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ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN ACTION:SOME SUCCESS STORIES. JEAN CLARKE LEEDS UNIVERSITY BUSINESS SCHOOL. AIMS OF THE LECTURE. To provide students with practical experience of entrepreneurship through examining some “success stories” To provide some theoretical input on role-models
AIMS OF THE LECTURE • To provide students with practical experience of entrepreneurship through examining some “success stories” • To provide some theoretical input on role-models • To outline a number of relevant case studies of entrepreneurs who could potentially be used as role models • To complete group tasks which emphasise utility and importance of role models
ENTREPRENEURIAL ROLE MODELS • Career theorists suggest identification with role models is critical to individual growth and development(Krumboltz, 1996) • Providing nascent entrepreneurs with role models may increase instances of entrepreneurship • Use of role models are limited by their availability – providing case studies can open up opportunities for new role models to be developed • By seeing similar others achieve, this can encourage us to create our own venture
ROLE MODELLING THEORY • The term role model draws on different theoretical traditions. • Role identification theories - individuals emulate people they feel similar to because of their attitudes, behaviours, goals or status position(Foote, 1951; Kohlberg, 1963) • Modelling theories - individuals look to role models to help them learn new tasks skills and norms(Bandura, 1977) • “a person in a social role that an individual perceives to be similar to him or herself…and desires to increase perceived similarity by emulating those attributes”(Gibson, 2002)
ROLE MODEL IDENTIFICATION • The act of identification makes another person a role model, regardless of the role model’s actions(Fisher, 1988). • Identification as social influence process: individuals accept the influence of another person because the other person is attractive or appealing in some way. • Role model represents a goal that individuals would like to attain • By illustrating valued goals, role models help individuals define and develop their self-concept.
A PROCESS OF SOCIAL COMPARISON • Social comparison theory – individuals compare themselves to similar others as basis for assessing abilities and attitudes • Social comparison referents not only used as a basis for assessing current abilities • Individuals may compare themselves to others who are superior to them on some ability/skill • When individuals are presented with a superior other in a relevant field with attainable accomplishments they feel positively about comparison gaining inspiration & motivation(Lockwood and Kunda, 1997)
DISTANCE AND SIMILARITY • Role models may be highly salient and proximal people • May also be leaders in their field (e.g. Richard Branson, Alan Sugar, Bill Gates) who are observed solely through mediated communications • Role models from an individual’s past experience may also exert motivational power • Therefore role models may be distant or close but the key is there must be some level of perceived similarity….
GROUP TASK • Think of some potential entrepreneurial role models • Why did you choose these individuals as role models? • How are they different? • How are they similar? • What is that you would like to achieve that they have? • Present results to other groups
LOCAL/SIMILAR ROLE MODELS • This part of the lecture aims to provide some local, student and academic based companies that have the potential to be used as role models • Firstly local entrepreneurship: An example of what has happened in our region… • Secondly an academic venture - applying cutting-edge research knowledge to the commercial market. • Finally a number of student ventures: examples of what students and recent graduates are doing.
CASE STUDIES: Speed Queen • Venture: Nightclub • Aim: to create safe space for all types of people to appreciate good music, socialise and party • Unique Selling Point • Different from other club nights in Leeds • Embraced sense of fantasy and glamour • Strategy: Convincing others to come on board through developing a strong identity “a little story” or narrative
CASE STUDIES: The UltraCane • Venture: New high-tech product • Aim: to produce new technology which allows blind people to navigate more effectively through increasing the amount of information available about obstacles • Unique Selling Point: looks in two dimensions both in path and head-height – giving more confidence and ability to walk faster than traditional white cane • Strategy; • Interdisciplinary collaboration • Being Entrepreneurial! Productising New Technology
CASE STUDIES: thesmoothiecompany.co.uk • Venture: Alternative healthy eating cafe • Aim: to create Australian style café with fresh fruits, veg. and quality ingredients • Unique Selling Point: Alternative to the traditional UK “greasy caff” • Strategy: • Intensive research, planning and long hours! • Gained regular and ongoing custom through word of mouth, excellent customer service and quality food • Plan to open in other cites, franchise and branch into corporate catering
CASE STUDIES: Fair Trade First • Venture: Fair trade produce broker • Aim: To help small-scale farmers get a fairer price for their goods e.g. coffee, tea, sugar, cocoa and fruit • Unique Selling Point: • Free service helping businesses to source affordable, sustainable goods • Mixing business with strong ethical element • Strategy: • Networking, voluntary work, information gathering • Passionate about service, use of persuasive abilities
CASE STUDIES: Direct D-Stress • Venture: One-to-one Chinese Physiotherapy Massage • Aim: To provide Chinese chair massage to desk-bound clients to companies through Yorkshire • Unique Selling Point: Chair based, clothed massage technique which does not involve oils – it can be done at a client’s desk in their office making it an attractive workplace option • Strategy: • Invest in advertising • Build up regular clients
GROUP TASK • Some ideas were completely new, others were twists on older concepts…yet all were successful entrepreneurial ventures • Attempt to think of these cases as potential role models • Decide in group which case is the most appropriate role model • Why is this the most appropriate role model? • What attributes/skills/abilities of this person do you admire or wish to emulate? • How could you go about doing this? • Why do you think this business was successful? • Present results to other groups