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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. SOCIAL WORK-VIRTUAL CAMPUS. SW-VirCamp Quality Guide
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. SOCIAL WORK-VIRTUAL CAMPUS SW-VirCamp Quality Guide SW-VirCamp Consortium Meeting. Amsterdam. 21-23 april 2010 .
Presentation by: • Prof. Dr. Andrés Arias Astray. • Wp 6 Leader. • School of Social Work. Complutense University (Madrid, Spain)
Agenda: • The Quality Guide (Deliverable 6.1) as defined in the SW-VirCamp project • Presentation: • Context • Aims • Target groups • Structure • Quality Guide • Input/resources standards • Processes & practices standards • Outcome and results standards • Examples of quality indicators • Examples of quality measurements. • Annexes
The Quality Guide (Deliverable 6.1) as defined in the SW-VirCamp project The Quality Guide is a set of written instructions & recommendations that help all the participants in the project to apply relevant national and international quality management rules and regulation in Social Work Higher Education. These instructions and recommendation refer to: • Contents of the curriculum • Technological tools and their application • Administrative and managerial aspects The guide will contain a comprehensive set of quality indicators as well. It will be compiled in an e-report to be published on the project website.
PRESENTATION: Context SW-VirCamp broad objective That social work students will be more competent to meet the needs of a knowledge based, intercultural, social cohesive European society, by means of an International Social Work Specialization on BA level realized via a Virtual Campus. SW-VirCamp specific objectives • To develop an International Social Work Specialization on BA level in Social Work (IS) • To set up a Virtual Campus intermediating/serving this Specialization as an international community • To assure the quality of 1 and 2 by a quality guide • To disseminate, promote and create public awareness in a planned way (dissemination plan, workpackages 5 and 7) about the project results
PRESENTATION: Aims of the quality guide • to serve as a practical guide to agents and target groups involved and affected by the SW-VirCamp project, giving them clear information about: • Main quality principles in the SW-VirCamp project. • Desirable quality standards for each of the main SW-VirCamp project elements (inputs, processes and outputs). • Quantitative and qualitative quality indicators about the fulfillment of the referred standards. • Proposed evaluative methods and instruments in order to measure the referred indicators. • Routine guidelines related to specific SW-VirCamp inputs and processes. • to serve to the internal evaluation of the SW-VirCamp project.
PRESENTATION: Target groups All the persons/agents implied in the community of learners integrating the SW-VirCamp project. That is: students, campus teachers, e-teachers, media and administrative staff, web masters, partner leaders, project leader, & work package leaders.
PRESENTATION: Structure of the quality guide • simple and a friendly user document • States a QUALITY MANIFESTO • follows the conventional distinction in the quality literature • SW-VirCamp INPUTS AND RESOURCES standards, indicators and evaluation methods. • SW-VirCamp PROCESSES AND PRACTICES standards indicators and evaluation methods. • SW-VirCamp OUTCOMES AND RESULTS standards indicators and evaluation methods. • Includes annexes: • SW-VirCamp RUTINE GUIDES for specific inputs and processes. • SW-VirCamp CHECKLISTS. • SW-VirCamp SURVEYS, INTERVIEWS AND FOCUS GROUPS GUIDELINES. • SW-VirCamp QUALITY GUIDE GLOSSARY
SOCIAL WORK-VIRTUAL CAMPUS Quality Guide (Standards)
QUALITY GUIDE: Input/resources Standards • 1. INPUTS AND RESOURCES standards • Standard 1.1 to 1.13 • 2. PROCESSES AND PRACTICES standards • Standard 2.1 to 2.3 • 3. OUTCOMES AND RESULTS standards • Standard 3.1 and 3.5.
QUALITY GUIDE: Input/resources Standards Standard 1.1. SW-VircampConsorium The SW-VirCamp Consortium will offer to social work (and related disciplines) students an educative programme at the BA level that combines international social work online courses/modules, plus study/practice placement abroad, plus the realization of a BA thesis under the SW-VirCamp program. The International Specialization and its components are able to be fully recognized and integrated in the BA curriculum of the student, but SW-VirCamp courses/modules can be studied and recognized as independent courses/modules
QUALITY GUIDE: Input/resources Standards Standard 1.2. SW-VirCamp courses/modules All SW-VirCamp courses/modules (including the Practice Placement abroad and the BA Thesis) are detailed described in a written and public document (Curriculum Plan) that follows common academic conventions and is Bologna aligned. Standard 1.3. Curriculum Plan characteristics The Curriculum Plan is collaboratively prepared by an international group of faculty experts in the content of the course/module. The Curriculum Plan is reviewed and approved by the SW-VirCamp teachers group, the SW-VirCamp Steering Committee, the SW-VirCamp Consortium management group, and external assessors.
