Control. Stability. An Aircraft must be stable in flight in order to perform well Also we must be able to control the aircrafts movement. Yaw. Aircraft turns left or right. Controlling - Yaw.

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Principles of Flight

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Principles of Flight Chapter 3 – Stability and Control

  2. Stability • An Aircraft must be stable in flight in order to perform well • Also we must be able to control the aircrafts movement.

  3. Yaw Aircraft turns left or right

  4. Controlling - Yaw • Using the rudder pedals the pilot moves the rudder left or right to change the aircrafts direction.

  5. Pitch Aircrafts noses Up or Down

  6. Controlling - Pitch • Moving the stick forwards/back lifts or lowers the aircrafts nose by generating more or less lift at the tail • It uses Elevators to do this

  7. Roll Aircraft “twists”

  8. Controlling - Roll • Moving the stick left/right rolls the aircraft by generating more lift on one side. • It does this by moving flaps known as Ailerons

  9. Trimming • When an aircraft pitches involuntarily it needs to be trimmed. • Small flaps mounted on the Elevators called “Trimming tabs” jut out from the elevators to increase the camber. • Aileron and Rudder trimming is the same

  10. Flaps • Flaps increase wing camber and/or area

  11. Flaps • Flaps allow aircraft to fly safely at slow speeds • They are mounted on the inside of the wings and can hinge down to increase lift at slow speeds

  12. Slats • Like flaps at the front of the wing • They slide out of the leading edge and are used at low speed • Positioned on leading edge of the wing

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