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Data Dashboard 2011. WASHINGTON STATE SCHOOL DIRECTORS’ ASSOCIATION. WSSDA Members. Age. *Age Categories. Traditionalists 1922-45 Baby Boomers 1946-64 Generation X 1965-76 Millenials 1977-98. WSSDA Members. Gender. Ethnicity. WSSDA Members. Tenure. District Size.
WSSDA Members Age *Age Categories Traditionalists 1922-45 Baby Boomers 1946-64 Generation X 1965-76 Millenials 1977-98
WSSDA Members Gender Ethnicity
WSSDA Members Tenure District Size NOTE: Numbers represent full-time equivalent students
Goal 1: Organizational Development WSSDA’s organizational structure and culture effectively and efficiently serve school directors and their districts.
Regional Meetings Attendance (Spring/Fall) • Spring attendance was down, close to ’09 levels, while fall attendance continues to climb. • Spring satisfaction ratings were slightly higher than usual, while fall satisfaction ratings were lower. Satisfaction Rating (Spring/Fall)
2011 Financial Trends: Revenue All Programs Other Income
2011 Financial Trends: Revenue Policy & Legal Services Governmental Relations
2011 Financial Trends: Revenue Annual Conference Leadership Development
2011 Financial Trends: Revenue Communications
2011 Financial Trends: Expenses Salary and Benefits Board and Officers
2011 Financial Trends: Expenses Committee and Task Force Annual Conference
2011 Financial Trends: Expenses Staff Travel and Training Leadership Development
2011 Financial Trends: Expenses Maintenance and Operations Printing
2011 Financial Trends: Expenses Contracted Services NOTE: Contracted services includes consulting services, BoardDocs, Policy Services, EduPortal, and NSBA Dues.
Goal 2: Leadership Development WSSDA is the premier provider of accessible and relevant professional development to build school directors’ leadership skills.
WSSDA Regional Workshops • 2011 workshops were held prior to regional meetings. • This increased the number of workshops and accessibility for members, with minimal cost. • Overall attendance was slightly lower than 2010, due to one particularly large workshop in 2010.
In-District Workshops Number of Workshops • The overall number of in-district workshops was slightly lower in 2011, because it was not the year after an election and the Lighthouse Project ended in June. • OSPI-funded Board Consultation and Data First services are increasingly popular. • Research-based services are strengthening WSSDA’s position as the premier provider of relevant content for boards.
In-District Workshops Revenue vs. Expense • Workshop revenue was in the black for the first time. • This was due to increased fees, decreased subsidies for first-of-year workshops, and less reliance on cadre. • 2011 totals include $19,500 in revenue and expenses for workshops completed using OSPI funds.
Candidate Workshops • In an effort to reduce costs, we reduced the number of candidate workshops offered. • We identified central locations, where most candidates in a region are willing to attend. • Workshops in 2007 had an average attendance of 7. Workshops in 2011 had an average attendance of 19.
Lighthouse Project Participation • 10 boards participated in Lighthouse Project training through June of 2011. • The Lighthouse Project formally concluded in June 2011. • Staff and cadre continue to use concepts and materials developed through the research.
Leadership WSSDA Graduates • Initial cohorts were filled with veteran board members. • In the past four years, we reduced the years of board service required to participate, in order to fill the classes. • This year, some members expressed frustration at the cost of the program. • We are re-thinking how to run Leadership WSSDA in the future.
Leadership WSSDA Revenue vs. Expenses • Expenses have been relatively stable over time. • Tuition appears to have generally covered costs. • Expenses exceeded revenue in 2011, in part, due to one participant paying in the prior year.
Superintendent Searches Searches • Search numbers tend to be cyclical, corresponding to school board elections. • In our current agreement with McPherson & Jacobson, WSSDA receives 15 percent of fees charged. Search Revenue
Customized Services • In the past three years, requests for customized board services increased. • Strategic planning continues to be the most frequently requested customized service. • The difference between expenses and revenues came from a 2010 prepayment for a project that was completed in 2011.
Online Self-Assessment Surveys Taken • 158 school directors and superintendents took the WSSDA Board Self-Assessment in the last quarter of 2011. • These participants represented 72 districts. • This indicates a high level of interest in the board self-assessment. Respondents
Phone and Email Consultation • The Leadership Development Department received approximately 720 requests for help from members and districts in 2011. • Responding to these requests took, on average, 30 minutes. • This new measure provides a baseline for comparison in the future. • These numbers represent our best estimate for consultations that were not part of workshops or customized services.
Annual Conference Attendance • Despite the continued recession, attendance rose to near 2008 levels. • Strong promotion and keynotes and the new location may have contributed to the increase. • Day-long boot camps offered as pre-conference sessions drew the highest attendance in 4 years and were highly rated by attendees.
