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" BOTH MATING TYPES OF THE WHEAT PATHOGEN MYCOSPHAERELLA GRAMINICOLA ARE PRESENT IN MOROCCO ". "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT El Batan December 5-10, 2010. Directed by: HAFIDI Majida. Plan. A- Cereals situation in Morocco 1- The importance of cereals in Morocco
"BOTH MATING TYPES OF THE WHEAT PATHOGEN MYCOSPHAERELLA GRAMINICOLA ARE PRESENT IN MOROCCO" "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT El Batan December 5-10, 2010. Directed by: HAFIDI Majida "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
Plan A- Cereals situation in Morocco 1- The importance of cereals in Morocco 2- The principal cereal regions 3- Cereals Production 4- Wheatdiseases in Morocco B- Bothmating types of the wheatpathogenMycosphaerellagraminicola arepresent in Morocco "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
A- Cereals situation in Morocco "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
Location "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
The importance of cereals in Morocco • The cereals sector is one of the main sectors of agricultural production in Morocco. • It plays an important role in the Moroccan economy with regard to the annual grain-sown areas of arable land, the formation of the Gross Agricultural Product (GAP), employment in rural areas and the utilisation of industrial processing capacities. • Indeed, the average annual consumption of cereals is estimated at over 200 kg per capita "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
Cereals Production • The main cereals grown are common wheat, barley, durum wheat and maize. Sorghum and rice are also grown but are of marginal importance. "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
The importance of cereals in Morocco • Its contribution to GAP ranges between 15% and 17%, and it employs just over 30% of the working population; • The sector also provides indirect support for 60% of the population and generates almost 25% of export revenue; • Crop and animal husbandry account for 70% and 30% of GAP respectively; "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
The importance of cereals in Morocco • The main commodities grown are cereals on the one hand and fruit and vegetables on the other, accounting for a share of 45.5% and 47% respectively of the gross value of crops in the 2002-2003 farm year; "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
The principal cereal regions Cereals are grown in the various agro-climatic zones of the country in rotation with other annual crops, the main ones being legumes, industrial crops and fodder crops; "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
The principal cereal regions The principal cereal-growing regions are in the rain-fed plains, arid and semi arid as Chaouia, Abda, Haouz, Tadla, Gharb and Sais, where the vast majority of farms grow cereals, irrespective of their size. "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
Cereals by Agro-climatic zone • The zones classed as favorable and intermediate zones where rainfall varies between 350 mm and 450 mm account for 38% of cereals acreage on average, common and durum wheat being the predominant crops; Distribution of the acreage and output of the main cereals by agro-climatic zone (%) "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
Cereals Production In the period from 1996 to 2004, cereal acreage amounted to almost 5.1 million ha on average.; Over 43% of this acreage was under barley, followed by common wheat (35%) and durum wheat (20%), and the remainder was sown with maize, rice, sorghum; "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
Cereals Production At the same time, cereals output amounted to just over 58 million quintals, common wheat being the predominant crop accounting for 42% of total output, barley 31%, durum wheat 22% and maize 3% ; Yields vary widely from one year to the next depending on weather conditions and do not reflect the efforts made to intensify production; The production has not exceeded 12 quintals/ha on average over the past five years, with 16 quintals/ha in the case of common wheat. "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
Cereals Production For cereal imports, During the period from 1980 to 1995, the average quantities imported amounted to around 20 million quintals; As of 1996, when imports were liberalised, there was an appreciable increase in imports to begin with because the quantities harvested were below average; this was followed by a marked downward trend. "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
Cereals Production A farmer spreads fertilizer on a wheat field . Even if Morocco expects a better harvest than last year, many are concerned about the continued rise in prices. "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
Cereals Production In 2008, Morocco planed to produce 5 million tonnes of wheat , but this may not be sufficient to avoid a price increase; Published results released by the Moroccan Ministry of Agriculture indicate that even if the wheat harvest expected in 2008 is double that of 2007, it remains below the 5.15 million tonnes average over the last decade . The industry had expected a harvest of 5 to 6,000,000 tonnes. "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
Cereals Production If self-sufficiency requires 60 million quintals, this means that Morocco must import 40 percent of its wheat requirements, that is to say 22 million quintals; Predictions of productivity vary from one region to other list. In areas affected by rain, the rate of production is from May to June quintals per hectare. In irrigated areas, the rate rises to 60 quintals per hectare. "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
Cereals Production Meanwhile, Morocco has instituted procedures to ensure that the current agricultural season is going smoothly, including a tax exemption on imports of seed; "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
Cereals Production The April 24, 2008, the Ministry of Agriculture launched the plan "Green Morocco" to develop the agricultural sector and improve its contribution to gross domestic product (GDP) of 100 billion dirhams. Over ten years, the government hopes to improve the supply of food, stimulate agricultural exports of Morocco, and reduce water use. Agricultural activity currently generates 16% of GDP but consumes 80% of the freshwater resources of the country. "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