QUALITY GUIDE: Input/resources Standards Standard 1.4. Curriculum Plan update The Curriculum Plan of the SW-VirCamp courses is yearly updated and reviewed in order to integrate new developments in the specific content of the courses and the improvements and advices from past participants (students and teachers) and other key agents in the SW-VirCamp project. Standard 1.5. Weekly Program All the SW-VirCamp courses are described in a detailed and informative written online document that on weekly basis will inform its participants about the milestones of the course.
QUALITY GUIDE: Input/resources Standards Standard 1.6. SW-VirCamp courses/modules characteristics SW-VirCamp courses/modules objectives, contents, expected competences and learning outcomes, are in line with the SW-VirCamp project broad objective (that social work students will be more competent to meet the needs of a knowledge based, intercultural, social cohesive European society) Standard 1.7: SW-VirCamp Virtual Campus and LMS platform The SW-VirCampVirtual Campus and the chosen Learning platform allow the fulfilling of the SW-VirCamp project objectives and meet international technical standards of quality.
QUALITY GUIDE: Input/resources Standards Standard 1.8: SW-VirCamp Teaching/learning virtual materials and other learning resources Sw-VirCamp Teaching/learning virtual materials and other learning resources are pedagogically adapted to the SW-VirCamp curricula and technically functional in an e-learning platform (specifically in it’s learning). Standard 1.9. SW-VirCamp promotional material SW-VirCamp promotional material gives to its target groups a clear, informative, real and current idea of the SW-VirCamp objectives and its educative offer.
QUALITY GUIDE: Input/resources Standards Standard 1.10. SW-VirCamp human resources SW-VirCamp human resources work as a community of learners. This community includes selected students, partner leaders and representatives participating in a Consortium and in different specialized groups, and competent e-teachers, internal and external assessors, media and administrative staff. Standard 1.11. SW-VirCamp Consortium agreement The SW-VirCamp project counts with a Consortium agreement in which the functioning of the project and the rights and duties of all the partners involved are cleared and public stated.
QUALITY GUIDE: Input/resources Standards Standard 1.12. SW-VirCamp Quality guide The SW-VirCamp counts with a Quality guide that informs all SW-VirCamp participants and other interested agents about the quality standards of the SW-VirCamp educative and a set of quality indicators for each standard. This Quality guide helps to assure the quality the SW-VirCamp project and serves as a tool to guide the SW-VirCamp yearly internal evaluation. Standard 1.13. SW-VirCamp e-pedagogy training The SW-VirCamp offers e-pedagogy course to future SW-VirCamp e-teachers and advice and support a continuous e-pedagogy training to all SW-VirCamp e-teachers.
QUALITY GUIDE: processes and practices Standards Standard 2.1. SW-VirCamp management of students The SW-VirCamp Consortium has a clear, specific, and public policy for the management of students. Standard 2.2: SW-VirCamp delivery and management of learning The delivery and management of learning under the SW-VirCamp is inspired by the social-cultural learning perspective, and it is produced by a community of learners (community of inquiry) that integrates both students and teachers following the next main pedagogical principles (in line with the Bologna process): student centred, collaborative learning, evidence based learning, competence based learning, reflective learning, task centred and problem based learning, portfolio assessment & transparency.
QUALITY GUIDE: processes and practices Standards Standard 2.3: SW-VirCamp tasks and assignments The use of communication facilities, and the different course tasks and assignments in VirCamp promote academic interchange but also a friendly social interaction among all the community of learners that integrates the educative program
QUALITY GUIDE: Outcome and results Standards Standard 3.1. SW-VirCamp student competences The SW-VirCamp students will acquire competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes) that will help them, as professionals but also as European citizens, to meet the needs of a knowledge based, intercultural, social cohesive European society. Standard 3.2. SW-VirCamp English skills SW-VirCamp students will be able to improve their English skills by participating in the SW-VirCamp educative programme.
