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D. Attié , P. Colas, A. Delbart. T2K/ND280 HA-TPC UPGRADE MEETING October 3, 2019. RMM mechanical & cooling : fixing the 3D model, organization & sharing of tasks RMM production : towards production. Pre-production tests DESY test beam data analysis status (S. Hassani)
D. Attié, P. Colas, A. Delbart T2K/ND280 HA-TPCUPGRADE MEETING October 3, 2019 • RMM mechanical & cooling : fixing the 3D model, organization & sharing of tasks • RMM production : towards production. • Pre-production tests • DESY test beam data analysis status (S. Hassani) • Electronics status (D. Calvet) • review of major milestones
ND280 ToF 93 mm 9,1 mm 10,5 mm 82 mm 2 identicalTPCs, eachwith 8 modules on eachside: 32 modules in total TPC SFGD Mechanics : the TPCscannot support the weight of the FGD TPC ToF Terminology : RMM (ResistiveMicromegas)? ERAM (EncapsulatedResistive Anode MM)? HA-TPC October 3, 2019
MODULE FRAME Workin progress • TPC dimensions update : 820mm x 1865mm • lifting • basket fixation 820x1865 Henry PrzybilskiIFJPAN HA-TPC October 3, 2019
MECHANICS : Evolution of the Lifting device In the WG1 meeting of 18/09 concerns were raised on matter budget added by aluminium lifting bars F.Rossi/J.Porthault IRFU So we propose another one which keep the same “supporting/lifting device” principle, but instead of using aluminium profiles we use a lifting bar system to recover the efforts It could be a good solution to lift the system via the module frame, because both of them represent the 2/3 of the TPC weight HA-TPC October 3, 2019
Before/After comparison = efforts HA-TPC October 3, 2019
Before/After comparison = efforts New simulations see Talk by F.Rossi on Friday HA-TPC October 3, 2019
MechanicalMock-up for design validation And cooling tests • Fix the module in v 3.0 to : • FEC-II: current connector adapter board whose ASICs have been replaced by resistances that can be "heated" make drawings for making the corresponding shell • FEM-II: make the drawings for manufacturing the shell corresponding to the prototype that will be launched in manufacturing this month • Start manufacturing the mechanical elements (for 2 modules): • via Henry? Realization at IRFU/DEDIP (by Marc)? Company (via DIS)? • Make an inventory of the elements necessary for the establishment of the cooling test bench (Marc) launch purchases (chiller, connectors, water tubes, ..) • Mock-up and validation ready by Dec. 20, 2019 • Discussion of a preliminary development plan: • Who does what ? For when ? To validate what? • More generally: the organization of regular INFN+IFAE / IRFU / IFJ-PAN / LPNHE meetings on the mechanical design of the HA-TPC is at a standstill! It is desired by all partners and the IRFU welcome to take care of it HA-TPC October 3, 2019
MM1 module for full size HA-TPC V2.9 (09/2019, underevolution to V3.0) Water cooling pipe bars z=420 mm (36 pads 11,18 mm) Z_max=57 mm FEM FEC#2 FEM FEC#1 FEC#1 F. Rossi/J. Porthault FEC#2 y=340 mm (32 pads 10,09 mm) stiffener z : n beam y : Top-Bot x : TPC drift Final FEC design needed to completethis HA-TPC October 3, 2019
Resistivemicromegas (RMM) Detector production Q4, 2020 HA-TPC October 3, 2019
FEM carapaces production HA-TPC October 3, 2019
Resistive micromegas development ready to fix design of RMM 14 mm Module Frame MM1-DLC1 (~0,25 MW/sq) s~ 3,5 mmfor t=400 ns (~200 ns peaking time) s~ 5mm for t=800 ns (~400 ns peaking time) HA-TPC October 3, 2019
RMM PCB design fixed ref: CERN/IRFU – DFS1991 PCB thickness : 2.21 mm (MM1-DLC1 is ~2.4 mm) 75 mm glue Epoxy (~0,02 mm) isused to fill the gap betweencopper pads A 75 mm thick glue layer isused for the 50 mm Kapton+DLC Whattolerance for the PCB thickness (0.22 mm is standard) ? HA-TPC October 3, 2019
RMM status: preparation of the production phase • Contractual specifications being finalized, on the model of 2008 production • DLC procurement outside the contract to allow iteration. • Quotation by CERN EP-DT (March 2018) being updated. • RMM specifications : • PCB • 34x42 cm2 PCB with 7 mm wide dead zone used to polarize the DLC • 36x32 = 1152 pads ~10,09 x 11,18 mm • HV filter layout modified, mesh connection pad slightly displaced from PCB border • Grounding, PCB stack and layer routing, Hyrose connectors validated (order ?) • DLC • Is the target resistivity of 500 kOhm/sq OK ? Are the actual foils with ~x2 resistivity uniformity OK ? • Can we initiate an order to Be-sputter via CERN for 36 foils (~10 k€) • Or do we ask Be-sputter to improve the foil uniformity, and test with a batch of 7 foils? (A. Ochi contacted) • Micromegas stack and QA/QC • Fixing glue layer thickness can be postponed to the beginning of the production • Specify 50-100 mm ? • QA/QC : I<10nA up to 850 V in dry-air, in a test box to be provided to CERN HA-TPC October 3, 2019
RMM status: preparation of the production phase Market of ~120 k€ Negociationwith the CEA Commercial Department for an OTC (Over-The-Counter) With CERN EP-DT-EF-MDT Replaced by a protection cap supplied by IRFU (Marc Riallot) of which ~250 € per DLC foil HA-TPC October 3, 2019