Wheatdiseases in Morocco Under Moroccan conditions, wheats are subjected to attack by many pathogens able to cause considerable reduction in grain yield and quality; Yield losses assessment studies showed that the major foliar diseases are reducing grain yield by 30% under normal growing conditions whereas total crop failure can be observed when high infections are combined with drought "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
Wheatdiseases in Morocco The disease surveys conducted since 1987 showed that many diseases are encountered in Morocco but the major and the most damaging ones are septoria, tan spot complex, leaf rust, stripe (yellow) rust and root rot. "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
Wheatdiseases in Morocco In the other hand, survey of wheat diseases should be an on going process in order to have updated information and to develop appropriate control measures. It is of paramount interest to have updated information on the most damaging pathogens and to control the eventual occurrence of knew diseases, such as Karnal bunt (Tilletia) , that are a major threat to countries and regions in which they are absent. "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
Wheatdiseases in Morocco Although there is genetic variation in response to most diseases, resources available to national programs limit the number that can be included as a breeding objectives. As a matter of consequence, breeders and pathologists should focus on the most damaging pathogens. "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
Plan A- Cereals situation in Morocco B- Bothmating types of the wheatpathogenMycosphaerellagraminicola are present in Morocco 1- Intriduction 2- Materials & Methods 3- Discussion 4- Conclusion "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
The cereal production occupy a strategic place in the economy; • But yields are low due to a complex of abiotic and biotic constraints; • Morocco currently imports 40% annually of its total needs; . Self-sufficiency can be achieved if all the modern agricultural techniques are implemented. • The wheat crop comes up against fungal diseases, the most limiting factor of production "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
Septoriatriticiblotch Mycosphaerellagraminicola (Septoriatritici) The most importante foliaire disease of wheat in Morocco "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
"Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
M.graminicolais a heterothallicloculoascomycete. • It undergoesbothasexual and sexual reproduction in th field. Pycnidiosporesdispersed over short distance Ascocporesgiven initial infections "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
The aime of thisstudyis to investigate for the first time the occurrence of the twomating types of M.graminicolaunderMoroccan conditions in reltionshipwithsexual reproduction. "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
Sexuel reproduction is possible onlywhen the two compatible mating types MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 are availableat the samegeographiclocality and at the same time point. • Before 2008, bothmating types have been reported in several countries but never in Morocco. "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
"Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
This study is conducted as part of a collaboration between INRA and the Faculty of Sciences, Meknes. It is performed by Ahmed Yassir ELBEKALI, PhD student at the University Moulay Ismail Meknès. "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
During the spring of 2008, 141 singlconidialisolateswereisolatedfrom 4 important wheatproducingregions in Morocco : • Gharb • Saiss • Tadla • Chaouia "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
Isolateswerecollectedfromsampleswheatleavesinfected by the fungus. • 1 to 5 lesionswereused per leaf. • 1 to 8 isolateswereharvested by lesion. "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
After isolation, isolatesweregrown on PDA medium for 3 weeks and thenstoredat -80 C. "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
DNA Extraction and mating type determination • Fungalgenomiswereextractedfrom PDA- growing cultures • Mating type wasdetermined by multiplex PCR amplification • Primersused to amplify a part of the mat1-1 were : • 5’-CCGCTTTCTGGCTTCTTCGCACTG-3’, NT 5494-5517 • 5’-TGCACACCATGGTGAGAGAACCT-3’, NT 5812-5834 "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
For mat1-2 idiomorph, primersused : • 5’-GGCGCCTCCGAAGCAAT-3’, NT 1004861065 • 5’-GATGCCGTTCTGGACT-3’, NT 10685610704 • After amplification, PCR productswereseparated by electrophoresis
Mating type determination Two distinct amplicons of different size wereobserved on the agarose gel 341 pb Mat 1-1 657 pb Mat 1-2 "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
657 pb MAT 1-2 341 pb MAT 1-1 "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
Of a total of 141 isolates, 43% were Mat 1-1 and 57% were Mat 1-2 • Bothmating types wereidentifiedwithin the 3 sampledregions : Gharb, Sais and Chaouia • In Tadla, only Mat 1-2 werefound "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
Bothmating types wereidentifiedtogether 34% of the leaves • On the lesionscale, Mat 1-1 and Mat 1-2 werepresent on 15% of the leavelesions "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
Resultshighlighted the presence of the twomating types of M. graminicolaunderMoroccan conditions; • This resultwasreported in otherregions of the world such as USA, Mexico, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Austria and France • The occurrence of bothmating types suggeste an important potentiel for sexualreproduction in Gharb, Saïs and Chaouia "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
In conclusion, the simultaneouspresence of bothmating types suggestthatsexual reproduction couldbeconfirmed by the study of mating type frequenciesusing a large sample size; • Study of the geneticdiversityusing microsatellite markers (currentresults) couldbealsoconsideredsinceitcangiveinfomation about the impact of sexual reproduction on the fungal populations in Morocco. "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010
Thank you "Wheat Science to textbooks" Workshop CIMMYT. El Batan December 5-10, 2010