QUALITY GUIDE: Outcome and results Standards Standard 3.3. SW-VirCamp student learning skills SW-VirCamp student will acquire the learning skills necessary for successfully completing the SW-VirCamp courses, continued lifelong learning, self-directed learning management, and use of ICT. Standard 3.4. SW-VirCamp ECTS credits At the successful completion of each SW-VirCamp course/module the student will be awarded transferable ECTS credits. When the student complete the entire SW-VirCamp educative program an International Specialization will be recognized in their academic register.
QUALITY GUIDE: Outcome and results Standards Standard 3.5. SW-VirCamp students satisfaction At the completion of the course the students will show satisfaction with the SW-VirCamp educational program.
SOCIAL WORK-VIRTUAL CAMPUS Examples of Quality indicators & measurements
QUALITY GUIDE: Examples of quality indicators Standard 2.2: SW-VirCamp delivery and management of learning The delivery and management of learning under the SW-VirCamp is inspired by the social-cultural learning perspective, and it is produced by a community of learners (community of inquiry) that integrates both students and teachers following the next main pedagogical principles (in line with the Bologna process): student centred, collaborative learning, evidence based learning, competence based learning, reflective learning, task centred and problem based learning, portfolio assessment & transparency.
QUALITY GUIDE: Examples of quality indicators Indicators for Standard 2.2: SW-VirCamp delivery and management of learning (1/3) SW-Vircamp includes approaches to learning that • 2.2.1. Promote active learning. • 2.2.2. Build on student’s previous students competences. • 2.2.3. Promote interaction an collaboration among students and teachers. • 2.2.4. Permit students control over time, place and pace of instruction. • 2.2.5. Promote integration of theory into practice. • 2.2.6. Promote reflection on learning. • 2.2.7. Promote academic writing. • 2.2.8. Promote openness and sharing of knowledge in a transparent classroom. • 2.2.9. Promote students ICT skills. • 2.2.10. Promote students English language skills.
QUALITY GUIDE: Examples of quality indicators Indicators for Standard 2.2: SW-VirCamp delivery and management of learning (2/3) SW-VirCamp make use of instructional strategies that • 2.2.11. Communicates expectations. • 2.2.12. Incorporates an adequate student-teacher ratio. • 2.2.13. Offers on time and constructive feedback to students. • 2.2.14 Combines synchronic and asynchronic tools. SW-VirCamp establish schedules and time tables that are: • 2.2.15 Available from the beginning of the course. • 2.2.16 Flexible • 2.2.17Adequate and realistic.
QUALITY GUIDE: Examples of quality indicators Indicators for Standard 2.2: SW-VirCamp delivery and management of learning (3/3) SW-VirCamp assesses learning: • 2.2.18.That is valid, reliable and relevant for becoming a competent social worker in an international context. • 2.2.19. In terms of the learning outcomes stated in the curriculum plan. • 2.2.20. Periodically and in time. • 2.2.21. Making use of portfolio assessment • 2.2.22. By the help of internal and external expert assessor. • 2.2.23. In a transparent way, allowing all the learners in the community to know the work and what is the feedback to other learners.
QUALITY GUIDE: Examples of quality measurements Standard 1.5. Weekly Program All the SW-VirCamp courses are described in a detailed and informative written online document that on weekly basis will inform its participants about the milestones of the course. Indicators The Weekly Program includes at least the next components: • 1.5.1. Week number and dates. • 1.5.2. Subject to be learnt during the week. • 1.5.3. Learning objectives for the week/period. • 1.5.4. Weekly contents. • 1.5.5. Weekly tasks. • 1.5.6. Tasks deadlines. • 1.5.7. Tasks feedback deadlines. • 1.5.8. Weekly recommended readings. • 1.5.9. Active web links to needed course materials, as screen lectures, triggers, electronic case, etc.
QUALITY GUIDE: Examples of quality measurements Standard 1.5. Weekly Program • Measurement proposed • Checklist, rutine guidelines and peer review procedures can be used to measure the fulfilment of the above indicators. • Students’ feed-back through reflections notes and surveys. • Key persons • Steering committee group. • Teachers group. • Project leader. • SW-VirCamp students. .
QUALITY GUIDE: ANNEXES SW-VirCamp RutineGuidelines SW-VirCamp Checklist SW-VirCamp surveys, interviews and focusgroups SW-VirCamp surveys .