Annual Conference Attendance General Sessions • Attendance counts confirm that not everyone attends general sessions. • Attendance at the closing session was just over a third of that for the opening session. • This decline is typical.
Annual Conference Satisfaction Percent “good” or “excellent” • Satisfaction ratings reflect this evaluation comment: “2011 was the best conference in many years – perhaps ever.” • High caliber keynote speakers, a more cohesive program of breakout sessions on key topics, and a beautiful new facility contributed to high ratings.
Annual Conference Financial Details Revenue and Expense • Expenses are typically higher on the West side. • Expenses include a portion of staff salaries. • This year’s expenses also included out-sourcing conference management
Annual Pre-Conference Financial Details Revenue and Expense • Increased revenue came from offering all-day sessions that met members’ interests. • This is a success that we plan to continue.
Pre-conference revenues played a bigger role in a healthy bottom line in 2011. Revenues on pre-conference activities grew much more than costs, contributing to the increase in net revenues. Annual Conference Financial Overview Overall Net Revenue Pre-Conference Financials
Goal 3: Advocacy WSSDA and its members exert a positive influence on public education policy. Serving as a unified voice for local school directors, WSSDA fosters effective relationships with other policy makers and organizations to help advance an agenda that supports our legislative proposals and priorities.
Legislative Conference Attendance • Overall attendance was down by about 30 total; WSSDA only down 8. • Feedback was overwhelmingly positive on speakers. • WSSDA to lead the conference “administration” next year.
Legislative Assembly Attendance • Attendance down about 12 percent. • 101 responded to a survey of those who didn’t attend. • Main reasons for not attending: someone else was attending or couldn’t take time off work.
Attendance was down by 7 participants, or 27 percent, from 2010. Some districts reported the cost of the event as a reason they didn’t attend. FRN Attendance
2011 was the first year for this at the annual conference. We received 100 percent good to excellent ratings. We are looking into offering one prior to the Legislative Assembly. Legislative Boot Camp
Monday Call Ins Weekly Legislative Calls • Started 2011 calls in March. • Averaged 10-15 people per call. • From staff perspective, it was helpful to get feedback. Weekly Legislative Call Participants
Goal 4: Governance WSSDA is the foremost source to assist school boards in the ethical performance of their governance responsibility to support student learning in a safe, secure and respectful learning environment.
Online Policy Subscriptions Subscriptions • Subscriptions declined from 161 to 150 last year. • There is no discernible trend in subscriptions. In 2007, the number was 145. • Net revenue also declined in 2011, sliding five percent to $58,770. • This was three percent above revenue for 2007. Net Revenue
Policy News Subscriptions • The number of subscribers to Policy News has slowly and steadily increased since 2007. • The increase was 12 percent over the four years. • Revenue has been stable over the past three years. Revenue
School Law Digest Subscriptions • School districts as well as law firms subscribe to this publication. • This is our lowest priced publication at $125 per year. • Subscriptions and revenue dipped slightly in the past year. • Over time, subscriptions and revenue have been fairly stable. Revenue
BoardDocs Sales Subscriptions • BoardDocs paperless meetings have grown from zero to 24 subscribers. • This growth has resulted in a similar jump in revenues. • Net revenue more than doubled in 2011 to $57,600. • This compared to the previous high of $44,550 in 2008. Net Revenue
WSSDA Policy Consultant Policy Consultations • The popularity of consultations has jumped during the past two years. • This reflects the hard work of the consultant in meeting with local districts to update policies.
Policy and Legal Consultations • Consultations increased by about 18 percent from 2010 to 2011. • Phone consultations increased by the greatest proportion, rising 33 percent to 941. • Email consultations increased by about 9 percent, rising to 1,203.
Goal 5: Communications School directors rely on WSSDA as a recognized provider of relevant, concise, timely information on education issues and association activities, and as a voice for greater awareness of the importance of local school district governance.
Subscribers to eClippings and Leg Update • The popularity of our updates continued to grow last year. • Subscriptions for directors stayed flat in 2011, but increased for others by 337, or 26 percent. • These subscribers include educators, legislators, reporters and others. NOTE: October and November of 2011 are estimated
WSSDA Direct Subscribers • All 1,477 elected school directors receive this newsletter. • School directors and superintendents are the biggest groups of subscribers. • Superintendents, school attorneys and other associations each showed increases. • Overall, the number of requested subscribers increased about 7 percent to 1,102. NOTE: Does not include school directors
Website Total Traffic Total Pageviews • Total website visits increased from 95,800 to 103,300, or 8 percent, from 2010 to 2011. • The number of pages viewed increased by a much greater amount, 18 percent. • There is a seasonal pattern influenced by conference registration, the legislative session and major holidays.