Protection cap to move the modules (PVC) M. Riallot
Organization of the production and QC test • Tentatively, one possible scenario : • - DLC foils production at BE-Sput (Kyoto), with base material (APICAL) from CERN/EP-DT-EF-MDT • PCB production at CERN ? • Lamination of insulator, DLC foil and application of the mesh (bulk fabrication) at CERN. Connectorsoldering. • Gluing of the PCB on backframe (stiffener) by 2 operators(need a room and a press) • Testing (x-ray gun and 55Fe) and storing • Mounting on the field cage (last twooperations if possible in the same large clean room, class > 10000, with a crane HA-TPC October 3, 2019
RMM final PCB layout corrections Meshconnection HV filter DLC connection DLC HV connector • Defect in the HV filterlayout • Use an external HV filter for MM1-0 • Modification for final PCB : Correct the layout. Keep a possibility to pulse the mesh for studies. HA-TPC October 3, 2019
MM1 PCB RMM PCB final design Connecteur HA-TPC October 3, 2019
2019 single MM1 TPC operation at CERN Bdg 887 EHN1 NP area • TPC leaks • The MIDAS DAQ isready to take data (IFAE) • New cage withcorrectedflange and O-ring compression willbebuilt • NB the VHV socket must besmaller if wewant to use the DESY magnet • HV raised to 34.5 kV yesterday, aftershortingstrips 1, 2, 3 on the cathode side HA-TPC October 3, 2019
QA/QC test benches Havingthemready for production HA-TPC October 3, 2019
RMM test bench M. Riallot aide Warsovie pour la conception mécanique de la chambre de test et prend en charge la réalisation du GF, de la cathode et de la fenêtre mylar HA-TPC October 3, 2019
MORE ON DLC • DLC production in Japan by sputteringmethod • Make the procurementwell in advance, but use available time to optimize the process : resistivity value, uniformity (mightdepend on doping gaz homogeneity, carbontargetalignment, electricfielduniformity…) • It seemsthat pressing the detector to make the bulklowers the resistivity(by ~1/2): to beconfirmed? HA-TPC October 3, 2019
MM1-DLC1 first look : resistivity measurement with CERN “ochi” probe Part of DLC foil #7 used for MM1-DLC1 50x61 cm2 1 4 4 1 HV 3 2 ~265 kW 3 2 ~197 kW ~265 kW ~197 kW In rectangles : measured value outside detector area once the detector isfinished HA-TPC October 3, 2019
Measurements Vs Manufacturing *Rotation of the film 90ºto the right from the origin is assumed as the coating direction. Schematic representation of magnetron sputtering mechanism. HA-TPC October 3, 2019
RESULTS feuille #1 • The measured min. and max. resistivity values are 267 - 728 kΩ. • On the left side of the thin film, the resistivity increases to the right.However, after reaching the highest surface resistivity area the surface resistivity starts to decrease. HA-TPC October 3, 2019
RESULTS feuille #3 • The measured min. and max. resistivity values are 255 - 765 kΩ. • On the left side of the thin film, the resistivity increases to the right.However, after reaching the highest surface resistivity area the surface resistivity starts to decrease. HA-TPC October 3, 2019
RESULTS feuille #4 • The measured min. and max. resistivity values are 275 - 769 kΩ. • On the left side of the thin film, the resistivity increases to the right.However, after reaching the highest surface resistivity area the surface resistivity starts to decrease. HA-TPC October 3, 2019
MM1-DLC2 : resistivity measurement @ CERN with “ochi” probe MM1-DLC2 resistivity– active area side 1 4 221 kW 222 kW 3/ 265 kW 4 / 265 kW Sameresistivity as DLC1 ! HV 247 kW 254 kW 249 kW 3 2 MM1-DLC2 resistivity (CERN “ochi” probe, k=6,79) 4 1 224 kW 220 kW HV HV filter 231 kW 265 kW 197 kW 3 2 176 kW 226 kW 183 kW 265 kW 197 kW Active area side 166 kW 170 kW 1/ 197 kW HA-TPC October 3, 2019
next meetings • A specific PRR for the RMM detector: PCB (incl. DLC & Mesh) + stiffener end of October ? • A Global TPC Design review? • At Saclay, a launching meeting by the end of 2019 • Need for a stabilized global context of ND280 upgrade (MOU, WBS, …) • Finalize project organisation • Update and complete financial assesment • Finalize planning • Risk analysis • Project description to be written HA-TPC October 3, 2019
HA-TPCs final validation @ CERN & installation @ Tokai START COMMISSIONING AT TOKAI mid-October 2021 HA-TPC October 3, 2019
Movingfromdevelopment phase To production : PRR milestones HA-TPC October 3, 2019
FEC production : prototype+preseries for HA-TPC MOD1 tests @ CERN HA-TPC October 3, 2019
FEM production : prototype+preseries for HA-TPC MOD1 tests @ CERN HA-TPC October 3, 2019
FEM production series production HA-TPC October 3, 2019
PROJECT Organization HA-TPC October 3, 2019
Discussion on TESTING : October 3 • Prototype test with the new small cage, 1 module? • Or System test with the final cage, 8 modules? • At DESY, no space for a full field cage, and veryhugeorganization to bringmaterial, install new cables, trigger and fibers, etc… HA-TPC October 3, 2019